10 2013 档案
摘要:---恢复内容开始---The GPRS shield which I tested is one which looks like this:---恢复内容结束---Need to be re-edited soon.
摘要:Testing a sensor from here.http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_Dust_SensorIt's a dust sensor. Everyone can buy it anywhere also. It's a cheep one actually.We can find its document here:http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/4/4c/Grove_-_Dust_sensor.pdfIt looks good.It's more cheaper
摘要:It looks like this one:This one isn't a digital light sensor, so it's very simple.http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_Light_SensorWith seeeduino and it's grove shield, this would be very easy to use.Now we can do a little experiment:using a LED and a light sensor.condition 1) If the
摘要:As we all know OpenERP is a great open-source ERP/CRM project.It does help people a lot when working in such a modern society.For those people who like to use free opensource software OpenERP is a good option.linuxmint 15 is a destro which is based on ubuntu 13.04 and has more futures. linuxmint 16
摘要:vibrator is a good thing. it has multi-funtionality . :)Now the vibrator we choose is the one which looks like this:http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_VibratorI am testing this vibrator which is neat.const int vibratorPin = 8;void setup(){ pinMode(vibratorPin, OUTPUT);}void loop(){ // make it..
摘要:根据arduino官方网站出的shield,类似的情况有很多中motor shield这里测试采用的是http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Motor_Shield_V1.0这款。采用的驱动芯片是L298N,官方网站arduino.cc 采用的是L293N,现在最新的已经采用了L298P了。http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoMotorShieldR3其他类似的shield 如下:http://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php?title=Arduino_Motor_Shield_(L293)_(SKU
摘要:Arduino的另外几种模块,我们常见的joystick摇杆模块。用起来很爽,摇杆有X,Y轴可调这里有一篇非常想尽的示例代码:http://www.geek-workshop.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=96什么也不操作的话,显示的数字是512const int xside = A0;const int yside = A1;int valuex = 0;int valuey = 0;void setup(){ // set the serial port Serial.begin(9600); }void loop(){ valuex = ana
摘要:arduino IDE装上的时候,要记得在windows平台安装驱动。如果不安装驱动的话,烧写程序的时候也许会遇到下面的现象。原因有如下几种:1,arduino控制板或者COM口没有选对,这种问题最简单2,下载的时候,arduino控制板上接了其他扩展板(使用D0,D1口的基本都会出问题,这两个口是用来通信下载程序的。)如果接了其他扩展板不能用,可以先拔掉扩展板再次尝试重新下载程序。3,bootloader损坏,这种情况下需要重新刷bootloader。4,驱动未安装好。(目前遇到ghost版本,或者精简版win7系统安装uno驱动时,无法安装的问题。这种情况,需要重装系统。ghost版或者精