
#ifndef BALL_H #define BALL_H class Ball { public: Ball(int x0=0, int y0=0); // 在坐标(x,y)处构造一个小球(小球用字符O表示) void left(int step=1); // 左移step void right(int step=1); // 右移step void up(int step=1); // 上移step void down(int step=1); // 下移step void show(int,int); //根据坐标,显示小球 void whole(int,int,int,int);//弹球 private: int x; // x坐标 int y; // y坐标 }; #endif

#include "ballball.h" #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> // 因为使用了system("cls"); 所以需要包含这个头文件 using std::cout; using std::endl; const int SIZE_X=50; // 小球x轴移动范围0~SIZE_X const int SIZE_Y=50; // 小球y轴移动范围0~SIZE_Y Ball::Ball(int x0, int y0):x(x0), y(y0) { show(x,y); } void Ball::whole(int x,int y,int z,int k){ right(x); left(y); up(z); down(k); } void Ball::left(int step) { x = x-step; if(x <= 0) x=0; show(x,y); } void Ball::right(int step) { x = x+step; if(x >= SIZE_X) x=SIZE_X; show(x,y); } void Ball::up(int step) { y = y-step; if(y <= 0) y=0; show(x,y); } void Ball::down(int step) { y = y+step; if(y >= SIZE_Y) y = SIZE_Y; show(x,y); } void Ball::show(int x0,int y0){ // 清屏 system("cls"); // 打印y0-1行空行 for(int line=1; line <= y0-1; line++) cout << endl; // 打印x0-1个空格 for(int col=1; col <= x0-1; col++) cout << " "; // 打印小球 cout << "O" << endl; }

#ifndef CANVAS_H #define CANVAS #include <string> using std::string; class Canvas { public: Canvas(string bg0="0", string fg0="A"); void changeCanvasBg(string bg0); void changeCanvasFg(string fg0); void changeCanvasColor(string bg0, string fg0); private: string bg; // background color string fg; // foreground color }; #endif

#include "canvascanvas.h" #include <cstdlib> Canvas::Canvas(string bg0, string fg0):bg(bg0), fg(fg0) { string color = "color "; color += bg0; color += fg0; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasBg(string bg0) { bg = bg0; // 更新画布背景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasFg(string fg0) { fg = fg0; // 更新画布前景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasColor(string bg0, string fg0){ bg = bg0; // 更新画布背景色 fg = fg0; // 更新画布前景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); }

#include <iostream> #include "canvascanvas.h" #include "ballball.h" using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include<conio.h> //getch()的头文件 #include<ctime> //使得程序可以取随机数 #include<stdlib.h> int main() { Canvas canvas; char s; srand(time(0)); Ball ball1(10,10); system("pause"); ball1.left(5); system("pause"); ball1.up(20); system("pause"); canvas.changeCanvasFg("E"); // 更新画布前景色 system("pause"); canvas.changeCanvasBg("A"); // 更新画布背景色 system("pause"); cout<<"you can control the ball yourself :)"<<endl; cout<<"through'a'the left,'d'the right,'w'the up and 's' the down"<<endl; cout<<"and,if you donot want to control the ball yourself,just enter 't',and the ball will move ifself :)"<<endl; while(s=getch()){ if(s=='a') ball1.left(1); else if(s=='d') ball1.right(1); else if(s=='w') ball1.up(1); else if(s=='s') ball1.down(1); else if(s=='t') break; } while(int x=rand()%60){ ball1.whole(x,rand()%60,rand()%60,rand()%60); } return 0; }

#ifndef GRAPH_H #define GRAPH_H // 类Graph的声明 class Graph { public: Graph(char ch, int n); // 带有参数的构造函数 void draw(); // 绘制图形 void changegragh(char ch,int n); //改变符号,尺寸 void up(); //上移 void down(); //下移 void left(); //左移 void right(); //右移 private: char symbol; int size; int xx,yy; }; #endif

// 类graph的实现 #include "graph.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include<cstdlib> // 带参数的构造函数的实现 Graph::Graph(char ch, int n): symbol(ch), size(n),xx(0),yy(0) { } // 成员函数draw()的实现 // 功能:绘制size行,显示字符为symbol的指定图形样式 void Graph::draw() { for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) { for(int x=1;x<=size-i;x++) cout<<" "; for(int y=1;y<=2*i-1;y++) cout<<symbol; cout<<endl; } } void Graph::up(){ yy=yy-1; if(yy>=0){ system("cls"); for(int line=1;line<=yy-1;line++) cout<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) { if(xx>=0) for(int line=1;line<=xx-1;line++) cout<<" "; for(int x=1;x<=size-i;x++) cout<<" "; for(int y=1;y<=2*i-1;y++) cout<<symbol; cout<<endl; } } } void Graph::down(){ yy=yy+1; if(yy>=0){ system("cls"); for(int line=1;line<=yy-1;line++) cout<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) { if(xx>=0) for(int line=1;line<=xx-1;line++) cout<<" "; for(int x=1;x<=size-i;x++) cout<<" "; for(int y=1;y<=2*i-1;y++) cout<<symbol; cout<<endl; } } } void Graph::left(){ xx=xx-1; if(xx>=0){ system("cls"); if(yy>=0) for(int line=1;line<=yy-1;line++) cout<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++){ for(int line=1;line<=xx-1;line++) cout<<" "; for(int x=1;x<=size-i;x++) cout<<" "; for(int y=1;y<=2*i-1;y++) cout<<symbol; cout<<endl; } } } void Graph::right(){ xx=xx+1; if(xx>=0){ system("cls"); if(yy>=0) for(int line=1;line<=yy-1;line++) cout<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++){ for(int line=1;line<=xx-1;line++) cout<<" "; for(int x=1;x<=size-i;x++) cout<<" "; for(int y=1;y<=2*i-1;y++) cout<<symbol; cout<<endl; } } } void Graph::changegragh(char ch,int n){ system("pause"); //清屏 system("cls"); symbol=ch; size=n; }

#ifndef CANVAS_H #define CANVAS #include <string> using std::string; class Canvas { public: Canvas(string bg0="0", string fg0="A"); void changeCanvasBg(string bg0); void changeCanvasFg(string fg0); void changeCanvasColor(string bg0, string fg0); private: string bg; // background color string fg; // foreground color }; #endif

#include "canvascanvas.h" #include <cstdlib> Canvas::Canvas(string bg0, string fg0):bg(bg0), fg(fg0) { string color = "color "; color += bg0; color += fg0; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasBg(string bg0) { bg = bg0; // 更新画布背景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasFg(string fg0) { fg = fg0; // 更新画布前景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); } void Canvas::changeCanvasColor(string bg0, string fg0){ bg = bg0; // 更新画布背景色 fg = fg0; // 更新画布前景色 string color = "color "; color += bg; color += fg; system(color.c_str()); }

#include <iostream> #include "graph.h" #include"canvascanvas.h" using namespace std; #include<conio.h> int main() { Canvas canvas1; canvas1.changeCanvasColor("0","A"); //图形的前景色,背景色的设置和调整 Graph graph1('*',5); graph1.draw(); graph1.changegragh('#',6); graph1.draw(); system("pause"); system("cls"); Graph graph2('$',7); graph2.draw(); cout<<"you can control it yourself :)"<<endl; cout<<"through'a'the left,'d'the right,'w'the up and 's' the down"<<endl; cout<<"and,if you donot want to control the ball yourself,just enter 't',and the ball will move ifself :)"<<endl; while(char s=getch()){ if(s=='a') graph2.left(); else if(s=='d') graph2.right(); else if(s=='w') graph2.up(); else if(s=='s') graph2.down(); else if(s=='t') break; } return 0; }

#ifndef FRACTION_H #define FRACTION_H #include<iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; class Fraction{ public: Fraction(int top=0,int bottom=1):top(top),bottom(bottom){ if(bottom==0) cout<<"the fenmu should not be 0"<<endl; } void guifan(); //规范化处理 int maxfactor(int,int); //求最大公约数 void add(Fraction,Fraction); void reduce(Fraction,Fraction); void cheng(Fraction,Fraction); void chu(Fraction,Fraction); void compare(Fraction,Fraction); double output(); //输出小数形式的值 int gettop(){ //取出分子 return top; } int getbottom(){ //取出分母 return bottom; } private: int top; //分子 int bottom; //分母 }; #endif

#include<iostream> #include"Fraction.h" using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include<cmath> void Fraction::add(Fraction a,Fraction b){ //计算相加 int fenmu,fenzi; fenmu=a.bottom*b.bottom; fenzi=a.top*b.bottom+b.top*a.bottom; int t=maxfactor(abs(fenmu),abs(fenzi)); //最大公约数 fenmu=fenmu/t; fenzi=fenzi/t; top=fenzi; bottom=fenmu; } void Fraction::reduce(Fraction a,Fraction b){ //计算相减 int fenmu,fenzi; fenmu=a.bottom*b.bottom; fenzi=a.top*b.bottom-b.top*a.bottom; int t=maxfactor(abs(fenmu),abs(fenzi)); //最大公约数 fenmu=fenmu/t; fenzi=fenzi/t; top=fenzi; bottom=fenmu; } void Fraction::cheng(Fraction a,Fraction b){ //相乘 int fenzi,fenmu; fenmu=a.bottom*b.bottom; fenzi=a.top*b.top; int t=maxfactor(abs(fenmu),abs(fenzi)); //最大公约数 fenmu=fenmu/t; fenzi=fenzi/t; top=fenzi; bottom=fenmu; } void Fraction::chu(Fraction a,Fraction b){ //相除 int fenzi,fenmu; fenmu=a.bottom*b.top; fenzi=a.top*b.bottom; int t=maxfactor(abs(fenmu),abs(fenzi)); //最大公约数 fenmu=fenmu/t; fenzi=fenzi/t; top=fenzi; bottom=fenmu; } void Fraction::compare(Fraction a,Fraction b){//比较大小 Fraction c; c.reduce(a,b); if(c.top*c.bottom<0) cout<<a.top<<"/"<<a.bottom<<" < "<<b.top<<"/"<<b.bottom<<endl; else if(c.top*c.bottom==0) cout<<a.top<<"/"<<a.bottom<<" = "<<b.top<<"/"<<b.bottom<<endl; else cout<<a.top<<"/"<<a.bottom<<" > "<<b.top<<"/"<<b.bottom<<endl; } void Fraction::guifan(){ //规范 if(bottom<0) { top=-top; bottom=-bottom; } } int Fraction::maxfactor(int x,int y){ //最大公约数 while(x%y!=0){ int c=x%y; x=y; y=c; } return y; } double Fraction::output(){ //输出小数形式 return ((double)top/(double)bottom); }

#include"Fraction.h" using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int main(){ Fraction a(2,-8); Fraction b(2,3); Fraction c; //分别以小数形式输出a,b,c的值 cout<<"the result of a is:"<<a.output()<<endl; cout<<"the result of b is:"<<b.output()<<endl; cout<<"the result of c is:"<<c.output()<<endl<<endl; //a与b相加并且求值 c.add(a,b); c.guifan(); cout<<"c.top="<<c.gettop()<<",c.bottom="<<c.getbottom()<<endl; cout<<"the result is:"<<c.output()<<endl<<endl; //a与b相减并且求值 c.reduce(a,b); c.guifan(); cout<<"c.top="<<c.gettop()<<",c.bottom="<<c.getbottom()<<endl; cout<<"the result is:"<<c.output()<<endl<<endl; //a与b相乘并且求值 c.cheng(a,b); c.guifan(); cout<<"c.top="<<c.gettop()<<",c.bottom="<<c.getbottom()<<endl; cout<<"the result is:"<<c.output()<<endl<<endl; c.chu(a,b); c.guifan(); cout<<"c.top="<<c.gettop()<<",c.bottom="<<c.getbottom()<<endl; cout<<"the result is:"<<c.output()<<endl<<endl; c.compare(a,b); return 0; }