六、mysql API调用
class queue.Queue(maxsize=0) #先入先出
class queue.LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #last in fisrt out
class queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize=0) #存储数据时可设置优先级的队列
import queue class Foo(object): def __init__(self,n): self.n = n #先进先出 q = queue.Queue(maxsize=3) # q.get(timeout=3) #当队列为空时,get值会阻塞,加timeout参数后,会报错 # q.get_nowait() #与上面一样的效果 q.put([1,2,3]) q.put(Foo(1)) data = q.get_nowait() data2 = q.get_nowait() print(data,type(data)) print(data2,type(data2)) #输出结果 # [1, 2, 3] <class 'list'> # <__main__.Foo object at 0x000001E060337278> <class '__main__.Foo'> print("-----------------") print(q.full()) #判断队列里数据是否满了,满为True,未满为False。 print(q.qsize())#查看现在队列的大小(队列中有多少个数据) print(q.empty())#判断队列是否为空 print("---------------") #先入后出 q = queue.LifoQueue(maxsize=3) q.put(1) q.put(2) q.put(3) print(q.get_nowait()) print(q.get_nowait()) print(q.get_nowait()) #输出结果 # 3 # 2 # 1 print("---------------") #可设施优先级的队列 q = queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize=5) q.put((15,1)) q.put((5,2)) q.put((7,3)) q.put((1,[1,2,3])) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) #输出结果 # (1, [1, 2, 3]) # (5, 2) # (7, 3) # (15, 1)
import queue,threading import time,random q = queue.Queue() def producer(name): count = 0 while q.qsize() < 20: time.sleep(random.randrange(4)) q.put(count) print("producer %s has produced %s baozi.." %(name,q.qsize())) count += 1 def consumer(name): count = 0 while count <20: time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) if not q.empty(): data2 = q.get_nowait() print('\033[32;1mconsumer %s has eat %s baozi...\033[0m' %(name,count)) else: print("-----no baozi anymore-----") count += 1 p1 = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=("XiaoLi",)) p2 = threading.Thread(target=producer,args=("XiaoMin",)) c1 = threading.Thread(target=consumer,args=("PangZi",)) p1.start() p2.start() c1.start()
- 无需线程上下文切换的开销
- 无需原子操作锁定及同步的开销
- 方便切换控制流,简化编程模型
- 高并发+高扩展性+低成本:一个CPU支持上万的协程都不是问题。所以很适合用于高并发处理。
- 无法利用多核资源:协程的本质是个单线程,它不能同时将 单个CPU 的多个核用上,协程需要和进程配合才能运行在多CPU上.当然我们日常所编写的绝大部分应用都没有这个必要,除非是cpu密集型应用。
- 进行阻塞(Blocking)操作(如IO时)会阻塞掉整个程序
import time,queue def consumer(name): print("--->starting eating baozi...") while True: new_baozi = yield print("[%s] is eating baozi %s" %(name,new_baozi)) def producer(): r = con.__next__() r = con2.__next__() n = 0 while n < 5: n+=1 con.send(n) con2.send(n) print("\033[32;1m[producer]\033[0m is making baozi %s"%n) if __name__ == '__main__': con = consumer("c1") con2 = consumer("c2") p = producer()
from greenlet import greenlet def test1(): print("12") gr2.switch() print("34") gr2.switch() def test2(): print("56") gr1.switch() print("78") gr1 = greenlet(test1) gr2 = greenlet(test2) gr1.switch()
Gevent 是一个第三方库,可以轻松通过gevent实现并发同步或异步编程,在gevent中用到的主要模式是Greenlet, 它是以C扩展模块形式接入Python的轻量级协程。 Greenlet全部运行在主程序操作系统进程的内部,但它们被协作式地调度。
import gevent def foo(): print('\033[31;1mRunning in foo\033[0m') gevent.sleep(1) print("\033[31;1mExplicit context switch to foo again\033[0m") def bar(): print('\033[32;1mRunning in foo\033[0m') gevent.sleep(1) print("\033[32;1mExplicit context switch to foo again\033[0m") def ex(): print('\033[33;1mRunning in foo\033[0m') gevent.sleep(1) print("\033[33;1mExplicit context switch to foo again\033[0m") gevent.joinall( [ gevent.spawn(foo), gevent.spawn(bar), gevent.spawn(ex), ] )
。 初始化的greenlet列表存放在数组threads
函数,后者阻塞当前流程,并执行所有给定的greenlet。执行流程只会在 所有greenlet执行完后才会继续向下走。
from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all() import gevent from urllib.request import urlopen def f(url): print('GET: %s' % url) resp = urlopen(url) data = resp.read() print('%d bytes received from %s.' % (len(data), url)) gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.python.org/'), gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.yahoo.com/'), gevent.spawn(f, 'https://github.com/'), ])
import gevent from gevent import socket,monkey monkey.patch_all() def server(port): s = socket.socket() s.bind(('', port)) s.listen(500) while True: cli, addr = s.accept() gevent.spawn(handle_request, cli) def handle_request(s): try: while True: data = s.recv(1024) print("recv:", data) s.send(data) if not data: s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except Exception as ex: print(ex) finally: s.close() if __name__ == '__main__': server(8001)
client 端
import socket HOST = 'localhost' # The remote host PORT = 8001 # The same port as used by the server s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((HOST, PORT)) while True: msg = bytes(input(">>:"),encoding="utf8") s.sendall(msg) data = s.recv(1024) #print(data) print('Received', repr(data)) s.close()

1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 import select 5 import socket 6 import sys 7 import queue 8 9 # Create a TCP/IP socket 10 server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #创建socket实例 11 server.setblocking(False) #设置套接字为非阻塞 12 13 # Bind the socket to the port 14 server_address = ('localhost', 20000) #设置通信地址 15 print(sys.stderr, 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address) #如果有错误,打印错误 16 server.bind(server_address) #绑定通信地址 17 18 # Listen for incoming connections 19 server.listen(5) #最大监听5个链接 20 21 # Sockets from which we expect to read 22 #select()会监控三个通信列表, 23 inputs = [ server ] #定义一个所有的输入 24 25 # Sockets to which we expect to write 26 outputs = [ ] #定义一个所有的输出 27 28 message_queues = {} 29 while inputs: #客户端过来的所有实例,都放到inputs里,要使inputs为True,将server放入 30 31 # Wait for at least one of the sockets to be ready for processing 32 print( '\nwaiting for the next event') 33 readable, writable, exceptional = select.select(inputs, outputs, inputs,2) #将三个list传给select后,select会返回三个新的list,分别为可读,可写,异常。 34 # 35 36 37 # Handle inputs 38 for s in readable: #循环readable,里面有当前所有链接和server,如果server返回到readable里,代表着有新连接,server就绪。 39 40 if s is server: #new connection #如果server就绪,则有新链接 41 # A "readable" server socket is ready to accept a connection 42 connection, client_address = s.accept() #接收新链接 43 print('new connection from', client_address) #打印 44 connection.setblocking(False) #设置新链接为非阻塞 45 inputs.append(connection) #将新连接存入inputs里,当下次select时,检测此链接,若有数据则会返回此链接,则接受 46 47 # Give the connection a queue for data we want to send 48 message_queues[connection] = queue.Queue() #生成一个此链接的队列,放入message_queues字典 49 else: #如果不是server,代表有数据过来 50 data = s.recv(1024) #接受数据 51 if data: #如果data有数据 52 # A readable client socket has data 53 print(sys.stderr, 'received "%s" from %s' % (str(data,'utf8'), s.getpeername()) ) #打印data 54 message_queues[s].put(str(data,'utf8')) #把data放入字典中相应的链接列表 55 # Add output channel for response 56 if s not in outputs: #如果此链接不再outputs里 57 outputs.append(s) #把新的链接放入outputs 58 else: #如果data没有数据,(出错了) 59 # Interpret empty result as closed connection 60 print('closing', client_address, 'after reading no data') #打印 61 # Stop listening for input on the connection 62 if s in outputs: #如果链接在outpus里 63 outputs.remove(s) #既然客户端都断开了,我就不用再给它返回数据了,所以这时候如果这个客户端的连接对象还在outputs列表中,就把它删掉 64 inputs.remove(s) #inputs中也删除掉 65 s.close() #把这个连接关闭掉 66 67 # Remove message queue 68 del message_queues[s] #把此链接在字典中的列表也删除 69 # Handle outputs 70 for s in writable: #循环发送队列,查找这个链接 71 try: 72 next_msg = message_queues[s].get_nowait() #获取发送的数据 73 except queue.Empty: #如果为空 74 # No messages waiting so stop checking for writability. 75 print('output queue for', s.getpeername(), 'is empty') 76 outputs.remove(s) #将outputs中的这个链接删除 77 else: #如果取到数据 78 print( 'sending "%s" to %s' % (next_msg, s.getpeername())) 79 s.send(bytes(next_msg,'utf8')) #发送数据给客户端 80 # Handle "exceptional conditions" 81 for s in exceptional: #客户端断开后,句柄错误,返回到exceptional 82 print('handling exceptional condition for', s.getpeername() ) 83 # Stop listening for input on the connection 84 inputs.remove(s) #删除inputs中的句柄 85 if s in outputs: #如果句柄在outputs中 86 outputs.remove(s) #将outputs中的句柄删除 87 s.close() #关闭链接 88 89 # Remove message queue 90 del message_queues[s] #删除此链接在message_queues中的列表

1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 import socket 4 import sys 5 #消息列表 6 messages = [ 'This is the message. ', 7 'It will be sent ', 8 'in parts.', 9 ] 10 server_address = ('localhost', 20000) #设置通信地址 11 12 # Create a TCP/IP socket 13 #配置链接组 14 socks = [ socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), 15 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), 16 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), 17 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), 18 ] 19 20 # Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening 21 print(sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_address) #打印链接信息 22 for s in socks: #循环链接配置组 23 s.connect(server_address) #链接服务器 24 25 for message in messages: #循环消息列表 26 27 # Send messages on both sockets 28 for s in socks: #循环链接组 29 print(sys.stderr, '%s: sending "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), message)) #打印链接信息与消息 30 s.send(bytes(message,"utf8")) #向服务器端发送消息 31 32 # Read responses on both sockets 33 for s in socks: #循环链接组 34 data = s.recv(1024) #接受服务端发来的数据 35 print(sys.stderr, '%s: received "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), str(data,'utf8'))) #打印消息 36 if not data: #如果接受的数据为空 37 print(sys.stderr, 'closing socket', s.getsockname()) #打印出错信息 38 s.close() #关闭连接
This module allows high-level and efficient I/O multiplexing, built upon the select module primitives. Users are encouraged to use this module instead, unless they want precise control over the OS-level primitives used.

1 import selectors 2 import socket 3 4 sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() 5 6 def accept(sock, mask): 7 conn, addr = sock.accept() # Should be ready 8 print('accepted', conn, 'from', addr) 9 conn.setblocking(False) 10 sel.register(conn, selectors.EVENT_READ, read) 11 12 def read(conn, mask): 13 data = conn.recv(1000) # Should be ready 14 if data: 15 print('echoing', repr(data), 'to', conn) 16 conn.send(data) # Hope it won't block 17 else: 18 print('closing', conn) 19 sel.unregister(conn) 20 conn.close() 21 22 sock = socket.socket() 23 sock.bind(('localhost', 10000)) 24 sock.listen(100) 25 sock.setblocking(False) 26 sel.register(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, accept) 27 28 while True: 29 events = sel.select() 30 for key, mask in events: 31 callback = key.data 32 callback(key.fileobj, mask)
poll在1986年诞生于System V Release 3,它和select在本质上没有多大差别,但是poll没有最大文件描述符数量的限制。
另外,select()和poll()将就绪的文件描述符告诉进程后,如果进程没有对其进行IO操作,那么下次调用select()和poll()的时候将再次报告这些文件描述符,所以它们一般不会丢失就绪的消息,这种方式称为水平触发(Level Triggered)。
epoll可以同时支持水平触发和边缘触发(Edge Triggered,只告诉进程哪些文件描述符刚刚变为就绪状态,它只说一遍,如果我们没有采取行动,那么它将不会再次告知,这种方式称为边缘触发),理论上边缘触发的性能要更高一些,但是代码实现相当复杂。
import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect("某IP地址",22,"用户名", "口令(密码)") stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("你的命令") print stdout.readlines() ssh.close()
import paramiko t = paramiko.Transport(("某IP地址",22)) t.connect(username = "用户名", password = "口令") sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) remotepath='/tmp/test.txt' localpath='/tmp/test.txt' sftp.put(localpath,remotepath) t.close()
import paramiko t = paramiko.Transport(("某IP地址",22)) t.connect(username = "用户名", password = "口令") sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) remotepath='/tmp/test.txt' localpath='/tmp/test.txt' sftp.get(remotepath, localpath) t.close()
show databases; use [databasename]; create database [name];
show tables; create table students ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name char(8) not null, sex char(4) not null, age tinyint unsigned not null, tel char(13) null default "-" );
insert into students(name,sex,age,tel) values('alex','man',18,'151515151') delete from students where id =2; update students set name = 'sb' where id =1; select * from students
主键 外键 左右连接
mysql API操作
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() reCount = cur.execute('insert into day9(Name,Address) values(%s,%s)',('tom','usa')) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() li =[ ('tonny','cn'), ('xiaoming','cn'), ] reCount = cur.executemany('insert into day9(Name,Address) values(%s,%s)',li) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() reCount = cur.execute('delete from day9') conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() reCount = cur.execute('update day9 set Name = %s',('alin',)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() reCount = cur.execute('select * from day9') res = cur.fetchone() #查询一条 #res = cur.fetchall() #查询全部 #res = cur.fetchmany(3) #查询几条 print(res)
conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='123',db='s12') cur = conn.cursor() reCount = cur.execute('insert into day9(Name,Address) values(%s,%s)',('tom','usa')) reCount = cur.execute('insert into day9(Name,Address) values(%s,%s)',('cat','hk'))
conn.rollback()#回滚操作 conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print reCount