(1)Class-based Objects
Class myClass
const answer : int = 42;
var distance : double;
Var c : myClass = new myClass;
c.distance = 5.3;
print(“The answer is ” + c.answer);
print(“The distance is ” + c.distance);
Class myClass
Const answer : int = 42;
Var distance : double;
Function sayHello(): string
Return “Hello”;
Var c : myClass = new myClass;
c.distance = 5.2;
print(c.sayHello() + “, the answer is ” + c.answer);
Class myClass
Const answer :int = 42;
Var distance : double;
Function sayHello() : string
Return “Hello”;
Function myClass(distance : double)
This.distance = distance;
Var c : myClass = new myClass;
Print (“The distance is ” + c.distance); encapsulation
Jscript object 的是用来封装数据和功能的。Object由properties和methods组成。
Properties是object的数据成员。Methods的功能是用来操作数据或object.Jscript支持五类object:intrinsic objects,Prototype-base objects,class-based objects,host objects 和.NET Framework Classes.
Var myObject = new Object();
Var birthday = new Date(1961,5,10);
Var myCar : Car = new Car(“Pinto”);
Jscript 支持两类用户自定义objects(class-based and prototype-based).
两种类型都有各自的优缺点。Prototype-based objects是动态可扩展的,但是他们
(2)Prototype-based Objects
Constructors with Properties:
Jscript的强大特性是有能力自定义Prototype-based objects的构造函数。为了创建一个Prototype-based objects的实例,你首先必须一个构造函数。这个作用是创建一个新的object和初始化它(创建属性和赋值)。当被执行完,返回一个被构造的object的引用,在构造函数中,使用”this”关键字来引用被创建的对象。
Function pasta(grain,width,shape,hasEgg)
this.grain = grain;
this.width = width;
this.shape = shape;
this.hasEgg = hasEgg;
定义一个object构造函数之后,你就可以使用new 操作符创建这个object的实例。
Var spaghetti = new pasta(“wheat”,0.2,”circle”,true);
Var linguine = new pasta(“wheat”,0.3,”oval”, true);
Spaghetti,color = “pale straw”;
假如没有在改变改造函数,你想添加一个额外的属性到所有的对象实例,你可以添加属性到构造的Prototype object .
Pasta.prototype.foodgroup = “carbohydrates”;
Constructors with Methods:
Function pasta(grain, width ,shape, hasEgg)
This.grain = grain;
This.width = width;
This.shape = shape;
This.hasEgg = hasEgg;
This.toString = pastaToString;
Function pastaToString()
Return “grain:”+this.grain ;
Var spaghetti = new pasta(“wheat”, 0.2, “circle”, true);
(3)Jscript Modifiers
Jscript Modifiers 改变classes, interfaces 或者 classes, interfaces成员的行为和可见性。当定义classes 和 interfaces使用 Modifiers ,但是Modifiers也不是必需的。
Visibility Modifiers 制约外边的代码访问classes, interfaces 和他们的成员。
Visibility modifiers 不能应用到全局函数或变量,只能使用Protected 和 internal.
Visibility Modifier |
Valid for |
Meaning |
public |
class, class member, interface, interface member, or enumerations |
成员是public的,任何代码都这个访问class.在Jscript默认的classes,interfaces和他们的成员都是public |
private |
class member |
成员在类内声明,对继承的类不可见。外边的代码不能访问private 成员 |
protected |
class member |
成员对内部成员可见,和继承类可见,protected modifiers 不能用于classes 在package scope.但是能应用到内嵌classes. |
internal |
class, class member, enumeration |
在定义的package中的class,class member 或 enumeration可见。 |
(4)Inheritance Modifiers
Inheritance Modifiers 控制继承classes 中methods 和properties override基类的methods和properties.你可以管理继承classes 中methods和properties将被override.
Inheritance Modifier |
Valid for |
Meaning |
abstract |
Class, method, or property |
For methods or properties, this modifier indicates that the member does not have an implementation. For classes, this modifier indicates that there are one or more unimplemented methods. An abstract class or a class that contains an abstract member cannot be instantiated using the new keyword, but it can be used as a base class. |
final |
Class, method, or property |
使用这个修饰的不能被 override. |
JScript Data Types
Jscript支持13中原始数据类型和13中引用数据类型。另外你也可以声明新的数据类型,或者使用一些通用语言 Specification-compliant .NetFrameWork 数据类型。这部分包括关于固有的数据类型,怎么样扩展这些类型,怎么样定义属于你自己的数据类型,怎么输入数据,怎么样从一个数据类型转换到其他类型。
Array Data
Var arr = [1,2,3];
Var arr = [1,,,,,,5];
一个arrary literal 能包含任何数据类型,包含其他数组。
Var cats = [[“Names”,”Beansprout”,”Pumpkin”,”Max”],[“Ages”,6,5,4]];
Var arr = [1,,3];
Var arrI : int [] = [1,,3];
Var arrD : double [] = [1,,3];
Print(arr); //Displays 1,,3.
Print(arrI); //Display 1,0,3
Print(arrD); //Display 1, Nan,3
Integer array 中的空成员是0,double array 中的空成员是Nan,其他类型的数组是Undefined.
Boolean Data
Boolean 数据类型只有两个值,分别是true和false。一个boolean表示条件。
Using Boolean Values
Var s1 : string = “sam w.”;
Var s2 :string = “”;
If (s2.length < s1.length)
S2= s2 + “*”;
Numeric Data
在Jscript中有两类numeric data,分别是intergral data 和 floatingpoint data.
Intergers 包括整数,负数,和0.他们可以用10进制数(decimal),8进制数(octal),和16进制数(hexadecimal)来表示。
Number |
Description |
Decimal Equivalent |
.0001, 0.0001, 1e-4, 1.0e-4 |
Four equivalent floating-point numbers. |
0.0001 |
3.45e2 |
A floating-point number. |
345 |
42 |
An integer. |
42 |
0378 |
An integer. Although this looks like an octal number (it begins with a zero), 8 is not a valid octal digit, so the number is treated as a decimal. This produces a level 1 warning. |
378 |
0377 |
An octal integer. Notice that although it appears to be only one less than the number above, its actual value is quite different. |
255 |
0.0001, 00.0001 |
A floating point number. Even though this begins with a zero, it is not an octal number because it has a decimal point. |
0.0001 |
0Xff |
A hexadecimal integer. |
255 |
0x37CF |
A hexadecimal integer. |
14287 |
0x3e7 |
A hexadecimal integer. Notice that the letter e is not treated as exponentiation. |
999 |
0x3.45e2 |
This is an error. Hexadecimal numbers cannot have decimal parts. |
N/A (compiler error) |
Object Data
一个object literal 能初始化一个Jscript Object对象,表现形式由一个{}包围的中用逗号分隔的表达式。没有逗号分隔的成员由冒号类分隔值和属性,值可以是任何有效的Jscript表达式。
Using Object Data
Var obj = {x:1,y:2};
Object literals 可以被内嵌。例子如下
Var r= 3;
Var h =2;
Var cylinder = {height : h , radius : r,
sectionAreas : {top: 4 *math.PI* r* r,
bottom : 4* Math.PI*r*r,
side : 2 * Math.PI * r *R}};
object literal 不能用来初始化class-based object的实例。
Data Type Summary
Jscript提供了许多数据类型,这些数据类型能被分配到两个主要的类型,value 类型和reference类型。
Data Type Details
JScript value type |
.NET Framework type |
Storage size |
Range |
boolean |
Boolean |
N/A |
true or false |
char |
Char |
2 bytes |
Any Unicode character |
float (single-precision floating-point) |
Single |
4 bytes |
Approximate range is -1038 to 1038 with accuracy of about 7 digits. Can represent numbers as small as 10-44. |
Number, double (double-precision floating-point) |
Double |
8 bytes |
Approximate range is -10308 to 10308 with accuracy of about 15 digits. Can represent numbers as small as 10-323. |
decimal |
Decimal |
12 bytes (integral part) |
Approximate range is -1028 to 1028 with accuracy of 28 digits. Can represent numbers as small as 10-28. |
byte (unsigned) |
Byte |
1 byte |
0 to 255 |
ushort (unsigned short integer) |
UInt16 |
2 bytes |
0 to 65,535 |
uint (unsigned integer) |
UInt32 |
4 bytes |
0 to 4,294,967,295 |
ulong (unsigned extended integer) |
UInt64 |
8 bytes |
0 to approximately 1020 |
sbyte (signed) |
SByte |
1 byte |
-128 to 127 |
short (signed short integer) |
Int16 |
2 bytes |
-32,768 to 32,767 |
int (signed integer) |
Int32 |
4 bytes |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
long (signed extended integer) |
Int64 |
8 bytes |
Approximately -1019 to 1019 |
void |
N/A |
N/A |
Used as the return type for a function that does not return a value |
JScript reference type |
.NET Framework type |
Refers to |
ActiveXObject |
No direct equivalent |
An Automation object. |
Array |
Interoperates with Array and typed arrays |
Arrays of any type. |
Boolean |
Interoperates with Boolean |
A Boolean value, either true or false. |
Date |
Interoperates with DateTime |
Dates are implemented using the JScript Date object. The range is approximately 285,616 years on either side of January 1, 1970. |
Enumerator |
No direct equivalent |
An enumeration of items in a collection. For backward compatibility only. |
Error |
No direct equivalent |
An Error object. |
Function |
No direct equivalent |
A Function object. |
Number |
Interoperates with Double |
A numeric value with an approximate range of -10308 to 10308 and with an accuracy of about 15 digits. Can represent numbers as small as 10-323. |
Object |
Interoperates with Object |
An Object reference. |
RegExp |
Interoperates with Regex |
A regular expression object. |
String Data Type (variable-length) |
String |
0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters. Each character is 16 bits (two bytes). |
String Object (variable-length) |
Interoperates with String |
0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters. Each character is 16 bits (two bytes). |
VBArray |
No direct equivalent |
A read-only Visual Basic array. For backward compatibility only. |
User-Defined Data Types
有时你需要的数据类型Jscript没有提供,在这种情况下,你可以创建使用class 关键字创建一个新的class 或创建属于你自己的数据类型。
Defining a Data Type
Class myIntVector
Var x : int;
Var y : int;
Function myIntVector(xIn : int, yIn : int)
X = xIn;
Y = yIn;
Function magnitude(xy: myIntVectore) :double
Return (Math.sqrt(xy.x * xy.x + Xy.y * xy.y));
Var point : myIntVector = new myIntVector(3,4);
Typed Arrays
一个typed array 是一个数据类型。每个typed array 必须有一个base 数据类型,数组中的每个成员必须是这个base 数据类型,base 数据类型也可以是数组。
Using Typed Arrays
Var names :string [] ;
Var things : object[] = new object[50];
Things[42] = new date();
Var matrix : int[][];
Matrix = new (int[])[5];
For(var I = 0 ; I < 5; I ++)
Matrix[i]= new int[5];
matrix[2][3] = 6;
matrix[2][4] = 7;
var multidim : double [,,] = new double [5,4,3];
multidim [1,3,0] = math.PI*5;
package Statement
package deuschland
Class Greeting
Static var hello : string = “Guten tag”;
import Statement
<%@ Import namespace = "mydll" %>
<%@ Assembly name = "mydll" %>
Declaring Typed Variables and Constants
Var count : int;
Var count :int = 1;
Const dayInWeek : int = 7;
Var count : int = 1, amount : int = 12; level:double = 4234.3;
Declaring Untyped Variables and Constants
Var count;
Scope of Variables and Constants
eval Method
var doTest : boolean = true;
var dateFn : String;
dateFn = "Date(1971,3,8)";
dateFn = "Date()";
var mydate : Date;
eval("mydate = new "+dateFn+";");
Thu Apr 8 00:00:00 PDT 1971