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ROS_I means ROS Industrial

ROS_I 解决了哪些问题:

  1. 让自动化可以互相协作,操纵器、末端执行器、感知系统/传感器,移动平台,周边设备,都可只用一种语言(ROS messages)交流。在无视OEM厂商品牌或者通信总线的情况下,也能协作。
  2. 免费的封装模块库,提供了高级能力,最好的技术可以得到传播,绕开了专有厂商的锁定,再培训或价格问题。
  3. 为制造自动化软件的开源开发,提供了监管和结构。在这个项目中的代码都是被复审过,并且自动评估质量指标。
  4. 为学术研究提供了一个自我审查的渠道,使之可以快速应用到工业中。

Can I develop closed-source software for ROS-I and sell it for profit?
A: Yes! We desire for the ROS-I community to foster all manner of new businesses selling ROS-I compatible software nodes, development tools, GUIs, support and integration services.

Is ROS-Industrial suitable for real-time control?

A: Like ROS, ROS-I nominally runs on Ubuntu Linux, which is not a real-time OS. ROS-I is fast enough to run closed-loop with perception systems for manufacturing automation applications, but (at least for now) ROS-I must be used as a high-level controller in conjunction with a low-level real-time controller (usually the one from the OEM), which closes servo feedback loops and provides safety behavior (e.g. an E-stop).
posted on 2015-07-25 23:28  sonictl  阅读(596)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报