javax.usb.services = org.usb4java.javax.Services
查找usb设备,其实通过usb通信流程大体上都是一致,之前我做过android与arduino通过usb通信,然后java通信走了一遍之后发现是一样的。USB 设备在一棵树上进行管理。这树的根是所有物理根集线器连接到一个虚拟的 USB集线器。更多的集线器可以连接到这些根集线器和任何集线器可以有大量的连接的 USB设备。
通常,您需要在使用它之前搜索特定设备,下面的是一个例子如何扫描与一个特定的供应商和产品 id 的第一个设备的设备:
public UsbDevice findDevice(UsbHub hub, short vendorId, short productId) { for (UsbDevice device : (List<UsbDevice>) hub.getAttachedUsbDevices()) { UsbDeviceDescriptor desc = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor(); if (desc.idVendor() == vendorId && desc.idProduct() == productId) return device; if (device.isUsbHub()) { device = findDevice((UsbHub) device, vendorId, productId); if (device != null) return device; } } return null; }
UsbConfiguration configuration = device.getActiveUsbConfiguration(); UsbInterface iface = configuration.getUsbInterface((byte) 1); iface.claim(); try { ... Communicate with the interface or endpoints ... } finally { iface.release(); }
iface.claim(new UsbInterfacePolicy() { @Override public boolean forceClaim(UsbInterface usbInterface) { return true; } });
同步 I/O
UsbEndpoint endpoint = iface.getUsbEndpoint(0x03); UsbPipe pipe = endpoint.getUsbPipe(); pipe.open(); try { int sent = pipe.syncSubmit(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }); System.out.println(sent + " bytes sent"); } finally { pipe.close(); }
UsbEndpoint endpoint = iface.getUsbEndpoint((byte) 0x83); UsbPipe pipe = endpoint.getUsbPipe(); pipe.open(); try { byte[] data = new byte[8]; int received = pipe.syncSubmit(data); System.out.println(received + " bytes received"); } finally { pipe.close(); }
异步 I/O
pipe.addUsbPipeListener(new UsbPipeListener() { @Override public void errorEventOccurred(UsbPipeErrorEvent event) { UsbException error = event.getUsbException(); ... Handle error ... } @Override public void dataEventOccurred(UsbPipeDataEvent event) { byte[] data = event.getData(); ... Process received data ... } });
sudo apt-get insall usbview
注意启动的时候需要权限,而且还需要以图形界面显示(sudo usbview在我的Linux Mint没有反应的):
sudo gksu usbview
package nir.desktop.demo; import java.util.List; import javax.usb.UsbConfiguration; import javax.usb.UsbConst; import javax.usb.UsbControlIrp; import javax.usb.UsbDevice; import javax.usb.UsbDeviceDescriptor; import javax.usb.UsbEndpoint; import javax.usb.UsbException; import javax.usb.UsbHostManager; import javax.usb.UsbHub; import javax.usb.UsbInterface; import javax.usb.UsbInterfacePolicy; import javax.usb.UsbPipe; import javax.usb.event.UsbPipeDataEvent; import javax.usb.event.UsbPipeErrorEvent; import javax.usb.event.UsbPipeListener; public class UsbConn { private static final short VENDOR_ID = 0x2341; /** The product ID of the missile launcher. */ private static final short PRODUCT_ID = 0x43; // private static final short VENDOR_ID = 0x10c4; // // /** The product ID of the missile launcher. */ // private static final short PRODUCT_ID = -5536; private static UsbPipe pipe81, pipe01; /** * 依据VID和PID找到设备device * * @param hub * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static UsbDevice findMissileLauncher(UsbHub hub) { UsbDevice launcher = null; for (UsbDevice device : (List<UsbDevice>) hub.getAttachedUsbDevices()) { if (device.isUsbHub()) { launcher = findMissileLauncher((UsbHub) device); if (launcher != null) return launcher; } else { UsbDeviceDescriptor desc = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor(); if (desc.idVendor() == VENDOR_ID && desc.idProduct() == PRODUCT_ID) { System.out.println("找到设备:" + device); return device; } } } return null; } public static void sendMessage(UsbDevice device, byte[] message) throws UsbException { UsbControlIrp irp = device .createUsbControlIrp( (byte) (UsbConst.REQUESTTYPE_TYPE_CLASS | UsbConst.REQUESTTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE), (byte) 0x09, (short) 2, (short) 1); irp.setData(message); device.syncSubmit(irp); } /** * 注意权限的配置问题,在linux下可能无法打开device,解决办法参考官方的FAQ * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub UsbDevice device; try { device = findMissileLauncher(UsbHostManager.getUsbServices() .getRootUsbHub()); if (device == null) { System.out.println("Missile launcher not found."); System.exit(1); return; } UsbConfiguration configuration = device.getActiveUsbConfiguration();//获取配置信息 UsbInterface iface = configuration.getUsbInterface((byte) 1);//接口 iface.claim(new UsbInterfacePolicy() { @Override public boolean forceClaim(UsbInterface arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } }); // for (UsbEndpoint endpoints : (List<UsbEndpoint>) iface // .getUsbEndpoints()) { // System.out.println("--->"+endpoints.getUsbEndpointDescriptor()); // } UsbEndpoint endpoint81 = iface.getUsbEndpoint((byte) 0x83);//接受数据地址 UsbEndpoint endpoint01 = iface.getUsbEndpoint((byte)0x04);//发送数据地址 pipe81 = endpoint81.getUsbPipe(); pipe81.open(); pipe01 = endpoint01.getUsbPipe(); pipe01.open(); byte[] dataSend = { (byte) 0x00 };//需要发送的数据 pipe01.asyncSubmit(dataSend); pipe81.addUsbPipeListener(new UsbPipeListener() { @Override public void errorEventOccurred(UsbPipeErrorEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(arg0); } @Override public void dataEventOccurred(UsbPipeDataEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(new String(arg0.getData())); } }); // pipe81.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // } } }
其中的一些接口、端口都是依据usbview写的,数据是发成功了(RX灯亮了),但是因为我使用的是arduino,里面的代码不知道怎么写,如果有这方便的高手还请帮我一下,谢谢。FQ看了下有的人用的是同步传输出现的问题,相关的解决办法,这里我就完全粘贴、复制了:Here is an abbreviated example. Note that I have removed from this, allchecks, error handling, and such.It is just the logic of creating two pipes for two endpoints. One IN andone OUT. Then using them to do a write and a read.It assumes that endpoint 2 is an OUT and endpoint 4 is an IN.Note also that the name of an IN endpoint is OR'd with 0x80:

import javax.usb.*; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { UsbDevice usbDevice = ...getUsbDevice by matching vID, pID, knowing the path... or whatever works for you... usbDevice.getUsbConfigurations(); UsbConfiguration config = usbDevice.getActiveUsbConfiguration(); UsbInterface xface = config.getUsbInterface((byte)0); xface.claim(); UsbEndpoint endPt2 = xface.getUsbEndpoint((byte)2); //OUT endpoint UsbEndpoint endPt4 = xface.getUsbEndpoint((byte)(4 | 0x80) ); //IN endpoint UsbPipe pipe2 = endPt2.getUsbPipe(); pipe2.open(); UsbPipe pipe4 = endPt4.getUsbPipe(); pipe4.open(); //Use the pipes: byte[] bytesToSend = new byte[] {1,2,3}; //Going to send out these 3 bytes UsbIrp irpSend = pipe2.createUsbIrp(); irpSend.setData(bytesToSend); pipe2.asyncSubmit(irpSend); //Send out some bytes irpSend.waitUntilComplete(1000); //Wait up to 1 second byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[3]; //Going to read 3 bytes into here UsbIrp irpRead = pipe2.createUsbIrp(); irpRead.setData(bytesToRead); pipe4.asyncSubmit(irpRead); //Read some bytes irpRead.waitUntilComplete(1000); //Wait up to 1 second } }

package DemoMath; import java.util.List; import javax.usb.UsbConfiguration; import javax.usb.UsbConst; import javax.usb.UsbControlIrp; import javax.usb.UsbDevice; import javax.usb.UsbDeviceDescriptor; import javax.usb.UsbEndpoint; import javax.usb.UsbException; import javax.usb.UsbHostManager; import javax.usb.UsbHub; import javax.usb.UsbInterface; import javax.usb.UsbInterfacePolicy; import javax.usb.UsbPipe; import javax.usb.util.UsbUtil; public class UsbConn { private static final short VENDOR_ID = 0x04b4; private static final short PRODUCT_ID = 0x1004; private static final byte INTERFACE_AD= 0x00; private static final byte ENDPOINT_OUT= 0x02; private static final byte ENDPOINT_IN= (byte) 0x86; private static final byte[] COMMAND = {0x01,0x00}; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static UsbDevice findMissileLauncher(UsbHub hub) { UsbDevice launcher = null; for (UsbDevice device : (List<UsbDevice>) hub.getAttachedUsbDevices()) { if (device.isUsbHub()) { launcher = findMissileLauncher((UsbHub) device); if (launcher != null) return launcher; } else { UsbDeviceDescriptor desc = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor(); if (desc.idVendor() == VENDOR_ID && desc.idProduct() == PRODUCT_ID) { System.out.println("发现设备" + device); return device; } } } return null; } //command for controlTransfer public static void sendMessage(UsbDevice device, byte[] message) throws UsbException { UsbControlIrp irp = device .createUsbControlIrp( (byte) (UsbConst.REQUESTTYPE_TYPE_CLASS | UsbConst.REQUESTTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE), (byte) 0x09, (short) 2, (short) 1); irp.setData(message); device.syncSubmit(irp); } /** * Class to listen in a dedicated Thread for data coming events. * This really could be used for any HID device. */ public static class HidMouseRunnable implements Runnable { /* This pipe must be the HID interface's interrupt-type in-direction endpoint's pipe. */ public HidMouseRunnable(UsbPipe pipe) { usbPipe = pipe; } public void run() { byte[] buffer = new byte[UsbUtil.unsignedInt(usbPipe.getUsbEndpoint().getUsbEndpointDescriptor().wMaxPacketSize())]; @SuppressWarnings("unused") int length = 0; while (running) { try { length = usbPipe.syncSubmit(buffer); } catch ( UsbException uE ) { if (running) { System.out.println("Unable to submit data buffer to HID mouse : " + uE.getMessage()); break; } } if (running) { // System.out.print("Got " + length + " bytes of data from HID mouse :"); // for (int i=0; i<length; i++) // System.out.print(" 0x" + UsbUtil.toHexString(buffer[i])); try { String result = DataFix.getHexString(buffer); System.out.println(result); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Stop/abort listening for data events. */ public void stop() { running = false; usbPipe.abortAllSubmissions(); } public boolean running = true; public UsbPipe usbPipe = null; } /** * get the correct Interface for USB * @param device * @return * @throws UsbException */ public static UsbInterface readInit() throws UsbException{ UsbDevice device = findMissileLauncher(UsbHostManager.getUsbServices() .getRootUsbHub()); if (device == null) { System.out.println("Missile launcher not found."); System.exit(1); } UsbConfiguration configuration = device.getActiveUsbConfiguration(); UsbInterface iface = configuration.getUsbInterface(INTERFACE_AD);//Interface Alternate Number //if you using the MS os,may be you need judge,because MS do not need follow code,by tong iface.claim(new UsbInterfacePolicy() { @Override public boolean forceClaim(UsbInterface arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } }); return iface; } /** * 异步bulk传输,by tong * @param usbInterface * @param data */ public static void syncSend(UsbInterface usbInterface,byte[] data) { UsbEndpoint endpoint = usbInterface.getUsbEndpoint(ENDPOINT_OUT); UsbPipe outPipe = endpoint.getUsbPipe(); try { outPipe.open(); outPipe.syncSubmit(data); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { outPipe.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static HidMouseRunnable listenData(UsbInterface usbInterface) { UsbEndpoint endpoint = usbInterface.getUsbEndpoint(ENDPOINT_IN); UsbPipe inPipe = endpoint.getUsbPipe(); HidMouseRunnable hmR = null; try { inPipe.open(); hmR = new HidMouseRunnable(inPipe); Thread t = new Thread(hmR); t.start(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return hmR; } /** * 主程序入口 * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub UsbInterface iface; try { iface = readInit(); listenData(iface); syncSend(iface, COMMAND); } catch (UsbException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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