SQL SERVER 2008 复制所有表结构、触发器、存储过程、视图等(海典传输初始化)(一)

USE [……]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_init_busno]    Script Date: 08/18/2022 16:14:53 ******/


    gthlu 2007-06-04
CREATE proc [dbo].[p_init_busno](@busno varchar(10),@userid varchar(10))

declare @sql varchar(1000)
declare @maxorderid int,@orderid int,@zoneno varchar(10)
declare @procname nvarchar(100)

--使有替换存储过程设置查询是否有替换存储过程    YB 2020-5-13
set @procname = dbo.f_get_rep_proc(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)) 
If @procname > ''      
    set @procname = 'exec ' + @procname + ' @busno,@userid'
    execute sp_executesql @procname, N'@busno varchar(10),@userid varchar(10)', @busno,@userid  

if not exists(select * from c_org_busi where busno = @busno )

if not exists(select * from c_user_org where org_tran_code = @busno and userid = @userid and status = 1)

if not exists(select * from c_org_busi b,c_zone c where b.busno=c.busno and b.busno=@busno)

if not exists(select * from c_org_busi b,c_zone c,c_stall d where b.busno=c.busno 
    and c.zoneno=d.zoneno and b.busno=@busno and d.stalltype='11')

-- 2966    如果启用门店验收确认功能,还需要检查这两个货位
if exists(select * from c_sys_ini where ini='2966' and para='1')
    if not exists(select * from c_org_busi b,c_zone c,c_stall d where b.busno=c.busno 
        and c.zoneno=d.zoneno and b.busno=@busno and d.stalltype='21')

    if not exists(select * from c_org_busi b,c_zone c,c_stall d where b.busno=c.busno 
        and c.zoneno=d.zoneno and b.busno=@busno and d.stalltype='22')

create table #data(sql varchar(8000),orderid int identity(1,1),orderid_temp int null) 

--免调试SQL系统参数    by liwenlong 20140521
insert  into #data ( sql ) select  'SET ANSI_NULLS ON'    
insert  into #data ( sql ) select  'go'    
insert  into #data ( sql ) select  'SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF'    
insert  into #data ( sql ) select  'go'   
--免调SQL试系统参数 结束 by liwenlong 20140521

insert into #data(sql)
exec p_get_usertable

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_usertable_primary

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_usertable_index

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
exec p_get_objtext

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

select @orderid = max(orderid) from #data

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_sys_ini disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_sys_ini','ini<>''1006'' and ini<>''1007'' and ini<>''1008'' and ini<>''1009'''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_sys_ini enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "update c_sys_ini set para = '" + @busno + "' where ini = '1001'"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_dddw disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_dddw',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_dddw enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_bill disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_bill ',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_bill enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_columns disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_columns ',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_columns enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_dyreport disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_dyreport ',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_dyreport enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_function disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_function',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_function enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_function_ext disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_function_ext',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_function_ext enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_sale_printer disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_sale_printer',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_sale_printer enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_help disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_help',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_help enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_objects disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_objects',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_objects enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_period disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_period',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_period enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_print_m disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_print_m',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_print_m enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_print_c disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_print_c',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_print_c enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_proc_set disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_proc_set',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_proc_set enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_relation disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_relation',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_relation enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_retrieve disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_retrieve',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_retrieve enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE t_tranitem disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 't_tranitem',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE t_tranitem enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_stroke disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_stroke',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_stroke enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_py disable trigger all"
insert into #data(sql) 
exec p_get_select 'c_py',''
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_py enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_org_tran'," + """where org_tran_code = '" + @busno + "'"""
exec( @sql)

select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_org_tran'," + """where org_tran_code = '" + rtrim(dbo.f_sys_ini('1001')) + "'"""
exec( @sql)

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_org_busi disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_org_busi'," + """where busno = '" + @busno + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_org_busi enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user_func'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func_ext disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user_func_ext'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func_ext enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func_shop disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user_func_shop'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_func_shop enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_org disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user_org'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_org enable trigger all"

insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_dept disable trigger all"
select @sql = 
"insert into #data(sql) exec p_get_select 'c_user_dept'," + """where userid = '" + @userid + "'"""
exec( @sql)
insert into #data(sql)
select "ALTER TABLE c_user_dept enable trigger all"

update #data set orderid_temp = orderid

select @maxorderid = max(orderid) from #data

while @orderid < @maxorderid
    select @orderid = @orderid + 10
    insert into #data(sql,orderid_temp) select 'go',@orderid

insert into #data(sql)
select 'go'

update t_transet_c set maxserialno = convert(bigint,@@dbts) where tranid = '004' and tranorg_obj = @busno

select sql from #data order by orderid_temp

drop table #data


 其中,存储过程 p_get_usertable 代码如下:

 by gthlu 2005-10-15   
CREATE  proc [dbo].[p_get_usertable]  
declare @sql varchar(4000)  
declare @tabname varchar(100)  
declare @colname varchar(80),@cdefault int,@domain int,@xusertype smallint,  
        @prec smallint,@scale int,@isnullable int,@autoval int  ,@ctext_compute varchar(8000) 
declare @procname nvarchar(100)
declare @typeName sysname,@xscale tinyint

--使有替换存储过程设置查询是否有替换存储过程    YB 2020-5-13
set @procname = dbo.f_get_rep_proc(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)) 
If @procname > ''      
    set @procname = 'exec ' + @procname  
    execute sp_executesql @procname 
create table #tabtext(txt varchar(4000),orderid int identity(1,1))  
declare tabname_cursor cursor for select a.name from sysobjects a,sysusers b    
        where a.xtype = 'u' and b.uid = a.uid and b.name = 'dbo' --and a.name = 't_ol_order_m'  
open tabname_cursor  
fetch next from tabname_cursor into @tabname  
while @@fetch_status >= 0  
     select @sql = 'if object_id(''' + @tabname + ''') is null ' + 'create table [' + @tabname + ']('  
        --修正sql2005下  autoval 不能正确判断自增长字段--by黄才旺 2008-12-17 
     declare column_cursor cursor for  
     select syscolumns.name,syscolumns.cdefault,syscolumns.domain,syscolumns.xusertype,syscolumns.prec,c.name as typeName,
        syscolumns.scale,syscolumns.isnullable ,COLUMNPROPERTY(syscolumns.id,syscolumns.name,'IsIdentity')  ,b.text,c.xscale
     from syscolumns  left join syscomments b 
            on  syscolumns.ID=b.ID AND syscolumns.Colid=b.number 
           join systypes c on syscolumns.xusertype = c.xusertype
     where syscolumns.id = object_id(@tabname)  
     order by syscolumns.colid
    open column_cursor  
    fetch next from column_cursor into @colname,@cdefault,@domain,@xusertype,@prec,@typeName,
        @scale,@isnullable ,@autoval ,@ctext_compute,@xscale

    while @@fetch_status >= 0  
        if len(@sql)>3600 
            insert into #tabtext(txt) select @sql  
            set @sql=''
        if len(isnull(@ctext_compute,''))>0 
            select @sql=@sql + '[' + @colname + '] AS ' + @ctext_compute + ','
            select @sql = @sql + '[' + @colname + ']' + ' ' + @typeName
               + case when @prec is null or @prec = 0  or @prec = (select prec from systypes where xusertype = @xusertype and 
                            (status <> 2 and name not in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') ))  then ' '    
                      else '(' + cast(case when @prec = -1 then case when @typeName in ('nchar','nvarchar') then 4000 else 8000 end else @prec end as varchar(10))   
               + case when @scale is null or @scale = @xscale then ')'  
                      else ',' + cast(@scale as varchar(10)) + ')'  end end  
               + case when @cdefault is null or @cdefault = 0 then ''  
                      else (select case when charindex('create',text) = 0 then ' default ' + text else '' end from syscomments where id = @cdefault) end   
               + case @isnullable when 0 then ' not null'  
                                  when 1 then ' null'  
                                  else ' ' end
               + case when @autoval <> 1 then ','   
                      else ' identity(' + convert(varchar,ident_seed(@tabname)) + ',' + convert(varchar,ident_incr(@tabname)) + '),' end

            --select @sql = @sql + '[' + @colname + ']' + (select  ' ' + name from systypes where xusertype = @xusertype)  
   --            + case when @prec is null or @prec = 0  or @prec = (select prec from systypes where xusertype = @xusertype and 
   --                         (status <> 2 and name not in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') ))  then ' '    
   --                   else '(' + cast(case when @prec = -1 then 8000 else @prec end as varchar(10))   
   --            + case when @scale is null or @scale = (select scale from systypes where xusertype = @xusertype) then ')'  
   --                   else ',' + cast(@scale as varchar(10)) + ')'  end end  
   --            + case when @cdefault is null or @cdefault = 0 then ''  
   --                   else (select case when charindex('create',text) = 0 then ' default ' + text else '' end from syscomments where id = @cdefault) end   
   --            + case @isnullable when 0 then ' not null'  
   --                               when 1 then ' null'  
   --                               else ' ' end   
   --            + case when @autoval <> 1 then ','   
   --                   else ' identity(' + convert(varchar,ident_seed(@tabname)) + ',' + convert(varchar,ident_incr(@tabname)) + '),' end

        fetch next from column_cursor into @colname,@cdefault,@domain,@xusertype,@prec,@typeName,
            @scale,@isnullable,@autoval  ,@ctext_compute,@xscale
    close column_cursor  
    deallocate column_cursor  

    fetch next from tabname_cursor into @tabname  

    select @sql = left(@sql,len(rtrim(@sql))-1) + ')'  
    insert into #tabtext(txt) select @sql  
    insert into #tabtext(txt) select 'go'  

close tabname_cursor  
deallocate tabname_cursor  
insert into #tabtext(txt)  
select txt = 'if object_id(''[' + name + ']'') is null exec(''' + replace(text,'''','''''') + ''')'  
from sysobjects a,syscomments b  
where a.id = b.id and a.xtype = 'D' and b.text like '%create%'  
insert into #tabtext(txt) select 'go'  
insert into #tabtext(txt)  
select 'exec sp_bindefault ''[' + a.name + ']'',''[' + object_name(c.id) + '].[' + c.name + ']'''  
from sysobjects a,syscomments b,syscolumns c  
where a.id = b.id and a.xtype = 'D' and b.text like '%create%' and a.id = c.cdefault  
select txt from #tabtext order by orderid  
drop table #tabtext  


存储过程 p_get_usertable_primary代码如下:

    by gthlu 2007-06-02
CREATE proc [dbo].[p_get_usertable_primary]

DECLARE @table_id        int
DECLARE @table_name    nvarchar(255)
declare @colname varchar(255)
declare @pkname varchar(255)
declare @sql varchar(4000)
declare @procname nvarchar(100)

--使有替换存储过程设置查询是否有替换存储过程    YB 2020-5-13
set @procname = dbo.f_get_rep_proc(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)) 
If @procname > ''      
    set @procname = 'exec ' + @procname  
    execute sp_executesql @procname 

--select @table_name = 'u_sale_c'
create table #pktext(txt varchar(4000),orderid int identity(1,1))

declare tabname_cursor cursor for 
select a.name from sysobjects a,sysindexes b,sysusers c where a.type = 'u' and a.id = b.id and (b.status & 0x800) = 0x800 and a.uid = c.uid and c.name = 'dbo'

open tabname_cursor
fetch next from tabname_cursor into @table_name

while @@fetch_status >= 0
     SELECT @table_id = object_id(@table_name)

     select colname = convert(sysname,c.name),o.name,pkname = convert(sysname,i.name),
    rowid = case when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  1) then convert (smallint,1)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  2) then convert (smallint,2)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  3) then convert (smallint,3)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  4) then convert (smallint,4)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  5) then convert (smallint,5)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  6) then convert (smallint,6)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  7) then convert (smallint,7)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  8) then convert (smallint,8)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  9) then convert (smallint,9)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 10) then convert (smallint,10)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 11) then convert (smallint,11)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 12) then convert (smallint,12)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 13) then convert (smallint,13)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 14) then convert (smallint,14)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 15) then convert (smallint,15)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 16) then convert (smallint,16)
     into #t
     from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o 
     where o.id = @table_id and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) = 0x800
    and (c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  1) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  2) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  3) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  4) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  5) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  6) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  7) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  8) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  9) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 10) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 11) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 12) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 13) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 14) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 15) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 16)

     select top 1 @pkname = pkname from #t

     declare primary_cursor cursor for select colname from #t order by rowid

     open primary_cursor

     fetch next from primary_cursor into @colname
     select @sql = "if not exists(select * from sysobjects where object_name(parent_obj) = '" + @table_name + "' and type = 'k') "
              + ' alter table ' + @table_name + ' add primary key ('
     while @@fetch_status >= 0
         select @sql = @sql + @colname + ','
         fetch next from primary_cursor into @colname


     select @sql = left(@sql,len(rtrim(@sql))-1) + ')'
     insert into #pktext(txt) select @sql
     insert into #pktext(txt) select 'go'

     close primary_cursor
     deallocate primary_cursor

     drop table #t

     fetch next from tabname_cursor into @table_name

close tabname_cursor
deallocate tabname_cursor

select txt from #pktext order by orderid
drop table #pktext


存储过程 p_get_usertable_index代码如下:

    by gthlu 2007-06-02
CREATE proc [dbo].[p_get_usertable_index]

DECLARE @table_id        int
DECLARE @table_name    nvarchar(255)
declare @index_name varchar(255)
declare @colname varchar(255)
declare @sql varchar(4000)
declare @status int 
declare @procname nvarchar(100)

--使有替换存储过程设置查询是否有替换存储过程    YB 2020-5-13
set @procname = dbo.f_get_rep_proc(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)) 
If @procname > ''      
    set @procname = 'exec ' + @procname  
    execute sp_executesql @procname 

create table #pktext(txt varchar(4000))

declare tabname_cursor cursor for 
select a.name as table_name,b.name,b.status as index_name from sysobjects a,sysindexes b ,sysusers c
where a.xtype = 'u' and a.id = b.id and (b.status & 0x800) <> 0x800 and (b.status & 64)=0 and indid > 0 and indid < 255 and 
    c.name = 'dbo' and a.uid = c.uid

open tabname_cursor
fetch next from tabname_cursor into @table_name,@index_name,@status

while @@fetch_status >= 0
     SELECT @table_id = object_id(@table_name)

     select colname = convert(sysname,c.name),o.name,@index_name as index_name,@status as status,
    rowid = case when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  1) then convert (smallint,1)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  2) then convert (smallint,2)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  3) then convert (smallint,3)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  4) then convert (smallint,4)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  5) then convert (smallint,5)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  6) then convert (smallint,6)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  7) then convert (smallint,7)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  8) then convert (smallint,8)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid,  9) then convert (smallint,9)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 10) then convert (smallint,10)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 11) then convert (smallint,11)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 12) then convert (smallint,12)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 13) then convert (smallint,13)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 14) then convert (smallint,14)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 15) then convert (smallint,15)
            when c.name = index_col(@table_name, i.indid, 16) then convert (smallint,16)
     into #t
     from sysindexes i, syscolumns c, sysobjects o 
     where o.id = @table_id and o.id = c.id and o.id = i.id and (i.status & 0x800) <> 0x800 and i.name = @index_name and 
    indid > 0 and indid < 255 and (i.status & 64)=0
    and (c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  1) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  2) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  3) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  4) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  5) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  6) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  7) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  8) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid,  9) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 10) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 11) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 12) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 13) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 14) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 15) or
         c.name = index_col (@table_name, i.indid, 16)

     select top 1 @index_name = index_name from #t

     declare primary_cursor cursor for select colname from #t order by rowid

     open primary_cursor

     fetch next from primary_cursor into @colname
     select @sql = "if exists (select * from sysindexes where name = '" + @index_name + "' and id = object_id('" + @table_name + "')) " 
          + "drop index " + @table_name + "." + @index_name
              + ' CREATE '+ case WHEN (@status & 2)<>0 then 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END + 'INDEX ' + @index_name + ' ON ' + @table_name + '('
     while @@fetch_status >= 0
         select @sql = @sql + @colname + ','
         fetch next from primary_cursor into @colname


     select @sql = left(@sql,len(rtrim(@sql))-1) + ')'
     insert into #pktext select @sql
     insert into #pktext select 'go'

     close primary_cursor
     deallocate primary_cursor

     drop table #t

     fetch next from tabname_cursor into @table_name,@index_name,@status

close tabname_cursor
deallocate tabname_cursor

select * from #pktext
drop table #pktext


存储过程 p_get_objtext代码如下:

        by gthlu 2005-10-14 
    修改:增加了取函数的代码,解决了因代码太长,导致截行问题,和视图嵌套调用后运行报对象无效错误。 2007-06-13
ALTER procedure [dbo].[p_get_objtext]
set nocount on
declare @BlankSpaceAdded   int
,@BasePos       int
,@CurrentPos    int
,@TextLength    int
,@LineId        int
,@AddOnLen      int
,@LFCR          int 
,@DefinedLength int
,@SyscomText    nvarchar(4000)
,@Line          nvarchar(2000)
,@objid int
,@objname nvarchar(776)
,@objrowid int
,@maxorderid int 
,@times int 
 declare @procname nvarchar(100)

--使有替换存储过程设置查询是否有替换存储过程    YB 2020-5-14
set @procname = dbo.f_get_rep_proc(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)) 
If @procname > ''      
    set @procname = 'exec ' + @procname  
    execute sp_executesql @procname 

Select @DefinedLength = 2000
SELECT @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#objtext') is not null drop table #objtext
create table #objtext(txt nvarchar(2000),id int,LineId    int)
 if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#objname') is not null drop table #objname
select distinct rtrim(object_name(a.id)) objname,case a.xtype
                           when 'V' then 400
                           when 'FN' then 600
                           when 'IF' then 300
                           when 'TF' then 500
                           when 'TR' then 100
                           when 'P' then 200
                           else 0
                      end orderid ,a.xtype,a.id
into #objname
from sysobjects a (nolock),sysusers b (nolock),syscomments c (nolock)
where a.xtype in ('FN','IF','TF','v','tr','p') and a.status >= 0 and a.uid = b.uid and b.name = 'dbo'
    and c.encrypted<>1 and a.id = c.id 
    and left(lower(a.name),5) not in (lower('p_b2c'),lower('p_b2b'))
    and a.name not like 'jc_p_%'
    and not exists(select 1 from c_initsql_except where a.name = c_initsql_except.objectname)
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp
 create table #temp (objname varchar(200),id int,row int identity(1,1))
declare @id int 

if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpmemts') is not null drop table #tmpmemts
 select d.id,d.text into #tmpmemts from #objname c ,syscomments d (nolock) where c.id = d.id and c.xtype = 'V' 

declare cursor_obj_v cursor for select rtrim(a.objname),a.id from #objname a where a.xtype = 'v' order by orderid
open cursor_obj_v

fetch next from cursor_obj_v into @objname,@id 
while @@fetch_status >= 0
    if exists (select * from #tmpmemts where id <> @id  and charindex(@objname ,text)>0)
        insert #temp (objname,id )select @objname,@id 
    fetch next from cursor_obj_v into @objname,@id 
close cursor_obj_v
deallocate cursor_obj_v

--select * from #temp

while 1 = 1
    --select * into #order from #temp
    select @times = isnull(@times,0) + 1  --为了防止死循环,当循环次数大于10次后,跳出。
    if @times > 10 break
    SELECT @maxorderid = max(orderid) FROM #objname where xtype = 'v' 
    update a 
    set orderid = orderid + row + abs(orderid - @maxorderid) from #objname a,#temp b 
    where a.objname = b.objname
   if object_id('tempdb..#temp1') is not null drop table #temp1
    select a.objname,identity(int,1,1) row 
    into #temp1
    from #objname a ,#tmpmemts b ,#temp e
    where a.id = b.id and a.xtype = 'v' and a.objname = e.objname and 
        exists(select * from #objname c ,#tmpmemts d ,#temp f
            where c.id = d.id and c.xtype = 'V' and b.id <> d.id and c.objname = f.objname and charindex(a.objname ,text)>0)
    if @@rowcount = 0 and @times > 10 break
    truncate table #temp
    set identity_insert #temp on 
    insert into #temp(objname,row) select objname,row from #temp1
    drop table #temp1
  if object_id('tempdb..#tmpmemts') is not null drop table #tmpmemts
  if object_id('tempdb..#temp1') is not null drop table #temp1

if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpmemts_all') is not null drop table #tmpmemts_all
 select d.id,d.text,number,colid into #tmpmemts_all from #objname c ,syscomments d (nolock) where c.id = d.id  
declare cursor_obj cursor for select objname,id from #objname order by orderid 
open cursor_obj
fetch next from cursor_obj into @objname,@id
select @objid = 1
while @@fetch_status >= 0
     select @objrowid = isnull(@objrowid,0) + 1
    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CommentText') is not null drop table   #CommentText 
     CREATE TABLE #CommentText
     (LineId    int,
      Text  nvarchar(2000) collate database_default)
     insert into #commenttext select 0,'if object_id(''' + @objname + ''') is not null '
            + case (select xtype from sysobjects (nolock) where id = object_id(@objname))
                   when 'v' then 'drop view ' + @objname
                   when 'FN' then 'drop function ' + @objname
                   when 'IF' then 'drop function ' + @objname
                   when 'TF' then 'drop function ' + @objname
                   when 'tr' then 'drop trigger ' + @objname
                   when 'p' then 'drop proc ' + @objname
                   else ''
     insert into #commenttext select 1,'go' union all select 2,char(13)
     DECLARE ms_crs_syscom  CURSOR LOCAL
     FOR SELECT text FROM #tmpmemts_all WHERE id = @id order by number,colid FOR READ ONLY
     SELECT @LFCR = 2
     SELECT @LineId = 3
     select @Line = ''
     OPEN ms_crs_syscom
     FETCH NEXT FROM ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText
     WHILE @@fetch_status >= 0
         SELECT  @BasePos    = 1
         SELECT  @CurrentPos = 1
         SELECT  @TextLength = LEN(@SyscomText)
         WHILE @CurrentPos  != 0
             SELECT @CurrentPos =   CHARINDEX(char(13)+char(10), @SyscomText, @BasePos)
             IF @CurrentPos != 0
                 While (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR) > @DefinedLength
                     SELECT @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength-(isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded)
                     INSERT #CommentText VALUES
                     ( @LineId,
                       isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N''))
                     SELECT @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1,
                            @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0
                 SELECT @Line    = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR), N'')
                 SELECT @BasePos = @CurrentPos+2
                 INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line )
                 SELECT @LineId = @LineId + 1
                 SELECT @Line = NULL
                 IF @BasePos <= @TextLength
                     While (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ) > @DefinedLength
                         SELECT @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength - (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded)
                         INSERT #CommentText VALUES
                         ( @LineId,
                           isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N''))
                         SELECT @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1,
                             @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0
                     SELECT @Line = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ), N'')
                     if LEN(@Line) < @DefinedLength and charindex(' ', @SyscomText, @TextLength+1 ) > 0
                         SELECT @Line = @Line + ' ', @BlankSpaceAdded = 1
         FETCH NEXT FROM ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText
     IF @Line is NOT NULL
         INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line )
     CLOSE  ms_crs_syscom
     DEALLOCATE     ms_crs_syscom
     insert into #commenttext select @lineid+1,char(13) union all select @lineid + 2,'go' union all select @lineid + 3,char(13)
     insert into #objtext select Text,@objrowid,lineid from #CommentText order by LineId
     select @objid = @objid + 1
     DROP TABLE     #CommentText
     fetch next from cursor_obj into @objname,@id
close cursor_obj
deallocate cursor_obj
select replace(txt,char(9),'        ') from #objtext order by id desc,lineid
drop table #objtext
drop table #objname,#temp
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpmemts_all') is not null drop table #tmpmemts_all

return (0)


posted @ 2022-08-18 16:19  竹楼风雨声  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报