opnet tutorial of mm1 & basic process

Packet streams are used to connect each of the modules in the Node Editor. 

The name of the underlying process model, acb_fifo, reflects its major characteristics: "a" indicates that it is active (that is, it acts as its own server), "c" indicates that it can concentrate multiple incoming packet streams into its single internal queuing resource, "b" indicates that the service time is a function of the number of bits in the packet, and "fifo" indicates the service ordering disciplineThe name of the underlying process model, acb_fifo, reflects its major characteristics: "a" indicates that it is active (that is, it acts as its own server), "c" indicates that it can concentrate multiple incoming packet streams into its single internal queuing resource, "b" indicates that the service time is a function of the number of bits in the packet, and "fifo" indicates the service ordering discipline

2. basic process

You can declare variables in three places. Variables declared in the temporary variables block do not retain their values between invocations of the FSM.//在临时变量块里定义的变量在状态机调用期间并不会保留他们的值
Variables declared in the state variables block retain their values from invocation to invocation.//定义在状态变量栏里面的变量会在各种函数调用期间一直保留值

Variables declared inside a state’s executive are only defined while that executive is executed.//在状态执行函数中定义的变量只在被执行的时候有效。


When creating a statistic, you must declare that statistic in the process model that records it. You will create one statistic for this process.//要申明将要采集的数据
1 Choose Interfaces > Local Statistics.
2 Enter packet count as the first Stat Name.


Edit Process Interfaces

To control the attributes visible at the node level, edit the Process Interfaces. You can set initial attribute values or hide attributes.//控制高进程的属性是否可在节点层次上可见,可以通过改变进程进程接口的属性来实现
1 Choose Interfaces > Process Interfaces.
➥ The Process Interfaces dialog box appears.
2 Change the Initial Value for the begsim intrpt attribute to enabled.
➥ This will cause the Simulation Kernel to deliver such an interrupt to the process model instance at the start of the simulation.//允许在仿真开始时给进程一个中断
3 Verify that the Initial Value for each of the following attributes is set to disabled: endsim intrpt, failure intrpts, intrpt interval, recovery intrpts, and super priority.//其他中断都被禁止。
4 Verify that the Initial Value of the priority attribute is 0.
5 For all attributes, change the value of Status to hidden by left-clicking in the Status column and selecting hidden, so that the attributes will not appear in the node editor.//隐藏所有属性,使他们在节点层次上不可见




Right-click on Node Statistics >node packet count to open its Statistic pop-up menu, and choose Record Statistic Animation. 
➥ The Record statistic animation checkbox in the Data collection area of the dialog box becomes enabled. You can also use that checkbox to toggle the animation on or off.//记录数据动画“Record statistic animation”是干嘛用的???是让数据动态记录的意思???

In the preceding steps, you:
• Created an animation of packet flow within the node (Animations > Node Animation).
• Specified that the node packet count statistic be collected (Node Statistics > node packet count).
• Specified that the node packet count statistic be animated.


To configure the repositories:
1 Choose Edit > Preferences.

2 Verify the Network Simulation Repositories preference is set to (), then click Cancel. If it is not empty, delete all entries and click OK to close the dialog box.//说明在使用自己定义的进程、节点的时候,仿真的时候Network Simulation Repositories preference为空,但是在学习之前的tutorial时,该属性栏的值往往为stdmod.

posted @ 2016-04-25 17:04  sowhenn  阅读(255)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报