本文讲述Hibernate的generator属性的意义。Generator属性有7种class,本文简略描述了这7种class的意义和用法。AD:Hibernate的Generator属性有7种class,本文简略描述了这7种class的意义和用法。1、identity:用于MySql数据库。特点:递增<idname="id"column="id"> <generatorclass="identity"/> </id>注:对于MySql数据库使用递增序列时需要在建表时对主键指定为auto_incr 阅读全文
Here’s a long article to show you how to integrate JSF 2.0(also jsf 1.X), Spring and Hibernate together. At the end of the article, you will create a page which display a list of the existing customer from database .This article is using for tell you how to integrate jsf,spring ,hibernate .Maybe you 阅读全文