

set ANSI_NULLS OFFset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER proc [dbo].[sh_page] @RecordCount int output, @QueryStr nvarchar(100)='table1',--表名、视图名、查询语句 @PageSize int=20, --每页的大小(行数) @PageCurrent int=2, --要显示的页 从1开始 @FdShow nvarchar (1000)='*', --要显示的字段列表 @IdentityStr nvarchar (100)='id', --主键 @WhereStr nvarchar (1000)='1=1', @FdOrder nvarchar(100)='desc' --排序 只能取desc或者asc as declare @sql nvarchar(2000) set @sql = '' if @WhereStr = '' set @WhereStr = '1=1'

if @PageCurrent = 1 begin set @sql = 'select top ' + cast(@PageSize as nvarchar(3)) + ' ' + @FdShow + ' from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr + ' order by ' + @IdentityStr + ' ' + @FdOrder end

else begin if upper(@FdOrder) = 'DESC' begin set @sql = 'select top ' + cast(@PageSize as nvarchar(3)) + ' ' + @FdShow + ' from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr + ' and ' + @IdentityStr + '< ( select min(' + @IdentityStr + ') from (select top ' + cast(@PageSize*(@PageCurrent-1) as nvarchar(10)) + ' ' + @IdentityStr + ' from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr + ' order by ' + @IdentityStr + ' desc) as t) order by ' + @IdentityStr + ' desc' end else begin set @sql = 'select top ' + cast(@PageSize as nvarchar(3)) + ' ' + @FdShow + ' from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr + ' and ' + @IdentityStr + '> ( select max(' + @IdentityStr + ') from (select top ' + cast(@PageSize*(@PageCurrent-1) as nvarchar(10)) + ' ' + @IdentityStr + ' from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr + ' order by ' + @IdentityStr + ' asc) as t) order by ' + @IdentityStr + ' asc' end end --print @sql execute(@sql)

--if(@RecordCount is null or @RecordCount<=0)begin declare @tsql nvarchar(800) set @tsql=N'select @RecordCount = count(*) from ' + @QueryStr + ' where ' + @WhereStr exec sp_executesql @tsql,N'@RecordCount int output',@RecordCount output --set  @Recordcount=778 --print @sql--end


<%PubLic function PageList(pagename,page,spagecount,sRecordCount)'通用分页函数dim str_htmlstr_html="<table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""0"">"  str_html=str_html & "<form name=""pagelistform"" action="""&pagename&""" method=""post"" >"  str_html=str_html & "<tr>"    str_html=str_html & "<td  class=""b-12"">" if page>1 then  str_html=str_html & "<a href="""&pagename&"&page=1"">首页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"  str_html=str_html & "<a href="""&pagename&"&page="&page-1&""">上一页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;" else  str_html=str_html & "首页&nbsp;&nbsp;上一页&nbsp;&nbsp;" end if if cint(page)<cint(spagecount) then  str_html=str_html & "<a href="""&pagename&"&page="&page+1&""">下一页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"  str_html=str_html & "<a href="""&pagename&"&page="&spagecount&""">末页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"  else  str_html=str_html & "下一页&nbsp;&nbsp;末页&nbsp;&nbsp;"  end if str_html=str_html & "共"&sRecordCount&"条记录,分"&spagecount&"页显示,当前第"&page&"页&nbsp;&nbsp;" str_html=str_html & "转到第<input name=page type=text class=""input1"" value="""&page&""" size=4>页" if cint(page)=1 and cint(page)=cint(spagecount) then str_html=str_html & "<input type=submit name=submit value=GO disabled=true>" else str_html=str_html & "<input type=submit name=submit value=GO>" end if str_html=str_html & "</td>"  str_html=str_html & "</tr>"  str_html=str_html & "</form>"str_html=str_html & "</table>"PageList= str_htmlend function

Public Function  NewsPageList(spagesize,page,strField,stablename,orderName,strwhere,pagename,connstr)'新闻列表函数'spagesize,每页显示新闻数量'page,需显示页码'strField,需显示字段'stablename,数据表名称'ordername,排序字段'strwhere,查询条件'pagename,当前页面名称Dim cmdTemp,sRecordCount,rs'创建数据库连接Set cmdTemp=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")cmdTemp.ActiveConnection =connstrcmdTemp.CommandType=4cmdTemp.CommandText ="page"'创建输出参数cmdTemp.Parameters.Append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@RecordCount",3,2,4)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@QueryStr",200,1,40,stablename)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@PageSize",3,1,4,spagesize)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@PageCurrent",3,1,4,page)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@FdShow",200,1,400,strField)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@IdentityStr",200,1,40,orderName)cmdTemp.Parameters.append cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@WhereStr",200,1,400,strwhere)set rs=cmdTemp.Executespagecount=0if not rs.eof then do while not rs.eof    str_titler=rs("title")       '格式化日期    if idate=1 then    str_date="["&formatdatetime(rs("AddDate"))&"]"    else    str_date=""    end if  str_titler="·<a href=""News_show.asp?Newsid="&rs("articleid")&""" target=""_blank""   class=""b12-h"">"&str_titler&"</a>"&str_date&"<br>"

     str_html=str_html & "<table width=""100%"" height=""22"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"">"        str_html=str_html & "<tr> "          str_html=str_html & "<td class=""b-12""><span class=""b12-h"">"    str_html=str_html & str_titler & "</span></td>"       str_html=str_html & " </tr>"     str_html=str_html & " </table>"      str_html=str_html & "<table width=""608"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" background=""../images/xian.jpg"">"       str_html=str_html & " <tr> "         str_html=str_html & " <td height=""1""> </tr>"      str_html=str_html & "</table>"

 rs.movenext loop rs.close set rs=nothing sRecordCount=cmdTemp.Parameters("@RecordCount") spagecount=formatnumber((clng(sRecordCount)/clng(spagesize))+0.5,0)

 str_html=str_html & "<table width=""100%"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"">"         str_html=str_html & "<tr> "          str_html=str_html  & "<td class=""b-12"">" & PageList(pagename,page,spagecount,sRecordCount)&" </td>"        str_html=str_html  & "</tr>"      str_html=str_html  & "</table>"  set cmdTemp=nothing

end if NewsPageList = str_htmlend Function %>

posted @ 2007-03-15 12:47  spring3  阅读(161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报