

  1 def capture(base_url, pix_w, pix_h, filename):
  2     """chrome截屏 
  3     base_url- 要截屏的url
  4     pix_w- 窗口宽 
  5     pix_h- 窗口高
  6     filename-生成截图的文件名 
  7     """  
  8     try:
  9         driver = webdriver.Chrome() 
 10         driver.set_window_size(pix_w, pix_h+89)
 11         driver.get(base_url)            
 12         time.sleep(2)
 13         img_list = []
 14         i = 0
 15         while i<20:
 16             #滚屏
 17             js="var q=document.body.scrollTop="+ str(i*pix_h)+";"
 18             driver.execute_script(js)
 19             js1 = "return document.body.scrollHeight.toString()+','+document.body.scrollTop.toString()"
 20             js1_result = driver.execute_script(js1)
 21             real_scroll_h, real_top = js1_result.split(',')[0], js1_result.split(',')[1]
 22             #real_scroll_h, real_top 是当前滚动条长度和当前滚动条的top,作为是否继续执行的依据,由于存在滚动条向下拉动后会加载新内容的情况,所以需要以下的判断
 23             #如果这次设置的top成功,则继续滚屏
 24             if real_top == str(i*pix_h):
 25                 i += 1
 26                 driver.save_screenshot('static/capture/wap/wap-'+filename + str(i)+'.png')
 27                 img_list.append('static/capture/wap/wap-'+filename + str(i)+'.png')
 28                 last_t = real_top
 29             else:
 30                 #如果本次设置失败,看这次的top和上一次记录的top值是否相等,相等则说明没有新加载内容,且已到页面底,跳出循环
 31                 if real_top != last_t:
 32                     last_t = real_top          
 33                 else:
 34                     driver.save_screenshot(filename + str(i+1)+'.png')
 35                     img_list.append(filename + str(i+1)+'.png')
 36                     break
 37         image_merge(img_list, "", filename+'.png')
 38     except Exception,e:
 39         print e
 40 def image_merge(images, output_dir, output_name='merge.jpg', restriction_max_width=None, restriction_max_height=None):  
 41     """垂直合并多张图片 
 42     images - 要合并的图片路径列表 
 43     ouput_dir - 输出路径 
 44     output_name - 输出文件名 
 45     restriction_max_width - 限制合并后的图片最大宽度,如果超过将等比缩小 
 46     restriction_max_height - 限制合并后的图片最大高度,如果超过将等比缩小 
 47     """  
 48     def image_resize(img, size=(1500, 1100)):  
 49         """调整图片大小 
 50         """  
 51         try:  
 52             if img.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):  
 53                 img = img.convert('RGB')  
 54             img = img.resize(size)  
 55         except Exception, e:  
 56             pass  
 57         return img 
 58     max_width = 0  
 59     total_height = 0  
 60     # 计算合成后图片的宽度(以最宽的为准)和高度  
 61     for img_path in images:  
 62         if os.path.exists(img_path):  
 63             img =  
 64             width, height = img.size  
 65             if width > max_width:  
 66                 max_width = width  
 67             total_height += height  
 69     # 产生一张空白图  
 70     new_img ='RGB', (max_width, total_height), 255)  
 71     # 合并  
 72     x = y = 0  
 73     for img_path in images:  
 74         if os.path.exists(img_path):  
 75             img =  
 76             width, height = img.size  
 77             new_img.paste(img, (x, y))  
 78             y += height  
 80     if restriction_max_width and max_width >= restriction_max_width:  
 81         # 如果宽带超过限制  
 82         # 等比例缩小  
 83         ratio = restriction_max_height / float(max_width)  
 84         max_width = restriction_max_width  
 85         total_height = int(total_height * ratio)  
 86         new_img = image_resize(new_img, size=(max_width, total_height))  
 88     if restriction_max_height and total_height >= restriction_max_height:  
 89         # 如果高度超过限制  
 90         # 等比例缩小  
 91         ratio = restriction_max_height / float(total_height)  
 92         max_width = int(max_width * ratio)  
 93         total_height = restriction_max_height  
 94         new_img = image_resize(new_img, size=(max_width, total_height))  
 96     if not os.path.exists(output_dir):  
 97         os.makedirs(output_dir)  
 98     save_path = '%s/%s' % (output_dir, output_name)  
100     for img_path in images:  
101         os.remove(img_path)
102     return save_path         



posted @ 2016-05-06 18:18  晶莹的营  阅读(5280)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报