标识符和关键词 受限标识符或被引号修饰的标识符。它是由双引号(")包围的一个任意字符序列。一个受限标识符总是一个标识符而不会是一个关键字。因此"select"可以用于引用一个名为“select”的列或者表,而一个没有引号修饰的select则会被当作一个关键词,从而在本应使用表或列名的地方引起解析错误 阅读全文
PostgreSQL Configuration – managing scary settings
2016-02-24 17:57 by DataBases, 730 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
When it comes to highly available database servers and configuration, a very important aspect is whether or not a changed setting requires a database 阅读全文
PostgreSQL configuration file postgresql.conf recommanded settings and how it works
2016-02-24 16:17 by DataBases, 293 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
1 Set max_connections to three times the number of processor cores on the server. Include virtual (hyperthreading) cores. Set shared_buffers to 4GB fo 阅读全文
PostgreSQL Loadbalance Analysis CPU
2016-02-24 11:02 by DataBases, 458 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
Before we can even begin to decide on a processor count, we need a baseline. With a working PostgreSQL server to base our numbers on, we can just use 阅读全文
2016-02-23 16:08 by DataBases, 1429 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
测试环境: •测试机:PC •内存:8GB •CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 3.10GHz •硬盘:HDD •数据量:20GB •测试工具:pgbench •PostgreSQL版本:9.5.1 •参数配置:默认配置 测试结果 PostgreSQL同步复制与Postgr 阅读全文
2016-02-19 08:56 by DataBases, 449 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
Pentaho Data Integration(kettle):一个优秀的抽取、转换、加载(Extract Transform and Load,ETL)工具 Pentaho Report Server:一个强大的报告引擎 PgAdmin3:一个极好的数据库管理工具 php5-postgresql 阅读全文
PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tools
2016-02-18 17:08 by DataBases, 516 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tools https://github.com/CloudServer/postgresql-perf-tools This package includes three useful scripts aimed to help 阅读全文
How about xlogs are missing and xlogs are deleted
2016-02-04 17:02 by DataBases, 484 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
How about xlogs are missing and Postgres starts 阅读全文