Master Data Management: Creating a Single View of the Business
"The whole is more than the sum of the parts."
This statement by Aristotle sums up the philosophy behind master data management or MDM quite nicely. MDM is about studying, cataloging, and accessing critical sets of data in your enterprise. That is, it means understanding everything you possibly can about your customers, products, locations, and other major subject areas. In this research paper, MDM is defined clearly, the business benefits and issues resulting from its creation are spelled out, techniques and technologies supporting its creation are elucidated, and practical steps for getting started in its implementation are listed.
To further illustrate MDM, its benefits and usage, a number of case studies are presented. Each study starts with the business need, works through the business and technological issues that arose, and concludes with the tips and techniques for avoiding pitfalls or increasing your success rate with the implementation.
Master Data Management: A Definition
Let's start by defining what is meant by MDM; there are two perspectives, and it depends on where you place the emphasis in pronouncing MDM:
- Master data management - or the management of master data. These are the applications for managing the creation and maintenance of master data. These include customer data integration (CDI), product information management (PIM), and other applications that deal with such data subjects.
- Master data management - or the management of the processes behind data management. This refers to the infrastructure and technologies for integrating enterprise data (including master data) such as ETL (extraction, transformation, and load) and EII (enterprise information integration) technologies.
For the purposes of this research paper, we consider the first definition or the management of all forms of master data to be MDM. However, the infrastructure and technologies referenced in the second definition are considered essential to providing the underlying integration platform for supporting MDM processing and applications.
Our official definition is that MDM is:
A set of disciplines, applications, and technologies for harmonizing and managing the system of record and system of entry for the data and metadata associated with the key business entities of an organization.
There are some key words used in this report that are critical to your understanding of the directions set forth. Therefore, these terms are defined in Appendix A. Please familiarize yourself with these terms before continuing to read this document.
In its simplest form, master data is reference data about an organization's core business entities (see Figure 1). The business entities include:
- People - For example, customers, employees (human capital), suppliers, partners.
- Things - These include products, finances (ledgers), assets.
- Places - Locations and geographic points of interest are included here.
- Other key entities - Those sets of cohesive reference data that are of interest to the enterprise. Each enterprise will have its own unique set of these.
Figure 1: Master data consists of many business entities
MDM applications consist of processes that integrate, store and maintain specific instances of business entities such as a standardized set of geographic, product or customer data. Fully managed, master data becomes the system of record for these entities, that is, the "gold copy" that is used as the final word on each entry. This data is the ultimate version of the truth for reference data.
It is equally important to understand what data is not included in our definition of MDM. MDM applications do not track other business transaction (BTx) data associated with their specific business entities such as customer account deposits and withdrawals. This data is managed and distributed by business transaction applications and may be integrated in an operational data store (ODS). The historical versions of BTx data are maintained in business intelligence (BI) components such as the data warehouse and data marts.
It may not always be possible to impose a rule that states all master data must be managed by the MDM system. Some maintenance may have to remain in existing business transaction applications, or in outsourced applications such as front-office CRM, for example. This complicates the IT environment and has implications for both master data quality and accuracy. This topic will be discussed in more detail later in this report.
Business Purposes of MDM
Perhaps it is easier to understand the purposes of MDM by examining what the environment looks like in the absence of MDM. This can be summarized by discussing four major problems:
- Data redundancy: In the absence of an MDM function, each system, application, and even department within the enterprise collects its own version of key business entities. A good example of this comes from the collection of customer data. Key attributes such as customer name and address information are collected repeatedly throughout the enterprise. Unfortunately, it is rare that this gathering process produces the same or consistent data about customers. This leads to the critical difficulty (aside from the storage costs of it) with such redundant data - poor data quality. According to a report from The Data Warehousing Institute, "Data Quality and the Bottom Line" by Wayne Eckerson, corporations lose more than $600 billion a year due to poor data quality, and most of that cost can be attributed to redundant and low quality master data. This leads to the second major problem.
- Data inconsistency: Because of the fractured nature of the master data, enterprises spend enormous resources (time, money, and people) doing a function that leads to minimal business benefit - reconciliation. Determining what a customer's "real" address or name is does nothing to enhance the corporation's business revenues. And unfortunately, the reconciliation process must be frequently repeated because there is no mechanism to capture the data assets garnered from the first or succeeding reconciliations. Now we see the third problem.
- Business inefficiency: Low productivity, inefficient supply chain management, inconsistent customer treatment, customer dissatisfaction and wasted marketing efforts are examples of the types of business inefficiency generated from fractured master data. A customer service representative who must scramble through multiple operational systems to determine the status of a customer is not only inefficient, but also risks causing dissatisfaction or alienation of the customer by being perceived as incompetent. All along the work flows within an enterprise, fractured master data causes massive ineffectiveness and inefficiencies, rendering much of the manual effort useless or wasted.
- Business change: Organizations are constantly changing as new products and services are introduced and withdrawn, companies are acquired and sold, and new technologies appear and reach maturity. These disruptive events cause a constant stream of changes to master data; and without a way to manage these changes, the issues of data redundancy, data inconsistency and business inefficiency are exacerbated.
Without MDM, organizations lack a complete view of their customers, products, and other critical business entities, which can have far-reaching consequences. Each of the four case studies analyzed for this research paper had very definitive business purposes for their MDM projects. These tended to revolve around two main objectives: improving the productivity of the enterprise and increasing the revenues of the company.
Honeywell deployed a customer MDM solution to provide better service to customers and to look for new growth opportunities. The company identified situations where having the ability to interactively access and analyze purchase and sales data across its many business units would improve customer satisfaction and increase sales revenues. In addition to strong executive backing, the project also had strong support from sales account teams who saw the benefit of being able to use the system to better manage customer relationships.
Mentor Graphics
To improve productivity, Mentor Graphics built a single centralized MDM system to integrate and maintain sales, product and organizational master data and distribute it to both business transaction and business intelligence applications at regular intervals. Business users are able to control master data changes to all systems and are, therefore, more involved in the process. The system improves decision making by having better tools and information for planning reorganizations and realignments. Data quality is also enhanced by using a single system to validate and verify master data.
A Nonprofit Member Organization
The challenge for the nonprofit organization was to control internally all the information they receive from external sources, fashioning it in a way that ensures its reliability, consistency, and accessibility in a timely manner. They built a repository of high quality member data using a comprehensive set of business rules. The system helped them get through the morass of data to make it more consistent, to validate the names and addresses of their members, thus reducing their overall marketing and mailing expenses and enhancing the effectiveness of their services. With funding getting tight for the nonprofit and budgets being reduced, the solution replaced a lot of the manual processing that had been necessary to make the data useable. The business users now spend much more of their time analyzing the data rather than formatting and cleaning it.
Match Supermarkets
Match Supermarkets (Supermarchés Match) needed to organize its data according to a common format and make it accessible to operational applications, their EDI technology, and their data warehouse. They created a real time, event-driven MDM hub that contained the common formats for their master data. This hub now distributes the common format data throughout the enterprise, improving the efficiency of their operational interfaces and EDI processing.
Further Detail
- IBM:
- Hyperion:
- DataFlux:
- Sunopsis:
Misconceptions About MDM
Because MDM is a relatively new initiative, there are several differing opinions about what it is and how it should be viewed throughout the enterprise. Here are a few of the misconceptions we have encountered in our research:
- MDM is a data warehousing or BI project. Untrue! MDM is neither a BI / data warehousing project nor is it an operational project. It stands on its own in terms of benefiting both types of environments. It may use the operational environment as its source of data, but once the data is cleaned, integrated and loaded into the MDM repository, it becomes the source or the system of record for systems requiring such data - including the data warehouse, ODS or data marts.
- MDM is solely for maintaining data consistency across business transaction applications. Again untrue. Certainly master data can help improve this consistency, but it has more of a role than simply supplying data consistency. As the system of record, the master data repository becomes the standard source for all systems, applications and environments.
- MDM is simply another data integration project. No - MDM projects involve business users and MDM disciplines and policies in addition to data integration technologies and applications. Because of the enterprise nature of the MDM function, all corners of the organization may become involved in the design, deployment and utilization of master data. Data stewardship and data administration functionality may need to be heavily involved to ensure adherence to the enterprise view as well as to resolve the difficult issues surrounding this enterprise view.
- MDM integrates and manages all enterprise-wide data. Definitely not true. MDM provides system of record for key business entities only. Other transactional data must be maintained elsewhere, perhaps in an operational system, ODS or mixed workload data warehouse environment.
Master Data in a Traditional IT Environment: The Problem
In most corporations today, master data is not maintained in a single MDM environment, but by dispersed line-of-business transaction (BTx) applications, each of which has its own business models, rules and definitions (see Figure 2). The data, business models and rules in these applications often overlap and conflict with each other, and this why obtaining a consistent and accurate view of an organization's operational master data is so difficult.
Figure 2: Master data processing in a traditional IT environment
To overcome master data consistency issues in a business intelligence environment, many companies integrate and maintain a historic record of master data and its associated business transaction data in a data warehousing system. There are different ways of doing data warehousing; but, in general, data consolidation and data propagation techniques are used to integrate current master and transaction data in a low-latency operational data store (ODS), and historic detailed and summarized data in an enterprise data warehouse and its underlying data marts.
When it is not possible, for cost or security reasons, to integrate operational transaction data in a data warehouse, a data federation approach is sometimes used to provide a single business view of current dispersed operational data. When this virtual data view is referenced by application queries, the data federation software dynamically gathers and integrates the required operational data as each query is run. Data federation can be used to overcome some data quality and consistency issues, but it is not suitable for solving complex data problems.
Building an Integrated MDM Environment
There are many different approaches to integrating and managing master data. Before discussing these approaches in detail, let's first identify the ideal architecture of an MDM system. As we shall see later, this architectural goal is achieved through an iterative and evolutionary application development process.
In an enterprise MDM system, all master data is maintained and published to business users and other IT systems using MDM applications (see Figure 3). These applications handle master data and metadata changes, and maintain a historical record of those changes. An MDM application could, for example, manage and track customer account data such as account identifiers, customer names and addresses, credit ratings, etc.
Figure 3: Data flow in an MDM system
The MDM system propagates master data to other internal and external IT systems as required. It also provides business views of master data that can be used by business users and applications to directly access the MDM system. MDM applications do not handle or manage other types of business transaction data such as customer account deposits and withdrawals. This data is managed and distributed by business transaction applications.
Figure 4 shows the main components of an enterprise MDM system. These components include:
- MDM applications for managing and publishing master data and metadata.
- A master data store (MDS) containing consolidated master data.
- A master metadata store (MMS) containing the master data business model, and master data rules and definitions. The master data business model documents master data entities, attributes, relationships and their business meaning.
- A set of master data integration (MDI) services for consolidating, federating and propagating master data.
Figure 4: MDM system components
Business users employ custom-built and/or packaged MDM applications to access and maintain master data in the MDS. The MDS represents the system of record for enterprise-wide master data. Information about the system of record is documented and maintained in the MMS. As master data is created and maintained, MMS business rules ensure that the master data conforms to the business practices of the organization.
In a fully compliant MDM environment, all master data and metadata is managed by the MDM system. Of course, it may not always be possible to move all master data maintenance operations from existing business transaction applications to the MDM system. It is important, however, that even in situations where some master data is maintained outside of the MDM system, that the MDM system remains the system of record. To explain this point, we need to review in more detail the differences between the master data system of record and the master data system of entry.
System of Record and System of Entry
The system of record (SOR) is the application system responsible for publishing master data and metadata and ensuring its accuracy. The system of entry (SOE) is the application system responsible for creating and maintaining master data and its associated metadata. In a fully complaint MDM system, the SOR and SOE are the same system. Exceptions to full MDM compliance must be agreed upon and documented by IT and business users.
If the SOE is not the MDM system (see Figure 5), then any master data (or metadata) changed by the external SOE must be made visible to the MDM system so that the changes can be published and made available to other IT applications. This can be done by propagating external SOE master data changes to the MDM system, or by using data federation techniques to make SOE master data visible to the MDM system and its master data business views. These data propagation and data federation facilities are provided by master data integration (MDI) services.
Figure 5: SOE may not always be the MDM system
One of biggest difficulties when the SOE is different from the SOR is maintaining data quality. In an ideal world, the SOE would employ the same data quality and master metadata services as the MDM system. With existing custom-built and packaged business transaction applications, this is unlikely to be the case. It is important whenever possible that MDM and SOE project groups maintain and share a common set of master data governance procedures and business models, and business rules to maximize master data accuracy. An integration competency center can play an important role in managing these procedures, models and rules.
The Role of MDM in the IT Infrastructure
An MDM system and its applications and services are often implemented as tactical extensions to existing business transaction and business intelligence projects. To be successful, however, a strategic MDM initiative should be approached as an independent enterprise-level project with strong executive backing. An MDM system should act as an intelligent source of master data that drives other IT systems. It should not simply consist of a set of adjunct IT applications that gather and integrate existing master data to overcome the problems caused by dispersed master data management.
Bottom-up tactical stealth projects driven by IT groups may be a way to get started in MDM, but an enterprise must develop a strategic MDM plan if it is to be successful in managing master data over the long term by avoiding solutions that simply alleviate the symptoms of master data problems, rather than cure them.
Techniques for Integrating and Managing Master Data
Now that we have reviewed key master data management concepts, we are in a position to discuss different techniques for implementing an MDM system.
There are three main techniques for integrating and managing master data: master data identity registry, master data integration hub and enterprise master data management. Some organizations use a combination of these techniques to build a hybrid solution.
The master data identity registry (see Figure 6) technique uses an identity management application to create and maintain a repository for interrelating master data across business transaction applications. This repository contains a global identifier that is used to interconnect the master data maintained by different business transaction applications. The global identifier when coupled with data federation software can be used to construct a virtual master data SOR.
Figure 6: Master data identity registry
A master data integration hub (see Figure 7) propagates master data changes between disparate business transaction applications. Although the propagation process is normally done asynchronously, data delivery is guaranteed. Some integration hubs provide the ability to consolidate master data in a master data store (MDS). If all the required master data is in the MDS, then this acts as the SOR. If only a subset of the master data is in the MDS, then data federation can be used to build a virtual SOR consisting of master data from both the MDS and business transaction applications. An integration hub often employs an associated data model for managing the business semantics of the data flowing through the hub.
Figure 7: Master data integration hub
Enterprise master data management (see Figure 8) meets all of the requirements of an MDM system outlined earlier in this paper. Except in agreed situations, the MDM system is both the SOE and SOR for master data. When the SOE remains in a business transaction application, data propagation is used to copy data from the application to the MDS - this data is read-only in the MDS, however. Data propagation is also used to copy master data to downstream applications.
Figure 8: Enterprise MDM
Companies can implement MDM in a phased approach starting with an identity registry, then moving to an integration hub and finally to a full enterprise MDM solution. This evolutionary approach enables the SOR and SOE to be migrated to the MDM system over a period of time.
The Impact of MDM on the Traditional IT Environment
In a traditional IT environment, master data is maintained by multiple disparate business transaction applications. A virtual view of this disparate data can be generated using data federation techniques. Current master data can be also consolidated into an operational data store (ODS) and into a data warehouse for analysis.
Adding a master data identity registry to the traditional IT environment does not affect the way master data flows through the system. The global identifiers in the registry can be used in data federation scenarios to interrelate disparate operational master data. These global identifiers may also be employed in an operational data store and a data warehouse to simplify access to master data.
Building a master data integration hub enhances traditional processing by providing the ability to propagate master data changes between operational business applications. A master data hub also causes changes to ODS design. Master data is stored in the hub, and the remaining transaction data managed in the ODS. Both the master data hub and the ODS can then be used to propagate historical data to a data warehouse.
Enterprise MDM has a dramatic effect on master data flow because it maintains both current and historical detailed master data in a master data store (MDS). This means that master data is no longer maintained in an ODS or a data warehouse. The MDS can, however, be used to supply dimensional data for accessing and processing data warehouse information. The master data history in the MDS may also be employed to restate BI results to obtain valid historical comparisons. An example here would be the ability to compare July 2006 sales with July 2005 sales using the sales territories that existed in July 2005, even though the sales territories were changed in January 2006. This capability is particularly useful for financial reporting.
Enterprise MDM also provides the ability to model master data changes against data warehouse information to predict the impact of those changes on business operations and performance.
Comparing the Three Master Data Techniques
Figure 9 compares, at a high level, some of the key differences between the three MDM techniques. As the figure shows, an integration hub extends an identity registry by adding support for master data integration services, which are used to build and maintain a central master data store and propagate master data between applications. The master data store managed by the hub becomes the system of record.
Enterprise MDM provides additional capabilities in areas such as master data modeling and master data management. It also moves the systems of entry to the MDM system. Full enterprise MDM tracks master data and metadata changes and, unlike the two other approaches, is typically used to handle and relate multiple business entities. These additional capabilities add considerable functionality and business benefit to master data management but, of course, require more resources and development effort to implement. This is why full enterprise MDM should be viewed as a strategic and multiyear initiative.
Figure 9: Comparing the three MDM approaches
Business Area MDM versus Enterprise MDM
Many MDM initiatives are targeted at addressing a specific business need such as creating a single view of the customer or a single parts catalog. The issue here is that although these projects are faster and less costly to implement than full enterprise MDM, there is a risk of multiple master data silos being deployed in an organization. This is analogous to the data mart and enterprise data warehouse issues that occur in business intelligence.
A recent blog entry on the Business Intelligence Network had this to say:
"... we are managing hundreds of different categories of master data, only two of which are product and customer. The same issues permeate large corporations, whether the data is HR related, supply chain, asset, brand, etc. Forward-looking companies are taking an integrated approach to the problem rather than a siloed approach."
Although most organizations realize that it is better in the long term to implement an enterprise data warehouse, they nevertheless build independent data marts because they are faster and cheaper to deploy. After building several data marts, companies realize they are creating data silos and then embark on an expensive project to consolidate their data marts. The same situation is beginning to occur with master data. The solution is to plan top down and implement bottom up.
The long-term objective should be to develop a consolidated master data business model and to have integrated master data and metadata stores. All tactical master data project managers should keep the long-term MDM objective in mind when designing and deploying master data applications.
The best approach to balancing the needs of short- and long-term master data requirements is to have a master data practices group that is responsible for helping support the strategic master data objectives of the organization.
Figure 10 outlines the main capabilities required by an enterprise MDM system. These requirements can be broken down into four main areas: application design, metadata management, data management and integration services.
Figure 10: MDM requirements
During design, both IT and business users need an intuitive and flexible modeling facility that allows them to easily document, visualize, define and modify the business model (entities, attributes and relationships) and rules of the MDM application. For organizations with less complex master data, horizontal and vertical industry templates are a valuable starting point for this modeling process.
Master metadata management capabilities should include an integrated metadata repository that documents and handles all of the information associated with the MDM project, including the MDM business model, business views, business rules and policies, and business roles with associated security profiles. Requirements in the data management area include a common master data store and global identity management.
One of the biggest differentiators in vendor MDM solutions is how the metadata and data management facilities manage and track master data, master data relationships and master data hierarchy changes over a period of time, and whether the product provides versioning and master data and metadata lineage reporting. These capabilities are vital to enterprise MDM and key to supporting compliance regulations.
The fourth, and last, group of requirements is concerned with services for integrating MDM applications into the overall enterprise IT environment. These master data integration (MDI) services are discussed in the next section.
Master Data Integration Services
MDM commercial products often provide proprietary integration tools. Unless these tools can be easily incorporated into the existing enterprise integration environment, they should be avoided. Proprietary tools encourage metadata duplication and make it difficult to evolve MDM applications to a full enterprise MDM approach. Key requirements here include:
- Data quality management
- Metadata integration and propagation
- Synchronous and asynchronous data propagation with guaranteed delivery
- Change data capture and data transformation
- Data federation
- Service-oriented architecture
These capabilities form the underlying master data integration (MDI) services (see Figure 11) that support MDM application processing. These services should be a key component of an organization's enterprise integration architecture.
Figure 11: MDI services architecture
Master Data Applications: Build, Buy or Outsource?
To date, most MDM applications have been custom built. An example here is the use of a low-latency operational data store (ODS) to create a single view of customer data. Whereas these custom-built applications may provide the equivalent of a master data registry, or a master data integration hub, they rarely support full enterprise master data management. They are focused primarily on supporting master data integration, rather than master data management.
Like any build versus buy decision, the trade-off is between the cost of in-house development and maintenance versus the cost of vendor licensing and maintenance fees. There is no question, however, that most MDM vendor solutions provide additional capabilities compared with custom-built solutions, especially for enterprise MDM. They are also usually better integrated with the operational business transaction (BTx) packages. This, of course, is particularly the case if the MDM and BTx packages come from the same vendor.
MDM packaged solutions are often specific to a business area (customer, financial or product, for example) and/or industry (retail, banking, telecommunications, healthcare, etc.). For certain business areas and industries, this can be an advantage because built-in business models and templates offer a quick-start to MDM application development. Customer MDM is a good example here. In other areas, such as products, complexity and lack of industry standardization make the use of predefined templates and models less beneficial. When buying industry-focused solutions, organizations should be careful not to create multiple MDM silos.
Master data is crucial to an organization, and it is highly unlikely that MDM processing would be outsourced. If an organization has outsourced parts of its operational BTx application processing, this can make the implementation of in-house MDM applications difficult. If a CRM system is outsourced, for example, it will be necessary in a customer MDM application to collect data from the outsourced CRM application to create the SOR. It will be difficult, however, to move the SOE from the CRM system to the MDM system, and full enterprise MDM may not be possible.
When building MDM applications, some companies use external information-providers such as Acxiom and D&B to validate and extend their internal corporate master data.
MDM initiatives, like other enterprise-wide ones such as CRM, BPM, BI, data stewardship and so on, have their share of challenges surrounding them - not the least of which is to get cooperation from personnel across multiple departments and lines of business. Following are a few to areas to think about before beginning your first MDM project:
- Responsibility: Currently, there is no single business unit responsible for master data in most organizations. Bits and pieces of master data are created and used in multiple lines of business, divisions, departments and even within individual employees' databases. Once captured in an operational system, a business unit responsible for that system washes its hands of further responsibility. It is passed from one application to another, changed, updated and even deleted with little regard to its other instances (upstream or down) in the enterprise. Until a function is created with full responsibility to create master data, an MDM initiative cannot succeed. Unfortunately, this can also be a very political and difficult problem to resolve. High level executives must be involved to resolve the more difficult political storms that may develop.
- Discipline: Closely tied to responsibility is the need for the corporation to establish the authority of those responsible for the MDM initiative. This includes defining roles and assigning personnel to the MDM function. The discipline also includes creating formal procedures that must be adhered to by the entire enterprise.
- Investment: An MDM initiative requires significant commitment from the enterprise, not just in the assignment of people and their time, but also in terms of overall funding for the technology needed to support and maintain the environment. Both hardware and software will be needed as well as ongoing purchases of MDM applications. While this investment may be small to begin with, it will grow over time. Therefore, it is necessary to be sure the commitment to MDM has full enterprise support at the executive level.
- Ongoing Effort: Business processes and master data are constantly changing, and MDM must be seen as not just a one-time project to clean some reference data. The enterprise must understand that an MDM function is, in fact, an ongoing program consisting of multiple coordinated and prioritized projects. There may be several MDM initiatives - one for customer, another for product, etc. - occurring at the same time. These projects must be coordinated so that they share technologies where possible, use standard nomenclature, formats and definitions, and build upon the preceding projects' progress toward the ultimate goal of an MDM environment.
- Return on Investment: Finally, for each MDM project, a specific and measurable return on investment should be determined and calculated. While not an easy metric to determine, the overall value of the MDM environment must be demonstrated to the enterprise or future funding may be jeopardized.
These issues can be daunting at first. Therefore, it is necessary for a new MDM initiative to start small and tackle these problems a little at a time. Not all issues can be resolved with the first project, so we recommend that you build upon the success of each project, taking on more of these issues with each successive project.
In addition to these issues, there are also a number of other concerns to be considered as well. For example, security and privacy concerns, particularly around the customer master data, are of great importance. Creating a set of integrated, well-documented, easily accessible master data may be good and bad news for the organization unless proper governance policies and procedures are put in place.
- MDM Policies: It must be made clear through documented policies how, when and by whom this critical data is manipulated and used. These policies must include not only what should be done, but also what will happen if a policy is not followed. For example, a policy should be established for determining who owns and makes decisions how master data is used and secured. Exceptions should also be documented, and mitigating actions suggested for these exceptions.
- MDM Procedures: Similar to the MDM policies, the procedures or process for creating a piece of MDM data should be documented. For example, what is the procedure for changing the definition of a customer, for adding an element to the customer record or for deleting a customer record from the MDM repository? What should happen when a security breach is detected? Again, exception procedures may have to be set up if a work-around is needed temporarily.
One final consideration that should be discussed involves the rise of data integration centers of excellence or competency centers. No matter what you call them, they have the goals of creating an integrated, enterprise-wide, trusted, sustainable data environment that delivers information to business communities for better decision making. Their purpose is to create repositories of high quality, integrated, current and historical data. This data combines both master data and its corresponding transactional data, which is where these centers may create disjointed projects with an MDM initiative.
There are two ways to resolve this possible conflict. One resolution may be to maintain the MDM function as a separate one from the data integration center. In this case, the MDM function creates and controls the master data within its function and then shares information about this master data with the data integration center. The downside to this is that the two groups may not share technology or enterprise data standards, causing yet another integration problem to occur.
Alternatively, the MDM function could be a sub-process within the overall data integration center, providing the other center functions with the access to information about the master data for their utilization. These functions would share the same technology, standards and even personnel, making the integration of master data into all projects easier.
Depending on your political and funding situation, one or the other of these scenarios may work best for you. By starting small, you can test one organizational structure to see if it is indeed the right one for your situation.
Get Started on an MDM Project
There are some hurdles you may have to overcome when starting your MDM initiative. A few are cultural in nature and may constitute your biggest challenges. The rest are technical ones and are addressed by many of the vendors sponsoring this paper.
Cultural Hurdles
The first cultural hurdle is generating a business case for MDM. The absence of master data results in many visible difficulties such as the inability to reconcile data across multiple business units, poor information quality, long decision-making cycles, loss of revenue opportunities or the reduction in profits. The disintegration of master data leads to difficulties in identifying customers, improper management of inventory levels, inefficient supply and demand chain execution, inconsistent operational and financial reporting, and poorly run operations. Certainly, without quality master data, regulatory compliance and even mergers and acquisitions become problematic. A sound business case for MDM can be built around any of these business problems. In creating this case, you should focus on the tangible benefits such as improved operations, streamlined IT and business processes, and improved profits. These have real dollars associated with them. The intangible benefits are also useful to mention such as higher customer satisfaction, improved supplier relations and higher quality data.
The second cultural consideration is obtaining and sustaining executive backing. In any enterprise-focused initiative, there are bound to be turf wars, disagreements between divisions or departments, or arguments over the definitions of business entities. An MDM initiative certainly brings all of these conflicts to the fore. An executive steering committee fully committed to the ideals of the MDM initiative should be considered if these problems exist to ensure that the initiative can move forward with full executive support.
The executives themselves may have to be actively involved in dispute resolution and in assuring compliance to the new master data after it is implemented. Overcoming these political barriers may be the most difficult hurdle of all. Moving from a line-of-business view of master data to the enterprise view of it requires that the entire organization accept the MDM repository as the system of record for master data. This means that there must be full agreement or at least acceptance of the common business definitions for these critical business entities. An integration competency center can play an important role in overcoming these barriers. Such a center can also be responsible for defining and managing the governance policies and procedures for master data. A comprehensive governance scheme is an essential MDM success factor.
A third challenge is to ensure sufficient funding to see the initiative through to its completion. Although there are significant benefits to implementing a full scale enterprise-wide MDM system, such a project is an expensive undertaking. MDM should be viewed as a multiyear program that is implemented as a series of incremental projects. In many cases, tactical projects may be needed to meet short-term business needs. The overall long-term objective, however, is to build a full enterprise MDM system, and organizations should plan with this strategic objective in mind, even if they deploy MDM applications bottom up in small incremental steps.
Technical Hurdles
Many of the technology issues associated with MDM have already been discussed. However, a summary of the key technology issues follows.
The first one is the creation of a flexible MDM business and data model. This model is your road map to success. You will not - cannot - know all the master data that your organization will ever need. This need evolves over time, just as the business changes and grows with market shifts and cultural changes. Therefore, the designers responsible for the master data model must take extra care to create a model that is flexible and can accept additions without causing significant perturbations to the rest of the model. Some MDM vendors provide customizable industry templates and data models that can give you a quick start to an MDM project.
The next technical issue involves the management of master data quality. Data quality involves identifying and defining all master data attributes, assessing the quality of those attributes and correcting problems where possible. This can be a significant task, particularly when it comes to reconciling definitions across sources and gaining agreement from the business units where definitions or usage conflict. Data quality activities are done either on all sources of data when the MDM solution is first implemented or on a source-by-source basis as sources are brought into the MDM initiative. These activities are also applied to the data in each source as it changes on an ongoing basis. There are a variety of different data quality and data profiling tools that can aid in this process. For specific types of master data entity, there are specialist tools that can assist with address pattern matching, or with analyzing the business semantics of products and parts documentation.
A third challenge revolves around constantly changing master data. Just as the master data model must remain flexible to accommodate new master data elements, the MDM applications must support the ability to handle complex changes, not only to the content of the data, but also to the hierarchies, relationships, and business rules established within and between the data. Change is inevitable; therefore, when choosing an MDM technology, make sure that it is not too difficult to accommodate changes.
Migrating the system of entry from the operational or line-of-business systems to the MDM system occurs as both a cultural and technical challenge. The technical challenge is to ensure that this transition is smooth in terms of the switchover from operational system to MDM application. As more and more of the system of entry is converted to the MDM environment, each operational system with entry capability for that data must be either altered to eliminate potential dual entry of that data or redirected to the MDM application for entry and update capability. If it is not possible to migrate a system of record to the MDM system, then facilities are required to blend the external master data into the MDM system so that its system of record is kept current.
Identity management is the fifth challenge for MDM initiatives, especially for customer master data. Because customers can be global in nature, have myriad relationships with the enterprise as well as with each other, and are constantly changing these relationships, it is imperative that the MDM environment be able to create universal identifiers that can handle these complex and evolving situations. In many ways, this is a cultural issue as well. The enterprise must agree to and adhere to the new global identifiers and make sure that the MDM function is aware of changes or updates to these identifiers and relationships.
The final technical hurdle involves the overall master data infrastructure itself. While the idea of MDM is not new, the technologies supporting it are. There are a great number of companies that offer partial or incomplete solutions. These may be considered best-of-breed vendors. They have focused a great deal of research and development on a very specific technological aspect of the overall MDM environment such as the ability to improve the quality of customer or part data. While they may have the best solution for a particular aspect of MDM, you will have to ensure that each piece of technology can integrate into the overall MDM infrastructure. Also, because of the number and complexity of the disparate data environments and systems involved in MDM processing, it is crucial that MDM solutions employ a common master data integration architecture. This MDI architecture should be consistent with your enterprise data integration strategy and solutions.
Some vendors focus on supplying an end-to-end solution encompassing all or most of the aspects found in a mature MDM environment. In many instances, these companies have merged or acquired the needed technology to complete the MDM technological landscape. While these suite solutions may not have the depth found in the best-of-breed approaches, they do have the advantage of reducing the need to create custom adapters and bridges to integrate products from different vendors. You must determine what works best in your current IT environment.
MDM Success Factors
Enterprise MDM, as has already been pointed out, is a multiyear project that requires strong executive backing and a long-term strategic MDM plan. Success in MDM will come through coordinated incremental line-of-business (LOB) projects. Without a strategic plan and coordinated projects, MDM tactical approaches will result in MDM silos and LOB MDM models.
Sometimes MDM projects will be a part of, or extensions to, enterprise data integration and data warehousing projects. Every integration project team should consider the effect on corporate master data and the overall goal of building an enterprise-wide MDM solution.
Throughout the MDM development cycle, emphasis should be placed on building a consolidated master data business and data model, data quality management and the creation of comprehensive governance policies and procedures. MDM applications must be tightly integrated into the overall enterprise integration framework. The use of a service-oriented architecture will increasingly become a key aspect of this integration framework. A data integration competency center is an important element in helping to support and coordinate all aspects of MDM application development and deployment.
Implemented correctly, master data management can provide significant business benefits in terms of improving productivity, reducing risk and increasing revenues. Many companies build MDM solutions by deploying a master data integration (MDI) application that is targeted at a specific business issue such as building a single view of the customer, or managing products and parts catalogs. It is important to realize that although MDI can be used to provide a single business view of disparate data, it does not solve the master data problems that exist in most organizations - it simply masks them.
An enterprise MDM solution involves business users in the MDM process, and extends MDI by adding capabilities to manage, track and audit constantly changing master data and metadata. Enterprise MDM is a separate component that manages the system of record and system of entry on behalf of other IT components. It works in conjunction with, and supplies the master data to, business transaction and business intelligence applications. It can also be used to drive the design of the data warehousing environment that forms the underpinning of business intelligence application processing.
Enterprise MDM is a multiyear strategic initiative that can evolve from tactical line-of-business master data registry and master data integration hub projects, provided an enterprise MDM plan is developed to support this evolution.
We would like to conclude with a quote from one vendor executive about MDM because it summarizes the current state of the art in MDM. "While a one size fits all MDM is what everybody expects and wants, the current technologies and solutions in the market are still a few years away from fulfilling that need. The jury is still out on whether a single MDM or multiple MDMs are the best approach to solve the master data problem. The variability and the broad range of key factors such as the type of data (transactional versus analytic), latency of data, level of aggregation, volume of data and the user (business versus IT) perspectives are the fundamental considerations that need to be evaluated before choosing an appropriate MDM solution."
Master data: This is reference data about the core business entities of an organization, such as people (customers, employees and suppliers), things (products, finances/ledgers and assets) and places (locations). Many people think of these as major data subject areas (in enterprise data modeling terms) or as dimensions (in multidimensional analytics terms).
Master data business model: This is a model that documents (in an easy-to-understand format) master data entities, attributes, and relationships and corresponding technical metadata. This model is stored in the master metadata store (MMS).
Master data identity registry, master data integration hub and enterprise MDM: These are the three main approaches to master data management.
Master data integration (MDI) services: These are the various underlying data services and associated technologies used by MDM applications to integrate master data.
Master data management (MDM): A set of disciplines, applications and technologies for harmonizing and managing the system of record and system of entry for the data and metadata associated with the key business entities of an organization.
Master metadata store (MMS): A single repository containing metadata and business rules associated with master data.
MDM applications: These employ master data integration (MDI) services to create and maintain master data.
System of entry: The application system responsible for creating and maintaining master data and its associated metadata.
System of record: The application system responsible for publishing the master copy of any given piece of master data and its metadata.
As a part of this research project on master data management (MDM), the authors conducted a short survey on the Business Intelligence Network about MDM usage in companies. Of the 60 companies responding to the survey, 30 were planning MDM projects, 7 had implemented an MDM solution and 23 had no MDM plans. Of the 37 companies working on MDM, 26 were focused on product data, 23 on customer data and 9 on financial data. It was interesting to note that the focus on product master data was higher than on customer master data, which we found surprising. The expectation was that customer master data integration would be higher.
One key focus of our report is on the difference between master data integration and master data management. Many MDM projects focus on integration, i.e., they try to solve the symptoms of master data problems, rather than attack the root cause. Management of master data, on the other hand, focuses not only creating a single system of record, but also focuses on the systems of entry where master data problems are created. True enterprise MDM also handles the management of past, present and planned master data hierarchies. Such a system is extremely valuable for driving data warehouse design.
In the survey, we provided two definitions for MDM. One was oriented toward master data integration and technology, whereas the other was oriented toward true enterprise MDM and MDM disciplines. Nineteen respondents opted for the technology definition, whereas 39 chose the enterprise MDM definition.