



1 target: prerequisites
2 <Tab> recipe



# Usage:
# make        # compile all binary
# make clean  # remove ALL binaries and objects

.PHONY = all clean

CC = gcc            # compiler to use


SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)
BINS := $(SRCS:%.c=%)

all: ${BINS}

%: %.o
    @echo "Checking.."
    ${CC} ${LINKERFLAG} $< -o $@

%.o: %.c
    @echo "Creating object.."
    ${CC} -c $<

    @echo "Cleaning up..."
    rm -rvf *.o ${BINS}

    Lines starting with # are comments.

    Line .PHONY = all clean defines phony targets all and clean.

    Variable LINKERFLAG defines flags to be used with gcc in a recipe.

    SRCS := $(wildcard *.c): $(wildcard pattern) is one of the functions for filenames. In this case, all files with the .c extension will be stored in a variable SRCS.

    BINS := $(SRCS:%.c=%): This is called as substitution reference. In this case, if SRCS has values 'foo.c bar.c', BINS will have 'foo bar'.

    Line all: ${BINS}: The phony target all calls values in${BINS} as individual targets.


    %: %.o
      @echo "Checking.."
      ${CC} ${LINKERFLAG} $&lt; -o $@

Let's look at an example to understand this rule. Suppose foo is one of the values in ${BINS}. Then % will match foo(% can match any target name). Below is the rule in its expanded form:
As shown, % is replaced by foo. $< is replaced by foo.o. $< is patterned to match prerequisites and $@ matches the target. This rule will be called for every value in ${BINS}
# Usage:
# make        # compile all binary
# make clean  # remove ALL binaries and objects

.PHONY = all clean

CC = gcc            # compiler to use


SRCS := foo.c
BINS := foo

all: foo

foo: foo.o
    @echo "Checking.."
    gcc -lm foo.o -o foo

foo.o: foo.c
    @echo "Creating object.."
    gcc -c foo.c

    @echo "Cleaning up..."
    rm -rvf foo.o foo


posted @ 2023-08-14 04:34  七块蛋糕  阅读(22)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报