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1 新建数据库,取名:reki-dev,语言使用English

2 安装 Accounting and Finance, Sales Management 和 Purchase Management

3 Settings -> Users -> Administrator 设置时区,多语言

4 Accounting

  • 安装中国会计科目表
  • Allow multi currencies

5 Sales

  • Settings ->
    • Show incoterms on sale orders and invoices
    • Allow discounts on sales order lines
    • Never allow to modify a confirmed sale order
    • Different prices per customer segment
    • Ship all products at once, without back orders
  • Pricelists -> 更改默认的Public Pricelist为USD Pricelist并改为美元,添加CNY Pricelist
  • Customers ->
    • 限制Internal Reference不能重复
posted on 2016-03-29 20:04  Robin.Sang  阅读(281)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报