[笔记]LCD1602 Display Experiment

一. 实现功能

  在LCD1602上滚动显示"Hello from Nios II"

二. 实验进程 

  1. 新建工程HelloWorld,顶层实体名HelloWorld;



  4. Detailed as display;


  Notes: 1. CPU: Reset Vector Memory&Exception Vector Memory set on-chip memory;

       2. Onchip-memory: Total Memory Size set 30Kbyte;

       3. 对于较长字符,常见做法是让字符在LCD上滚动显示,方法即加入一个间隔定时器Interval Timer;

  5.Verilog 完成顶层实体:   

module HelloWorld(
input CLOCK_50,
input[0:0] KEY,
inout[7:0] LCD_DATA,
output LCD_EN,
output LCD_RS,
output LCD_RW,
output LCD_BLON,
output LCD_ON

assign LCD_BLON=1;
assign LCD_ON=1;

HelloWorld_System u0 (
// 1) global signals:
// the_lcd


  6. 分析综合,引脚分配  

  7. 打开Nios II IDE, Switch Workspace: ../HelloWord/software


  Note: 配置System Library properties,将stdin,stdout,stderr三项全部设置为lcd, System clock timer设置为Timer, 取消掉Clean Exit(Flush Buffer)和Support C++前的勾,因为我们的程序不会退出,也不包含C++的函数和库.复选中Program never exits,以减小程序体积. Reduced device driver的勾绝对不能选,否则LCD无响应;

  8. 工程优化

  分别右击应用工程和系统库工程,执行Properties,选中弹出的对话框里的C/C++ Build, 将Configuration设为Release,编译器参数设置为-Os; Project->Build All,编译结果为22K,去System Library Properties 勾上Small C Libray,再次编译,程序只有12K;   

  9. Nios Ii Program:  

 * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");

  return 0;



posted on 2011-07-07 13:55  LiangXuan  阅读(838)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
