node 文件操作
文件操作单例 @example fu.exist(file); //是否存在 fu.copy(file, 'new-path'); //复制到某个新目录 fu.move(file, 'new-path'); //移动到某个新目录 fu.rename(file, 'new-name'); fu.delete(file); //删除文件或文件夹 fu.mkdir(src); //创建目录 fu.touch(my-file-name); //创建文件 fu.write(my-file-name, data); //写入内容 fu.append(my-file-name, append_data); //追加内容; //读取内容 fu.type(my-file-name); //类型 fu.extname(my-file-name); //文件后缀, 带. fu.extname(my-file-name); //文件后缀,不带. fu.copy('tmp', 'tmp2'); //复制文件或者文件夹tmp中的文件到目录tmp2 fu.move('tmp', 'tmp2'); //移动文件或者文件夹tmp中的文件到文件夹tmp2 fu.each(src, function(item){ console.log('遍历文件'); }); //异步的方式遍历 var options = { sync: false, matchFunction: function(itm){ return\.css$/i); } } var onComplete = function(){ console.log('遍历完成'); } fu.each(src, function(item), options, onComplete);
/** * Created by Sorrow.X on 2017/6/16. */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = _path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); let isWindows = !!process.platform.match(/^win/); let wrench = { // 同步递归创建目录 mkdirSyncRecursive: function (path, mode) { path = _path.normalize(path); let self = this; try { fs.mkdirSync(path, mode); } catch (err) { if (err.code == "ENOENT") { let slashIdx = path.lastIndexOf(_path.sep); if (slashIdx > 0) { let parentPath = path.substring(0, slashIdx); self.mkdirSyncRecursive(parentPath, mode); self.mkdirSyncRecursive(path, mode); } else { throw err; }; } else if (err.code == "EEXIST") { return; } else { throw err; }; }; }, // 同步递归删除目录 rmdirSyncRecursive: function (path, failSilent) { let files; let self = this; try { files = fs.readdirSync(path); } catch (err) { if (failSilent) return; throw new Error(err.message); }; /* Loop through and delete everything in the sub-tree after checking it */ for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = _path.join(path, files[i]); var currFile = fs.lstatSync(file); if (currFile.isDirectory()) { // Recursive function back to the beginning self.rmdirSyncRecursive(file); } else if (currFile.isSymbolicLink()) { // Unlink symlinks if (isWindows) { fs.chmodSync(file, 666) // Windows needs this unless joyent/node#3006 is resolved.. }; fs.unlinkSync(file); } else { // Assume it's a file - perhaps a try/catch belongs here? if (isWindows) { fs.chmodSync(file, 666) // Windows needs this unless joyent/node#3006 is resolved.. }; fs.unlinkSync(file); }; }; /* Now that we know everything in the sub-tree has been deleted, we can delete the main directory. Huzzah for the shopkeep. */ return fs.rmdirSync(path); }, // 同步拷贝文件 copyFile: function (src, dest) { let len = 64 * 1024; let buff = new Buffer(len); let fdr = fs.openSync(src, 'r'); let fdw = fs.openSync(dest, 'w'); let bytesRead = 1; let pos = 0; while (bytesRead > 0) { bytesRead = fs.readSync(fdr, buff, 0, len, pos); fs.writeSync(fdw, buff, 0, bytesRead); pos += bytesRead; } fs.closeSync(fdr); fs.closeSync(fdw); } }; // 判断fn是否是函数 let isFunction = function (fn) { return == '[object Function]'; }; // 判断str是否是字符串 let isString = function (str) { return == '[object String]'; }; /** 文件操作单例 @example fu.exist(file); //是否存在 fu.copy(file, 'new-path'); //复制到某个新目录 fu.move(file, 'new-path'); //移动到某个新目录 fu.rename(file, 'new-name'); fu.delete(file); //删除文件或文件夹 fu.mkdir(src); //创建目录 fu.touch(my-file-name); //创建文件 fu.write(my-file-name, data); //写入内容 fu.append(my-file-name, append_data); //追加内容; //读取内容 fu.type(my-file-name); //类型 fu.extname(my-file-name); //文件后缀, 带. fu.extname(my-file-name); //文件后缀,不带. fu.copy('tmp', 'tmp2'); //复制文件或者文件夹tmp中的文件到目录tmp2 fu.move('tmp', 'tmp2'); //移动文件或者文件夹tmp中的文件到文件夹tmp2 fu.each(src, function(item){ console.log('遍历文件'); }); //异步的方式遍历 var options = { sync: false, matchFunction: function(itm){ return\.css$/i); } } var onComplete = function(){ console.log('遍历完成'); } fu.each(src, function(item), options, onComplete); **/ let FileUtil = (function () { // 属性 function F() { }; // 方法 F.prototype = { constructor: F, /** 判断某个或某些文件(夹)是否存在 @method exist @param {String} f 一个文件(夹)名称 @return Boolean 文件是否存在 **/ exist: function (f) { return fs.existsSync(f); }, /** 是否是文件 @method isFile @static @param {String} f 文件名称 @return Boolean 是否是文件 **/ isFile: function (f) { return this.exist(f) && fs.statSync(f).isFile(); }, /** 是否是文件夹 @method isDirectory @static @param {String} f 文件名称 @return Boolean 是否是文件夹 **/ isDirectory: function (f, dir) { return this.exist(f) && fs.statSync(f).isDirectory(); }, /** @method extname @param {String} f 文件名称 @param {String} (optional) withDot 是否带上. @return String 文件后缀 @example console.log(fu.extname('image.jpg')); // jpg **/ extname: function (f, withDot) { var extname = path.extname(f); if (!withDot && extname && extname.charAt(0) == '.') { return extname.substr(1); } return extname; }, /** 创建目录 @method mkdir @param {String|Array} f 一个或多个文件夹 @param {Number} permission 文件权限 @example fu.mkdir('model'); fu.mkdir(['view', 'controller']); fu.mkdir('mydir', 0775); **/ mkdir: function (f, permission) { if (util.isArray(f)) { var self = this; f.forEach(function (item) { self.mkdir(item, permission); }) } else { if (!this.exist(f)) { wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(f, permission || 0777); } } }, /** 创建文件 @method touch @param {String|Array} f 一个或多个文件 @param {int} (optional)[0777] permission 文件权限 @param {String} (optional) data 文件内容 @example fu.touch(''); fu.touch('app.js', 0777); fu.touch(['view/view.js', 'model/model.js']); fu.touch('app.js', 0777, ' = (function(){ return "app" })()'); **/ touch: function (f, permission, data) { if (util.isArray(f)) { var self = this; f.forEach(function (item) { self.touch(item, permission); }) } else { data = data || ''; this.mkdir(path.dirname(f)); this.write(f, data); } }, /** 删除文件或文件夹 @method delete @param {String|Array} f 一个或多个文件或文件夹 @example fu.delete('/var/www/tmp/data/one.txt'); fu.delete('/var/www/tmp/data/') **/ delete: function (f) { if (util.isArray(f)) { var self = this; f.forEach(function (item) { self.delete(item); }) } else { if (this.exist(f)) { if (this.isDirectory(f)) { wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(f, true); } else { fs.unlinkSync(f); } } } }, /** 读取文件内容 @method read @param {String} f 文件名 @param {String} (optional) encoding 编码,默认`utf-8` @example'文件名'); **/ read: function (f, encoding) { return fs.readFileSync(f, encoding || 'utf-8'); }, /** 写入内容到文件 (会覆盖以前的内容) @method read @param {String} f 文件名 @param {String} data 文件内容 @param {String} (optional) encoding 编码,默认`utf-8` @example fu.write('', '你的数据'); **/ write: function (f, data, encoding) { return fs.writeFileSync(f, data, encoding || 'utf-8'); }, /** 追加内容到文件 @method append @static @param {String} f 文件名 @param {String} data 文件内容 @param {String} (optional) encoding 编码,默认`utf-8` @example fu.append('', '你的数据'); **/ append: function (f, data, encoding) { return fs.appendFileSync(f, data, encoding); }, /** 更改名称 @method rename @param {String} name 文件名 @param {String} (optional) newName 新的文件名 @example fu.rename('app.js', 'app_bak.js'); fu.rename('app.js', '/usr/local/bak/app.js'); **/ rename: function (name, newName) { this.mkdir(path.dirname(newName)); fs.renameSync(name, newName); }, /** 移动文件或文件夹中的文件到新的目录(移动完可以重命名) @method move @param {String|Array} f 一个或多个文件 @param {String} target 目标文件目录 @param {String} (optional) filter_or_newName 过滤正则或者过滤函数或者新名称 @example //移动js文件 fu.move(fu.list(src), targetDir, /\.js$/i); fu.move(fu.list(src), targetDir, function(f) { return f.match(/\.js$/i); }); //移动并且改名 fu.move('src/app.js', 'dest', 'app-min.js'); **/ move: function (f, target, filter_or_newName) { var self = this; var isValid = function (item) { if (self.isDirectory(item)) { return true; }; if (filter_or_newName) { if (util.isRegExp(filter_or_newName)) { return filter_or_newName.test(item); } else if (isFunction(filter_or_newName)) { return filter_or_newName(item); }; }; return true; }; if (util.isArray(f)) { f.forEach(function (item) { self.move(item, target); }); } else { var name; if (!isValid(f)) { return; }; if (filter_or_newName && isString(filter_or_newName)) { name = filter_or_newName; filter_or_newName = null; } else { name = path.basename(f); }; var newName = path.normalize(target + path.sep + name); try { //如果是文件 if (this.isFile(f)) { this.rename(f, newName); }; //如果没有过滤参数 if (!filter_or_newName) { return this.rename(f, target); }; //可能有过滤,被过滤掉的文件不能被移动 var deleteList = []; this.each(f, function (item) { var dir, t; if ( { dir = path.relative(f,; t = path.normalize(target + path.sep + dir); self.mkdir(t); deleteList.push(; } else { dir = path.dirname(path.relative(f, t = path.normalize(target + path.sep + dir); self.move(, t, filter_or_newName); }; }, { matchFunction: function (item) { return isValid(; } }); deleteList.forEach(function (item) { self.delete(item); }); self.delete(f); } catch (err) { if (this.isFile(f)) { this.copy(f, target, filter_or_newName); this.delete(f); } else if (this.isDirectory(f)) { this.copy(f, target, filter_or_newName); this.delete(f); }; }; }; }, /** 复制文件或文件夹中的文件到新的目录(复制完可以重命名) @method copy @param {String|Array} f 一个或多个文件 @param {String} target 目标文件目录 @param {String} (optional) filter_or_newName 过滤正则或者过滤函数或者新名称 @example //拷贝js文件 fu.copy(fu.list(src), targetDir, /\.js$/i); fu.copy(fu.list(src), targetDir, function(f){ return f.match(/\.js$/i); }); //拷贝并且改名 fu.copy('src/app.js', 'dest', 'app-min.js'); **/ copy: function (f, target, filter_or_newName) { var self = this; var isValid = function (item) { if (self.isDirectory(item)) { return true; }; if (filter_or_newName) { if (util.isRegExp(filter_or_newName)) { return filter_or_newName.test(item); } else if (isFunction(filter_or_newName)) { return filter_or_newName(item); }; }; return true; }; if (util.isArray(f)) { f.forEach(function (item) { // self.copy(item, dir); self.copy(item, target); }); } else { var name; if (!isValid(f)) { return; }; if (filter_or_newName && isString(filter_or_newName)) { name = filter_or_newName; filter_or_newName = null; } else { name = path.basename(f); }; var newName = path.normalize(target + path.sep + name); if (this.isFile(f)) { this.mkdir(path.dirname(newName)); wrench.copyFile(f, newName); } else if (this.isDirectory(f)) { this.each(f, function (item) { var dir, t; if (! { dir = path.dirname(path.relative(f,; t = path.normalize(target + path.sep + dir); self.copy(, t, filter_or_newName); }; }); }; }; }, /** 遍历目录下的文件和文件夹 @method each @static @param {String} dir 目录 @param {Function} callback 遍历时的回调函数 @param {Object} options 过滤参数 @param {Boolean} options.recursive 是否遍历子文件夹,默认true @param {Boolean} options.excludeFile 是否屏蔽文件 @param {Boolean} options.excludeDirectory 是否屏蔽文件夹 @param {Boolean} options.sync 是否异步,默认同步 @param {Function} options.matchFunction 匹配函数 @param {Function} (optional) onComplete 完成文件遍历的回调函数 @example // 同步遍历 fu.each('src', function(item){ console.log(item); }, { excludeDirectory: true, matchFunction: function(item){ return item.filename.match(/\.js/i); } }); //以异步方式调用 fu.each('src', function(item){ console.log(item.filename); }, { sync: false}, function(){ console.log('读取完毕') }); **/ each: function (dir, callback, options, onComplete) { options = options || {}; dir = dir.replace(/(\/+)$/, ''); let self = this; let sync = options.sync != undefined ? options.sync : true; let excludeFile = options.excludeFile; let excludeDirectory = options.excludeDirectory; let matchFunction = options.matchFunction; let breakFunction = options.breakFunction; let preventRecursiveFunction = options.preventRecursiveFunction; let recursive = true; let checkCount = 0; let p, i, l; var onFinished = function () { if (checkCount <= 0 && onComplete) { onComplete(); }; }; if (options.recursive === false) { recursive = false; }; if (!this.isDirectory(dir)) { onFinished(); return []; }; var handleItem = function (filename) { var name = dir + path.sep + filename; var isDir = self.isDirectory(name); var info = { directory: isDir, name: name, filename: filename }; if (isDir) { if (recursive) { if (!preventRecursiveFunction || !preventRecursiveFunction(info)) { checkCount++; self.each(name, callback, options, function () { checkCount--; onFinished(); }); }; }; if (!excludeDirectory) { if (!matchFunction || (matchFunction && matchFunction(info))) { callback(info); }; }; } else if (self.isFile(name)) { if (!excludeFile) { if (!matchFunction || (matchFunction && matchFunction(info))) { callback(info); }; }; }; checkCount--; onFinished(); }; if (sync) { p = fs.readdirSync(dir); p.forEach(handleItem); checkCount = 0; onFinished(); } else { fs.readdir(dir, function (e, arr) { if (e) { onFinished(); } else { checkCount = arr.length; onFinished(); arr.forEach(function (item) { handleItem(item); }); }; }); }; }, /** 列出目录下的文件和文件夹 @method list @static @param {String} dir 目录 @param {Object} options 过滤参数 @param {Boolean} options.recursive 是否遍历子文件夹,默认true @param {Boolean} options.excludeFile 是否屏蔽文件 @param {Boolean} options.excludeDirectory 是否屏蔽文件夹 @param {Function} options.breakFunction 终止函数 @param {Function} options.matchFunction 匹配函数 @param {Boolean} fullView 是否返回更完整的文件信息 @return Array 文件和文件夹信息 @example //列出所有js文件 var list = fu.list('aa', { excludeDirectory: true, matchFunction: function(item){ return item.filename.match(/\.js$/i); } }); console.log(list); //list = ['a.js', 'b/c.js', ...] //列出所有js文件,包含完整信息 var list = fu.list('aa', { excludeDirectory: true, matchFunction: function(item){ return item.filename.match(/\.js$/i); } }, true); console.log(list); **/ list: function (dir, options, fullView) { let result = []; options = options || {}; options.sync = true; this.each(dir, function (item) { if (fullView) { result.push(item); } else { result.push(; } }, options); return result; } }; //实例容器 let instance; let _static = { name: 'FileUtil', //获取实例的方法 //返回F的实例 getInstance: function (args) { if (instance === undefined) { instance = new F(args); }; return instance; } }; return _static; })(); let fu = FileUtil.getInstance(); module.exports = fu;