


进程篇之进程初识 -- 内核2.6.11


       一. Linux源代码中,常把进程称作任务(task)或线程(thread)。

      OS教科书中给进程的定义是:进程是程序执行时的一个实例。 从内核的观点来看,进程的目的就是担当分配系统资源(cpu时间,内存等)的实体。



#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
 pid_t pid;
 int count=0;
 pid = fork();
 printf( "Now, the pid returned by calling fork() is %d"n", pid );
 if ( pid>0 )
  printf( "This is the parent process,the child has the pid:%d"n", pid );
  printf( "In the parent process,count = %d"n", count );
 else if ( !pid )
  printf( "This is the child process."n");
  printf( "Do your own things here."n" );
  count ++;
  printf( "In the child process, count = %d"n", count );
  printf( "fork failed."n" );
 return 0;


[root@localhost src]# gcc fork.c


[root@localhost src]# ./a.out

Now, the pid returned by calling fork() is 0

This is the child process.

Do your own things here.

In the child process, count = 1

Now, the pid returned by calling fork() is 4139

This is the parent process,the child has the pid:4139

In the parent process,count = 0


[root@localhost src]#






#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
 pid_t pid;
 int count=0;
 fock 调用是一个复制进程,fock 不象线程需提供一个函数做为入口,
 fock调用后,新进程的入口就在 fock的下一条语句。*/

 pid = fork();
 printf( "Now, the pid returned by calling fork() is %d\n", pid );
 if ( pid>0 )

  printf( "This is the parent process,the child has the pid:%d\n", pid );
  printf( "In the parent process,count = %d\n", count );
 else if ( !pid )
 { /*在子进程中对count进行自加1的操作,但是并没有影响到父进程中的count值,父进程中的count

  printf( "This is the child process.\n");
  printf( "Do your own things here.\n" );
  printf( "In the child process, count = %d\n", count );
  printf( "fork failed.\n" );
 return 0;


     Linux使用轻量级的进程( lightweight  processes)。两个轻量级进程基本上可以共享一些资源,诸如地址空间,打开的文件等等。只要其中一个修改共享资源,另一个就可以立即查看这种修改。当然,当2个线程访问共享资源时,就必须同步它们自己。(同步,在以后章节应该是重头戏,呵呵。最近学了不少的同步机制。)


 二.进程描述符(Process Descriptor)

          为了管理进程,内核必须对每个进程所做的事情进程清楚的描述。例如,内核必须知道进程的优先级,它是正在cpu上运行还是由于某些事件而被阻塞,给它分配了什么样的地址空间,允许它访问哪个文件等等。这就是进程描述符----进程描述符是task_struct类型结构,它的字段包含了与一个进程相关的所有信息。它不仅包含了进程许多属性的字段,还包含了一些指向其他数据结构的指针。如下图(图片是从 understanding the linux kernel 英文版3 中截取的)  





posted on 2008-12-30 17:08  土猫敢死队  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
