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function Range(from,to){
    this.from =from;
    this.to =to;
Range.prototype = {
        return this.from<=x &&this.to >=x;
        for(var x = Math.ceil(this.from);x<=this.to;x++){
        return "("+this.from+"..."+this.to+")";
var r= new Range(1,3);
// 可以借鉴下面这种用法
r.foreach(alert); // 弹出三次



function SuperType() {
    this.property = true;
SuperType.prototype.superMethod = function () {

function LowType() {
    this.lowProperty = true;
function inheritPrototype(subType, superType) {
    var prototype1 = object(superType.prototype);
    prototype1.constructor = subType;
    subType.prototype = prototype1;
inheritPrototype(LowType, SuperType);
LowType.prototype.lowMethod = function () {
var lowType = new LowType();



/* @article https://johnresig.com/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/
 * Simple JavaScript Inheritance
 * By John Resig http://ejohn.org/
 * MIT Licensed.

// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
(function () {
    var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function () {
    }) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
    // The base Class implementation (does nothing)
    this.Class = function () {

    // Create a new Class that inherits from this class
    Class.extend = function (prop) {
        var _super = this.prototype;
        // Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
        // don't run the init constructor)
        initializing = true;
        var prototype = new this();
        initializing = false;

        // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
        for (var name in prop) {
            // Check if we're overwriting an existing function
            prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
            typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
                    (function (name, fn) {
                        return function () {
                            var tmp = this._super;
                            // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
                            // but on the super-class
                            this._super = _super[name];

                            // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
                            // remove it when we're done executing
                            var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
                            this._super = tmp;
                            return ret;
                    })(name, prop[name]) :

        // The dummy class constructor
        function Class() {
            // All construction is actually done in the init method
            if (!initializing && this.init)
                this.init.apply(this, arguments);

        // Populate our constructed prototype object
        Class.prototype = prototype;
        // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
        Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
        // And make this class extendable
        Class.extend = arguments.callee;
        return Class;



var Class = (function () {
    // Class
    // -----------------
    // Thanks to:
    //  - http://mootools.net/docs/core/Class/Class
    //  - http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/
    //  - https://github.com/ded/klass
    //  - http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Model-extend
    //  - https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/util.js
    //  - https://github.com/kissyteam/kissy/blob/master/src/seed/src/kissy.js

    // The base Class implementation.
    function Class(o) {
        // Convert existed function to Class.
        if (!(this instanceof Class) && isFunction(o)) {
            return classify(o)

    // Create a new Class.
    //  var SuperPig = Class.create({
    //    Extends: Animal,
    //    Implements: Flyable,
    //    initialize: function() {
    //      SuperPig.superclass.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
    //    },
    //    Statics: {
    //      COLOR: 'red'
    //    }
    // })
    Class.create = function (parent, properties) {
        if (!isFunction(parent)) {
            properties = parent
            parent = null

        properties || (properties = {})
        parent || (parent = properties.Extends || Class)
        properties.Extends = parent

        // The created class constructor
        function SubClass() {
            // Call the parent constructor.
            parent.apply(this, arguments)

            // Only call initialize in self constructor.
            if (this.constructor === SubClass && this.initialize) {
                this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)

        // Inherit class (static) properties from parent.
        if (parent !== Class) {
            mix(SubClass, parent, parent.StaticsWhiteList)

        // Add instance properties to the subclass.
        implement.call(SubClass, properties)

        // Make subclass extendable.
        return classify(SubClass)

    function implement(properties) {
        var key, value

        for (key in properties) {
            value = properties[key]

            if (Class.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                Class.Mutators[key].call(this, value)
            } else {
                this.prototype[key] = value

    // Create a sub Class based on `Class`.
    Class.extend = function (properties) {
        properties || (properties = {})
        properties.Extends = this

        return Class.create(properties)

    function classify(cls) {
        cls.extend = Class.extend
        cls.implement = implement
        return cls

    // Mutators define special properties.
    Class.Mutators = {

        'Extends': function (parent) {
            var existed = this.prototype
            var proto = createProto(parent.prototype)

            // Keep existed properties.
            mix(proto, existed)

            // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect.
            proto.constructor = this

            // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`.
            this.prototype = proto

            // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is
            // needed later.
            this.superclass = parent.prototype

        'Implements': function (items) {
            isArray(items) || (items = [items])
            var proto = this.prototype, item

            while (item = items.shift()) {
                mix(proto, item.prototype || item)

        'Statics': function (staticProperties) {
            mix(this, staticProperties)

    // Shared empty constructor function to aid in prototype-chain creation.
    function Ctor() {

    // See: http://jsperf.com/object-create-vs-new-ctor
    var createProto = Object.__proto__ ?
            function (proto) {
                return {__proto__: proto}
            } :
            function (proto) {
                Ctor.prototype = proto
                return new Ctor()

    // Helpers
    // ------------

    function mix(r, s, wl) {
        // Copy "all" properties including inherited ones.
        for (var p in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
                if (wl && indexOf(wl, p) === -1) continue

                // 在 iPhone 1 代等设备的 Safari 中,prototype 也会被枚举出来,需排除
                if (p !== 'prototype') {
                    r[p] = s[p]

    var toString = Object.prototype.toString

    var isArray = Array.isArray || function (val) {
                return toString.call(val) === '[object Array]'

    var isFunction = function (val) {
        return toString.call(val) === '[object Function]'

    var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf ?
            function (arr, item) {
                return arr.indexOf(item)
            } :
            function (arr, item) {
                for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (arr[i] === item) {
                        return i
                return -1

    return Class



// http://g.alicdn.com/thx/brix-release/1.0.0-beta.9/brix-base/dist/base-debug.js

var _ = {}
var toString = Object.prototype.toString

_.each = function (obj, iterator, context) {
    if (obj === null || obj === undefined) return obj
    if (obj.forEach) {
        obj.forEach(iterator, context);
    } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
        for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
            iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj)
    } else {
        for (var prop in obj) {
            iterator.call(context, obj[prop], prop, obj)
    return obj

_.each('Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error'.split(' '), function (name) {
    _['is' + name] = function (obj) {
        return toString.call(obj) == '[object ' + name + ']'
_.extend = function () {
    var target = arguments[0]
    var index = 1
    var length = arguments.length
    var deep = false
    var options, name, src, copy, clone

    if (typeof target === "boolean") {
        deep = target
        target = arguments[index] || {}

    if (typeof target !== "object" && typeof target !== "function") {
        target = {}

    if (length === 1) {
        target = this
        index = 0

    for (; index < length; index++) {
        options = arguments[index]
        if (!options) continue

        for (name in options) {
            src = target[name]
            copy = options[name]

            if (target === copy) continue
            if (copy === undefined) continue

            if (deep && (_.isArray(copy) || _.isObject(copy))) {
                if (_.isArray(copy)) clone = src && _.isArray(src) ? src : []
                if (_.isObject(copy)) clone = src && _.isObject(src) ? src : {}

                target[name] = _.extend(deep, clone, copy)
            } else {
                target[name] = copy

    return target

 This function is loosely inspired by Backbone.js.
function extend(protoProps, staticProps) {
    var parent = this

    // 构造函数 Initialize constructor
    var constructor = protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ?
            protoProps.constructor : // 自定义构造函数 Custom constructor
            parent // 父类构造函数 Base constructor

    // 子类 Subclass
    var child = function () {
        parent.__x_created_with = child.__x_created_with
        var instance = constructor.apply(this, arguments) || this

        // instance.options vs parameter options
        var options = arguments[0]
        if (options && !instance.hasOwnProperty('options')) {
            instance.options = _.extend(true, {}, this.options, options)

        // 如果模块带有 __x_created_with,则一切初始化行为都交给第三方;否则调用 .create() 方法。
        // If the child module has a property named as __x_created_with, the third-library will be response for the rest of initialization actions.
        // If not, the child module will call the `.create()`.
        if (!child.__x_created_with && instance.created && instance.constructor === child) {
            instance.created.apply(instance, instance.created.length ? [instance.options] : []) // @edit

        return instance

    // 静态属性 Static properties
    _.extend(child, parent, staticProps)

    // 原型链 Build prototype chain.
    var Surrogate = function () {
//      this.constructor = constructor // @remove
    Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype
    child.prototype = new Surrogate()
    child.prototype.constructor = child // @add

    // 原型属性 Copy prototype properties from the parameter protoProps to the prototype of child
    if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps)

    // Add keyword __super__
    child.__super__ = parent.prototype

    child.extend = extend

    return child

function Brix() {
Brix.prototype = {
    created: function () {
        if (this.init) this.init()
        if (this.render) this.render()
    constructor: Brix // @add
Brix.extend = extend

Brix Base里关于继承的实现,因为为了支持框架Brix Loader,所以继承里做了特殊处理,比如options参数,比如__x_created_with,继承中的构造函数提出来,放在当前类的构造函数中执行,new时初始化钩子,是created方法调用init、render,所以初始化语句可以放在init、render,按正常结果只调用一次,但这里调用了两次,重复了。



View.extend = function(props, statics, ctor) {



钩子一般是定义在原型上的某方法,比如initialize方法,因为构造函数里是调父类的构造函数,一直到最顶层基类,也要多次执行构造函数内钩子吗?钩子是这样执行的this.initialize.apply(this, arguments),this在每次执行时都不变的,也没必要多次执行,只要执行一次即可。并且只执行原型链中,第一个有钩子方法的原型,剩下的都不执行了。


	// https://g.alicdn.com/mm/pubplus/0.4.12/app_debug/exts/arale/class.js
    function mix(r, s, wl) {
      // Copy "all" properties including inherited ones.
      for (var p in s) {
        if (s.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          if (wl && indexOf(wl, p) === -1) continue

          // 在 iPhone 1 代等设备的 Safari 中,prototype 也会被枚举出来,需排除
          if (p !== 'prototype') {
            r[p] = s[p]




  // http://g.alicdn.com/thx/brix-release/1.0.0-beta.9/underscore/underscore.js	
  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
  _.extend = function(obj) {
    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
    var source, prop;
    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
      source = arguments[i];
      for (prop in source) {
        if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, prop)) {
            obj[prop] = source[prop];
    return obj;



// http://g.alicdn.com/thx/brix-release/1.0.0-beta.9/jquery/dist/jquery.js
jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
	var src, copyIsArray, copy, name, options, clone,
		target = arguments[ 0 ] || {},
		i = 1,
		length = arguments.length,
		deep = false;

	// Handle a deep copy situation
	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
		deep = target;

		// skip the boolean and the target
		target = arguments[ i ] || {};

	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction( target ) ) {
		target = {};

	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
	if ( i === length ) {
		target = this;

	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {

		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
		if ( ( options = arguments[ i ] ) != null ) {

			// Extend the base object
			for ( name in options ) {
				src = target[ name ];
				copy = options[ name ];

				// Prevent never-ending loop
				if ( target === copy ) {

				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject( copy ) ||
					( copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray( copy ) ) ) ) {

					if ( copyIsArray ) {
						copyIsArray = false;
						clone = src && jQuery.isArray( src ) ? src : [];

					} else {
						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject( src ) ? src : {};

					// Never move original objects, clone them
					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );

				// Don't bring in undefined values
				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
					target[ name ] = copy;

	// Return the modified object
	return target;




 * for example:
 *     @example
 *     var t = {};
 *     S.mix({x: {y: 2, z: 4}}, {x: {y: 3, a: t}}, {deep: TRUE}) => {x: {y: 3, z: 4, a: {}}}, a !== t
 *     S.mix({x: {y: 2, z: 4}}, {x: {y: 3, a: t}}, {deep: TRUE, overwrite: false}) => {x: {y: 2, z: 4, a: {}}}, a !== t
 *     S.mix({x: {y: 2, z: 4}}, {x: {y: 3, a: t}}, 1) => {x: {y: 3, a: t}}
mix: function (r, s, ov, wl, deep) {
    if (typeof ov === 'object') {
        wl = ov['whitelist'];
        deep = ov['deep'];
        ov = ov['overwrite'];
    var cache = [],
            i = 0;
    mixInternal(r, s, ov, wl, deep, cache);
    while (c = cache[i++]) {
        delete c[MIX_CIRCULAR_DETECTION];
    return r;

function mixInternal(r, s, ov, wl, deep, cache) {
    if (!s || !r) {
        return r;

    if (ov === undefined) {
        ov = TRUE;

    var i = 0, p, keys, len;

    // 记录循环标志

    // 记录被记录了循环标志的对像

    if (wl) {
        len = wl.length;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            p = wl[i];
            if (p in s) {
                _mix(p, r, s, ov, wl, deep, cache);
    } else {
        // mix all properties
        keys = S.keys(s);
        len = keys.length;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            p = keys[i];
            if (p != MIX_CIRCULAR_DETECTION) {
                // no hasOwnProperty judge!
                _mix(p, r, s, ov, wl, deep, cache);

    return r;

function _mix(p, r, s, ov, wl, deep, cache) {
    // 要求覆盖
    // 或者目的不存在
    // 或者深度mix
    if (ov || !(p in r) || deep) {
        var target = r[p],
                src = s[p];
        // prevent never-end loop
        if (target === src) {
            // S.mix({},{x:undefined})
            if (target === undefined) {
                r[p] = target;
        // 来源是数组和对象,并且要求深度 mix
        if (deep && src && (S.isArray(src) || S.isPlainObject(src))) {
            if (src[MIX_CIRCULAR_DETECTION]) {
                r[p] = src[MIX_CIRCULAR_DETECTION];
            } else {
                // 目标值为对象或数组,直接 mix
                // 否则 新建一个和源值类型一样的空数组/对象,递归 mix
                var clone = target && (S.isArray(target) || S.isPlainObject(target)) ?
                        target :
                        (S.isArray(src) ? [] : {});
                r[p] = clone;
                mixInternal(clone, src, ov, wl, TRUE, cache);
        } else if (src !== undefined && (ov || !(p in r))) {
            r[p] = src;



merge: function (var_args) {
    var_args = S.makeArray(arguments);
    var o = {},
        l = var_args.length;
    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        S.mix(o, var_args[i]);
    return o;



augment: function (r, var_args) {
    var args = S.makeArray(arguments),
        len = args.length - 2,
        i = 1,
        ov = args[len],
        wl = args[len + 1];

    if (!S.isArray(wl)) {
        ov = wl;
        wl = undefined;
    if (!S.isBoolean(ov)) {
        ov = undefined;

    for (; i < len; i++) {
        S.mix(r.prototype, args[i].prototype || args[i], ov, wl);

    return r;



extend: function (r, s, px, sx) {
    if (!s || !r) {
        return r;

    var sp = s.prototype,

    // add prototype chain
    rp = createObject(sp, r);
    r.prototype = S.mix(rp, r.prototype);
    r.superclass = createObject(sp, s);

    // add prototype overrides
    if (px) {
        S.mix(rp, px);

    // add object overrides
    if (sx) {
        S.mix(r, sx);

    return r;
function Empty() {
function createObject(proto, constructor) {
    var newProto;
    if (ObjectCreate) {
        newProto = ObjectCreate(proto);
    } else {
        Empty.prototype = proto;
        newProto = new Empty();
    newProto.constructor = constructor;
    return newProto;


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