Dummy layer generation
Add dummy to avoid density problem, there are two ways as follow:
One way:
If you have a DRC&LVS clean layout, then you can go to the Dummy generation step. Before doing that, create a new directory for the dummy files:
###mkdir ~scaldi3a/zhangxi/DUMMY_Generation
Then copy this file into the new folder: Dummy_OD_PO_Metal_Via_Calibre_28nm.11_2b_2a
In order to run the dummy generation quickly and efficiently, you can compile a script, shown as below:
source /imec/other/scaldi3a/pdk/setcadence6_tsmc28nm
cd /imec/other/scaldi3a/zhangxi/tsmc28_HPM ### Go to where you run Cadence
strmout -library 'PA_Design' -strmFile /imec/other/scaldi3a/zhangxi/Dummy_Generation/PA_DUMMY.gds -topCell 'PA_DUMMY' -view 'layout' -logFile strmOut.log
cd ~scaldi3a/zhangxi/Dummy_Generation ### Turn to the new created directory
calibre -drc -hier -hyper -turbo -turbo_all -64 Dummy_OD_PO_Metal_Via_Calibre_28nm.11_2b_2a
cd /imec/other/scaldi3a/zhangxi/tsmc28_HPM ### Go to where you run Cadence
strmin -library 'DDRM_PA_DUMMY' -strmFile /imec/other/scaldi3a/zhangxi/Dummy_Generation/DODPODMDV.gds -attachTechFileOfLib tsmcN28 -logFile strmIn.log
after saving this script into the new directory, you can just run it in the command line:
It's done! now, make a new view, and put your layout and the dummy layer(layoutname_DODPODMDV) together.reference point (0,0)
Another way:
Useing virtuoso to add dummy. See my attachment.