
1. 基本概念


1.1. SQL的种类

  • DDL(data definition language):数据定义语言
    • create:创建表(不局限于表)
    • join:关联多个表
    • drop:删除表(不局限于表)(不可回滚)
    • alter:修改表的定义(不局限于表)
    • truncate:删除数据,但不删除表定义(不可以指定行)(不可回滚)
  • DML(data manipulation language):数据操作语言
    • insert:添加数据
    • update:修改数据
    • delete:删除数据,但不删除表定义(可以指定行)
  • DQL(data query language):数据查询语言
    • select:查询
  • DCL(data control language):数据控制语言
    • grant:添加权限
    • revoke:移除权限

2. DML

2.1. select


  1. from, join(inner join, left join ...),on


  2. where


  3. group by


  4. having


  5. select


  6. distinct


  7. order by


  8. limit


2.1.1. 基础版

  • 将Customers表中的所有列无条件地取出

    -- from用来指定数据元(意为取什么表的数据)
    select * from Customers;
  • 将Customers表中的指定列无条件地取出

    -- 可以指定多个列
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers

2.1.2. where

  • 将Customers表中的指定列的有条件地取出

    -- 单一条件
    -- 客户id大于等于40
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40;
    -- 客户id等于40
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid = 40;
    -- 客户id不等于40
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid != 40;
    -- 多条件结合1
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 and customerid <= 60;
    -- 多条件结合2
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid between 40 and 60;
    -- 多条件结合3
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 or customerid <= 60;
    -- 多条件结合4
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 or customerid >= 30 and customerid = 20;
    -- 多条件结合5(条件可以指定多个不同的列)(实际上也可以不使用select中指定的列)
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address, country from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 and country = 'USA';
    -- 特殊条件
    -- 以上条件都是精准的,还有一种模糊的条件
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customername like 'M%'; -- %:占位符,代表0~N个任意字符,M%:M后有0~N个任意字符的都符合条件

2.1.3. order by

  • 将select的结果排序

    -- 单一条件升序
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 or customerid <= 60
    order by customerid; -- 不指定ASC(升序)或者DESC(降序)时,默认ASC
    -- 单一条件降序
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address from Customers
    where customerid >= 40 or customerid <= 60
    order by customerid desc;
    -- 多条件排序
    select customerid, customername, contactname, address, country from Customers
    where customerid >= 40
    order by country desc, customername; -- 字典序 ascii

2.1.4. group by

  • 将数据分组

    -- 不使用group by,不分组?实际上是把所有数据分在一组
    select count(0) as "record数" from Customers
    where customerid >= 40;
    -- 根据单一列分组
    select count(0) as "record数", country from Customers
    where customerid >= 40
    group by country; -- 分组的意义:统计每个组的数据
    -- 根据多列分组
    select count(0) as "record数", country, city from Customers
    where customerid >= 40
    group by country, city;

2.1.5. 聚合函数

  • 统计分组后各组的数据

    -- 统计每组数据量
    select country, city, count(0) as "人数" from Customers
    group by country, city;
    -- 统计每组指定列最大值和最小值
    select categoryid, max(price) as "最大价格", min(price) as "最小价格" from Products
    group by categoryid;
    -- 统计每组指定列的平均值
    select categoryid, avg(price) as "最大价格" from Products
    group by categoryid;
    -- 统计每组指定列的合计
    select categoryid, sum(price) as "合计价格" from Products
    group by categoryid;

2.1.6. having

  • 对于分组后的数据进行筛选

    -- 取出合计价格大于50的组(商品表)NG
    select categoryid, sum(price) as "sum_price" from Products
    group by categoryid
    where sum_price >= 50; -- 对于已经分组后的数据,不能使用where作为筛选条件
    -- 取出合计价格大于50的组(商品表)OK
    select categoryid, sum(price) as "sum_price" from Products
    group by categoryid
    having sum_price >= 50;
    -- 以上补充,无别名写法
    select categoryid, sum(price) as "sum_price" from Products
    group by categoryid
    having sum(price) >= 50; -- 并不推荐,只了解就好

2.1.7. 子查询

  • 在原有查询基础上再查询(将内层查询的结果作为外层查询的数据元)

    -- 取出最大价格和最小价格差值最大的组(商品表)
    select categoryid, max(max_price - min_price) as "最大差价" from
    (select categoryid, max(price) as "max_price", min(price) as "min_price" from Products
    group by categoryid);

2.1.8. 表关联

  • cross join

    -- 将两个及以上表做笛卡尔积(A表的每一条数据都与B表的所有数据匹配一次)
    select * from orders cross join shippers; -- 虽说确实得到了结果,但是稍微观察后我们可以发现,结果中有很多无效的数据。
  • inner join

    -- 数据准备
    insert into shippers values (4, 'Test Shipper1', null);
    -- 为解决cross join的无效解问题
    select * from orders a inner join shippers b on a.shipperid = b.shipperid; -- 如何知道结果有多少条数据(用sql)
  • outer join

    -- left outer join
    select * from orders a left outer join shippers b on a.shipperid = b.shipperid; -- 左表为主表保留未匹配的数据
    -- right outer join
    select * from orders a right outer join shippers b on a.shipperid = b.shipperid; -- 右表为主表保留未匹配的数据
    -- full outer join
    select * from orders a full outer join shippers b on a.shipperid = b.shipperid; -- 以上两种的交集
    -- ※outer可以省略 -> left join, right join, full join

2.1.9. 补充

  • 其他语法

    -- 查询指定列为null的数据
    select * from shippers where phone = null; -- NG
    select * from shippers where phone is null; -- OK
    不可以使用 = null 的原因如下:
    而 is null 不会出现上述问题,这就是我们必须使用 is null 原因。
    -- 查询指定列不为null的数据
    select * from shippers where phone is not null;
    -- 查询结果去重
    select distinct country from customers; -- distinct必须放在所有指定列的最前面

2.2. insert

  • 不指定列名

    -- 不指定列名,在指定表中插入一条数据,必须传入所有列的值
    insert into shippers values (5, 'Test Shipper2', '');
  • 指定列名

    -- 不指定列名,在指定表中插入一条数据,只需要传入指定列的值
    insert into shippers (shipperid, shippername) values (6, 'Test Shipper2');

2.3. update

  • 不使用条件语句

    -- 不使用条件语句的update
    update shippers set shippername = 'Test Shipper1';
  • 使用条件语句(推荐)

    -- 使用条件语句的update
    update shippers set shippername = 'Test Shipper1' where shipperid = 4;

2.4. delete

  • 不使用条件语句

    -- 不使用条件语句的delete,删除对应表中的所有数据(这在寻常业务中非常罕见,慎用)
    delete from shippers;
  • 使用条件语句(推荐)

    -- 使用条件语句的delete
    delete from shippers where shipperid = 4;
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