Leetcode:Letter Combinations of a Phone Number


Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.

A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below.

Input:Digit string "23"
Output: ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"].

Although the above answer is in lexicographical order, your answer could be in any order you want.

分析: 非常有意思的题目,电话按键串可以凑成的所有字符串,因为每个按键对应着3个-4个字符串,故基本也是一个深搜问题,对按键串的每一次按键都


 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     vector<string> letterCombinations(string digits) {
 4         map<char,string> phone;
 5         phone.insert(make_pair('1',""));
 6         phone.insert(make_pair('2',"abc"));
 7         phone.insert(make_pair('3',"def"));
 8         phone.insert(make_pair('4',"ghi"));
 9         phone.insert(make_pair('5',"jkl"));
10         phone.insert(make_pair('6',"mno"));
11         phone.insert(make_pair('7',"pqrs"));
12         phone.insert(make_pair('8',"tuv"));
13         phone.insert(make_pair('9',"wxyz"));
14         phone.insert(make_pair('0'," "));
16         string oneres;
17         vector<string> result;
18         //if(digits.empty()) return result;
20         findresult(phone,digits,oneres,result,0);
21         return result;
22     }
23     void findresult(map<char,string> phone,string digits,string& oneres, vector<string>& result, int index)
24     {
25         if(index==digits.size())
26         {
27             result.push_back(oneres);
28             //oneres.clear();
29             return;
30         }
31         string mapto = (phone.find(digits[index]))->second;
32         for(int i=0;i<mapto.size();i++)
33         {
34             string back = oneres;
35             oneres += mapto[i];
36             findresult(phone,digits,oneres,result,index+1);
37             oneres = back;
38         }
39     }
40 };


posted on 2014-06-18 21:49  soyscut  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
