随笔分类 - Linux
摘要:Why do you need VirtIO driver? It's useful when you use Linux/Windows VMs in PVE. Usually when you attach a network to the VM, you would click the "Ha
摘要:Target: need to compress a large folder which is more than 200GB. Demands: 1. Compress 2. Spliting into small files 3. Encryption 4. Recovery Record T
摘要:Today the company canonical announced that all registered Ubuntu users can have free subscription of Ubuntu Pro for upto 5 machines. If you are a meme
摘要:I did it. Words in short, I turned the x86_64 Linux OS of my laptop into a file and it can be run as a virtual machine on the ARM64 M1 Macbook Pro. In
摘要:Drop my laptop and move all my laptop OS in the cloud with zero loss! 把你的笔记本电脑系统100%装进云服务器! There are plenty of tutorials out there. But it was not th
摘要:Updated on 8th March 2021 Successfully I migrated a x86_64 Linux OS for work to a Virtual machine which can be ran on ARM64 M1 Macbook Pro. I will add
摘要:LFS 完了。 其实还没完,还要装一些其他的组件,系统才算是对人类有用的系统。 正好这里有个BLFS Beyound Linux From Scratch 的教程。 其实,按照现有的可运行的LFS系统,我们完全可以直接自己编译。加入一些组件。只是BLFS里面加入了一些真正我们常用的组件,帮你顺理了一
摘要:做了一个自己的DIY Linux系统。从编译每一行代码,建立每一个文件系统结构开始。 创造自己的GNU/Linux系统,不同于任何发行版。按照的教程是来自 linuxfromscratch.org 来的。我选用的是systemd lfs 8.0 稳定版的教程。 做完系统你会发现。原来内核只占这个系统
摘要:I got a brand new MacBook Pro 13" 2016. I used to work on GNU/Linux for decades. I don't want to change my working environment and life style. So I am
摘要:Weechat is a console IRC client. It is opensource and very easy to use. I use weechat in my Linux PC always. But what about using it on a MacBook (OS
摘要:By default the bluetooth module HC-05 sets baud rate at 38400, data bits 8, Stop bits 1 All schematics of this bluetooth module can be found at : http
摘要:The default Vim provided by Ubuntu 16.04 even did not have Python support. That's insane. I say, what if I wanted to use Vim as a Python IDE in Linux
摘要:Just as what I said, I usually use yED to make workflow chart and markdown as the language to write history in details and write issue discussions. Fr
摘要:As what it shows, let's do it.
摘要:ElasticSearch stores each piece of data in a document.That's what I need.Using the bulk API.Transform the raw data filefrom data.jsonto benew_data.jso...
摘要:on a brand new linux PC, e.g. ubuntu 14.04 amd64To hear voicesudo apt-get install festival -ythen try to hear some thing from your PCecho "I am your c...
摘要:Using this tool ->inadynapt-get install inadyn -yUsage:https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn#example-configurationSuggested free DDNS providers: freedns...
摘要:Using this 3G module in Linux is so great. I want it. So I made it.The 3G dongle of Huawei E169/E620/E800 is made from chipQualcomm e1750. Yes, yet an...
摘要:This is an old arduino 3G module bought half years ago.Its wiki:http://wiki.iteadstudio.com/ITEAD_3G_ShieldIts mall:http://imall.itead.cc/itead-3g-shi...
摘要:ubuntu has just announced that snappy will replace 'apt' as the next generation of package manager for furture ubuntu releases. And for ubuntu 15.04 ,...