Dojo 1.6 beta1 发布
通过Dojo官方博客得知,Dojo1.6 Beta1已经发布,原文链接:。下面是翻译内容。本博客也将逐步介绍Dojo1.6的新特性和解决的问题。
因为一些开发仍在进行,我们也将尽快发布Dojo 1.5.1版本,它包含了针对当前最为稳定和普及的1.5版本中重要的bug修复。
Dojo 1.6 release notes还在编写中,可以通过草稿版本以及解决的问题列表来了解更多细节信息。赶快试试吧,发现问题可以提交bug到: . 如果对Dojo Mobile感兴趣,可以在dojo svn trunk中找到很多相关特性,Dojo的后续版本1.7,2.0将包含更多的Mobile组件。
We’re pleased to announce the first Dojo 1.6 beta.
When Dojo 1.6 final is released in February, it will be our first release that includes a number of retrofitted, backwards-compatible, significant changes towards Dojo 2.0.
Because there are a number of changes in progress, we will also soon release Dojo 1.5.1 which includes just the most important fixes for what has been our most stable and popular release ever.
Please check out the in draft Dojo 1.6 beta release notes and the list of resolved issues for more details. Try it out, and as usual file tickets in And if you’re interested in Dojo Mobile, many significant additions and improvements have landed in trunk, with many more planned for 1.7 and 2.0.
Stay tuned in February for the Dojo 1.6 release.