This page describes the Mosquitto Python module which allows you to build MQTT clients in Python. It is also described in itself and can be accessed with “pydoc mosquitto” if it is installed.

A simple subscribe example is available at

To use the Python module, first import it: .............


for more information you should visit:


First steps using Python and MQTT (using pynotify on Ubuntu)

Until recently developing MQTT clients in anything but perl was a little tricky due to a selection of badly documented, restrictively licensed client libraries (in PHP, Java and C). After a lot of hard work on the part of Roger Light (@ralight developer behind the OSS MQTT BrokerMosquitto) there is now another solution available. ................

(P.S. this article was written in 2010. Probably it is out of date.)

for more information you could visit:



A tutorial about how to write Hello MQTT in python


Teach You to Write a MQTT python Client

Hello MQTT


For an upcoming project, I needed a light-weight publish-subscribe system, and I discovered MQTT.......


(P.S. This article was submitted in 2012. So it probably be the right tutorial. )

For more information you could visit:





采用MQTT协议实现Android消息推送 (这个内容我在2011年的时候就已经实现了,在android虚拟机上实现的,那时候我还没有android手机)

不过目前看来,前景非常好 :)