Android studio快捷键Windows版本
快捷键 描述 通用--------------------------------------------- Control + F9 Build(编译) Shift + F10 Build and run(编译运行) Shift + F9 Debug(调试) Control + Alt + Y Synchronize(同步) Control + Shift + F12 Maximize/minimize editor(最大化/最小化编辑器) Control + ` (backquote) Quick switch scheme(快速切换主题) Control + Alt + S Open settings dialogue(打开设置对话框) Control + Alt + Shift + S Open project structure dialog(打开项目对话框) Control + Tab Switch between tabs and tool window(标签和工具栏切换) 导航和搜索----------------------------------------- Press Shift twice Search everything (including code and menus)(全局搜索) Control + F Find(查找) F3 Find next(查找下一个) Shift + F3 Find previous(查找上一个) Control + R Replace(替换) Control + N Find class(搜索类) Control + Shift + N Find file (instead of class)(搜索文件) Control + F12 Open file structure pop-up(弹出所打开文件的结构) Alt + Right/Left Arrow Navigate(导航) between open editor tabs F4 / Control + Enter Jump to source(跳到源码) Shift + F4 Open current editor tab in new window(新窗口打开编辑选项卡) Control + E Recently opened files pop-up(弹出最近打开文件) Control + Shift + E Recently edited files pop-up(弹出最近编辑文件) Control + Shift + Backspace Go to last edit location(最后编辑位置) Control + F4 Close active editor tab(关闭当前编辑选项卡) Esc Return to editor window from a tool window(回到编辑窗口) Shift + Esc Hide active or last active tool window(隐藏最近活动窗口) Control + G Go to line(跳转到行) Control + H Open type hierarchy(打开类层次结构) Control + Shift + H Open method hierarchy(打开方法层次结构) Control + Alt + H Open call hierarchy(打开调用层次结构) 写代码必备------------------------------------------ Alt + Insert Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, etc....) Control + O Override methods(重写方法) Control + I Implement methods(实现方法) Control + Alt + T Surround with (if...else / try...catch / etc.) Control + minus/plus Collapse/expand current code block(折叠/展开代码块) Control + Shift + minus/plus Collapse/expand all code blocks(折叠/展开所有代码块) Control + D Duplicate current line or selection(复制当前行) Control + Space Basic code completion(基本代码补全) Control + Shift + Space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)(自动代码补全) Control + P Show parameters for selected method(显示方法参数) Control + U Go to super-method/super-class(跳转父类/方法) Control + Shift + I Open quick definition lookup(打开快速定义查找) Control + Alt + L Reformat code(格式化代码) Control + Alt + I Auto-indent lines(自动缩进行) Control + Shift + J Smart line join(自动合并行) Control + Enter Smart line split(自动拆分行) 版本管理---------------------------------------------- Control + K Commit project to VCS(提交代码到版本管理系统) Control + T Update project from VCS(从版本系统更新项目) Alt + Shift + C View recent changes(最近修改文件) Alt + ` (backquote) Open VCS popup(弹出版本管理)