Exploit Knowledge Base

#From: http://hi.baidu.com/ring04h/blog/item/02c5bb254f59f17c34a80fa5.html

Target Architectures
intel manuals
x86 assembly
sparc assembly
sparc manuals
pa/risc - search for 'reference and manuals' on hp.com

Little/Big Endian
Byte ordering is different:
little endian (intel, 32bit) = high-ordered first

big endian (sparc, 64bit, motorola) = low-ordered first

queueing process is different
LIFO = Last in First out (Stack)
FIFO = First in First out (Heap)

Linux ELF
ELF = executable and linkable format
COFF = common object file format
.so = dynamic library
.dtors = destructors
.ctors = constructors
GOT = global offset table
PLT = procedure linkage table
libraries (api) = /usr/lib
libc.so = C library

Windows PE

PE = portable executable
PE-COFF = portable executable common object file format
PEB = process environment block
TEB = threat environment block
PIC = position independant code
.dll = dynamic linked library
Win32 API
DCOM = distributed common object model
MSVCRT.dll = C Library

C Datatypes (x86)

integer (int) = 4 bytes
unsigned int = 4 bytes
short int = 2 bytes
long int = 4 bytes
long long int = 8 bytes
floating (float) = 4 bytes
character (char) = 1 bytes


%d = decimal
%u = unsigned decimal
%x = hexadecimal
%s = string
%n = number bytes written so far

Memory Segments

.text = text (code) portion of binary, read-only, segfaults if written to
.data = initialised global and local variables, write-able, fixed-size
.bss = uninitialised global and local variables, write-able, fixed-size
heap = dynamically allocated variables (allocate+/free-)
(grows down toward higher memory addresses)
stack = local variables, recursive function calls (push+/pop-)
(grows up toward lower memory addresses)

Registers and Pointers

EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX = data manipulation
EAX = Accumulator
EBX = Base
ECX = Counter
EDX = Data
AX,BX,CX,DX = 16bit data manipulation
AH,BH,CH,DH,AL,BL,CL,DL = 8bit high/low ordered
CS,SS,DS,ES,FS,GS = 16bit memory address pointers
Offset = offset related to segment
EBP = extended base pointer (local environment for function)
ESI = extended source index (data source offset)
EDI = extended destination index (destination data offset)
ESP = extended stack pointer (top of stack)
EIP = extended instruction pointer (address of next instruction)
EEFLAGS = cpu logic and state tracking

Intel IA32 Registers


Runtime Memory


Runtime Memory / Registers



local variables, recursive function calls, example function: printf()




dynamically allocated variables, example function: malloc()





0day = no patch available yet
poc = proof of concept
public = public available exploit
private = privately exchanged exploit
local = local privilege escalation
remote = remotely working exploit


Buffer Overflow Generations
1) stack-based overflows
2) off-by-one and formatstring overflows
3) bss overflows
4) heap overflows


System Preparation
for linux, disable protection when testing exploits:
echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield
echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield-random
allow core dumps in linux:
ulimit -c unlimited
windows needs the following settings:
boot.ini for disabling data execution prevention: /noexecute=AlwaysOff
registry for disabling ASLR under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages


Important Tools
gnu compiler collection:gcc
gnu debugger:gdb
netwide assembler:nasm
windows debugger:windbg
visual c++ express:visual c++ express
ida pro free:ida pro free
(regmon,filemon,handle,tcpview,process explorer)
linux: ltrace, strace
solaris: truss
bsd: fstat
mac: kdump, ktrace, vmmap
cisco: rommon


1) Control EIP ;)
2) Determine the offset(s)
3) Determine the attack vector (opcode, env, dtors, libc)
4) Build the exploit sandwich (nop sled, shellcode, esp)
5) Test the exploit :o


Exploit Sandwich



NOP sled


repeated no-operations (NOP's), no need to know exact offset, pointing somewhere into for sliding to the shellcode, use opcode0x90


Down to the Beef


overwrite EIP with A (0x41): python -c 'print("A"*200)'
overwrite EIP with NOP sled: python -c 'print("\x90"*200)'

generate shellcode: python -c 'print("\xeb\x1f\x5e\x89...")' > sc
calculate return address (debugger, pcalc)
overwrite EIP with repeated return address
address in right endian format: python -c 'print("\x01\x23\x45\x67")'
buffer bytes - NOP sled - Shellcode / 4 bytes = n times (x??)
build sandwich: sled + shellcode + repeated return address
send string to application input or network socket :)
python -c 'print("\x90"*20+"\xeb\x1f\x5e\x89..."+"\x01\x23\x45\x67"*10)'
if it segfaults, debug it, adjust length, search for error(s)
poke around in memory until you succeed!




possible shellcodes: port binding, reverse connection, find and re-use socket, code execution (execve), file transfer, multi staged, syscall proxying, process injection, ...
avoid these whitespaces in shellcode:
0x00 terminates instructions, others may include 0x20, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x1b, 0x0b and 0x0c
if target is suspected to have a firewall enabled, either disable it via shell:
netsh firewall set opmode disable (admin/system privs needed)
or use a reverse shell to a probably not filtered port like 443, 80, 53, ...
if usable buffer is very small, use trampoline technique:
127 bytes in either direction (EB06 = 6 bytes) or go after libc over env-variable




jmp esp (0xff 0xe4)
call esp (0xff 0xd4)
push esp, ret (0x54 0xc3)




famous shellcode from aleph1:
int main() {
int *ret;
ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
(*ret) = (int)shellcode;


disassembling shellcode:



compile it with gcc: gcc -o shellcode shellcode.c
debug with gdb: gdb shellcode
gdb: x /24i &shellcode
gdb: x /s 0x??????? (das-sections)
gdb: quit


Exploit Development


1) Plan the exploit
determine offset and location of payload relative to registers
find reliable jmp/call <register> offset for product/windows
test shellcode with nop's
insert jmp's into paylaod to avoid corruption
2) Write shellcode in inline assembly
allows for easier editing and may save time
3) Maintain a shellcode library
saves a lot of time, support for different platforms
4) Make it continue nicely
for metasploit use thread (not seh) as exit code
if process is restarted when terminated use exit(), ExitProcess() or TerminateProcess()
if thread is restarted when terminated use ExitThread() or TerminateThread()
5) Make the exploit stable
run more than once or multiple copies against same target
support for multiple windows patchlevels, multi platform, linux distros
log traces and firewalling issues
easy offset embedding
6) Make it steal the connection
breakpoint socket calls like accept, recv, recvfrom, send, sendto, use getpeername
read/write-file windows may use socket, serializing socket


Python TCP Socket


import sys, os, socket
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print data
print result2


More Links and Info

Metasploit Windows System Calls
Metasploit Shellcode
Metasploit OpCode Database
Metasploit Unleashed

Editra Editor
Leo Editor
Shellcoders Handbook

posted on 2011-11-17 13:31  Sp1d3r  阅读(444)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
