
WebView2 系列之- ts 向 c# 传递文件对象


WebView2 中,前端到后端的消息传递,通常是不支持传递对象的。但是我在查阅官方文档时发现了一个例外,那就是方法postMessageWithAdditionalObjects


webview2中,前端 js 向后端传递消息通常使用 window.chrome.webview.postMessage 方法,postMessage的定义如下:

     * When the page calls postMessage, the message parameter is converted to JSON and is posted
     * asynchronously to the WebView2 host process. This will result in either the
     * CoreWebView2.WebMessageReceived event or the CoreWebView2Frame.WebMessageReceived event being
     * raised, depending on if postMessage is called from the top-level document in the WebView2
     * or from a child frame. See CoreWebView2.WebMessageReceived( Win32/C++, .NET, WinRT).
     * See CoreWebView2Frame.WebMessageReceived( Win32/C++, .NET, WinRT).
     * @param message The message to send to the WebView2 host. This can be any object that can be
     *                serialized to JSON.
    postMessage(message: any) : void;

当我们使用postMessage传递任何数据类型时,都将被转为 json 字符串进行传递。

postMessageWithAdditionalObjects 接受两个参数,第一个参数和postMessage的参数一样,第二个参数允许传递一个 js 对象列表,它会被转换为原生代码中对应的类。

     * When the page calls `postMessageWithAdditionalObjects`, the `message` parameter is sent to WebView2 in the same
     * fashion as {@link WebView.postMessage}.
     * Objects passed as 'additionalObjects' are converted to their native types and will be available in the
     * `CoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs.AdditionalObjects` property.
     * @param message The message to send to the WebView2 host. This can be any object that can be serialized to JSON.
     * @param additionalObjects A sequence of DOM objects that have native representations in WebView2.
     * This parameter needs to be ArrayLike.
     * The following DOM types are mapped to native:
     * DOM    | Win32              | .NET                | WinRT
     * ------ | ------------------ | ------------------- | ---------------------------
     * File   | ICoreWebView2File  | System.IO.FileInfo  | Windows.Storage.StorageFile
     * `null` or `undefined` entries will be passed as `null` type in WebView2. Otherwise if an invalid or unsupported
     * object is passed via this API, an exception will be thrown and the message will fail to post.
    postMessageWithAdditionalObjects(message: any, additionalObjects: ArrayLike<any>): void;




 <input id="file" type="file" value="选择文件" accept="*/*"/>
import {onMounted} from "vue";

onMounted(() => {
  const file = document.querySelector("#file") as HTMLInputElement | null;
  file?.addEventListener("change", () => {
    if (file.files != null) {
      window.chrome.webview.postMessageWithAdditionalObjects("files", file.files);//files的类型是 FileList


#region 监听前端消息

webview.CoreWebView2.WebMessageReceived += CoreWebView2OnWebMessageReceived;


private void CoreWebView2OnWebMessageReceived(object? sender, CoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
    var message = e.TryGetWebMessageAsString();
    var objs = e.AdditionalObjects;
    var a = e.Source;






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