涉及知识点:Scanner类的使用、if else语句的使用及嵌套、for循环的使用及嵌套、强制类型转换、字符串的提取、字符串和整型的转化、Math类的使用、输入格式的判断,数据的输入输出,及编程的简单思想。
涉及知识点:字母数字的转换,串口字符解析, String的格式判断与内容提取。
7-2 串口字符解析 (40 分)
若数据不足11位或者输入数据全1没有起始位,则输出"null data",
若某个数据的结束符不为1,则输出“validate error”。
若某个数据奇偶校验错误,则输出“parity check error”。
若数据结束符和奇偶校验均不合格,输出“validate error”。
3:validate error

1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 public class Main{ 3 public static void main(String[] args){ 4 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 5 String a = input.next(); 6 int i=0,j=0,k=0,sum=0; 7 boolean parity=false; 8 if(a.length()<11) { //判断输入数据是否不足11位 9 System.out.print("null data"); 10 return; 11 } 12 if(a.matches("^[1]*$")) {//判断输入数据全1没有起始位 13 System.out.print("null data"); 14 return; 15 } 16 while(i<a.length()-10) 17 { 18 if(a.charAt(i)=='0') { 19 k++; 20 System.out.print(k + ":"); 21 sum = 0; 22 for (j = i + 1; j < i + 9; j++) { 23 if (a.charAt(j) == '1') 24 sum++; 25 } 26 if(a.charAt(i+9)=='0') 27 { 28 if(sum%2==0) 29 parity=false; 30 else 31 parity=true; 32 } 33 else 34 { 35 if(sum%2==0) 36 parity=true; 37 else 38 parity=false; 39 } 40 if (a.charAt(i + 10) != '1') { 41 System.out.println("validate error"); 42 } else { 43 if (parity==false) { 44 System.out.println("parity check error"); 45 } else { 46 for (j = i + 1; j < i + 9; j++) { 47 System.out.print(a.charAt(j)); 48 } 49 System.out.print("\n"); 50 } 51 } 52 i = i + 10; 53 } 54 else 55 i++; 56 } 57 } 58 }
7-1 点线形系列1-计算两点之间的距离 (10 分)
4个double类型的实数,两个点的x,y坐标,依次是x1、y1、x2、y2,两个点的坐标之间以空格分隔,每个点的x,y坐标以英文“,”分隔。例如:0,0 1,1或0.1,-0.3 +3.5,15.6。
若输入格式非法,输出"Wrong Format"。
若输入格式合法但坐标点的数量超过两个,输出“wrong number of points”。

1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 class Point { //点类 3 double x,y,distance; 4 Point(String x,String y) 5 { 6 this.x=Double.valueOf(x); 7 this.y=Double.valueOf(y); 8 } 9 boolean Same(Point b) { //判断两个点是否相同 10 if (this.x == b.x && this.y == b.y) 11 return true; 12 return false; 13 } 14 void Distance(Point b) //计算两点之间的距离 15 { 16 distance=Math.sqrt((this.x-b.x)*(this.x-b.x)+(this.y-b.y)*(this.y-b.y)); 17 System.out.print(distance); 18 } 19 } 20 public class Main { 21 public static void main(String[] args) { 22 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 23 String input = in.nextLine(); 24 String point[] = input.split(" "); 25 String num[] = null; 26 for(String i:point) { 27 num = i.split(","); 28 for(String j:num) { 29 //正则表达式 30 if(!j.matches("^[+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)$")) { 31 System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 32 System.exit(0); 33 } 34 } 35 } 36 37 if(point.length!=2) { 38 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 39 System.exit(0); 40 } 41 num = point[0].split(","); 42 Point a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 43 num = point[1].split(","); 44 Point b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 45 46 if(a.Same(b)){ 47 System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 48 return; 49 } 50 a.Distance(b); 51 } 52 }
7-2 点线形系列2-线的计算 (42 分)
1:输入两点坐标,计算斜率,若线条垂直于X轴,输出"Slope does not exist"。
5:输入四个点坐标,计算输出前两个点所构成的直线与后两点构成的直线的交点坐标,x、y坐标之间以英文分隔",",并输出交叉点是否在两条线段之内(不含四个端点)的判断结果(true/false),判断结果与坐标之间以一个英文空格分隔。若两条线平行,没有交叉点,则输出"is parallel lines,have no intersection point"。
基本格式:选项+":"+坐标x+","+坐标y+" "+坐标x+","+坐标y。
例如:1:0,0 1,1
如果不符合基本格式,输出"Wrong Format"。
如果符合基本格式,但输入点的数量不符合要求,输出"wrong number of points"。
不论哪个选项,如果格式、点数量都符合要求,但构成任一条线的两个点坐标重合,输出"points coincide",

1 import java.util.Objects; 2 import java.util.Scanner; 3 class Point { //点类 4 double x,y,distance; 5 Point(String x,String y) 6 { 7 this.x=Double.valueOf(x); 8 this.y=Double.valueOf(y); 9 } 10 Point(Double x,Double y) 11 { 12 this.x=x; 13 this.y=y; 14 } 15 boolean Same(Point b) { //判断两点是否相同 16 if (this.x == b.x && this.y == b.y) 17 return true; 18 else 19 return false; 20 } 21 void Distance(Point b)//求两点间的距离 22 { 23 distance=Math.sqrt((this.x-b.x)*(this.x-b.x)+(this.y-b.y)*(this.y-b.y)); 24 System.out.print(distance); 25 } 26 double Xielv(Point b)//求直线的斜率 27 { 28 double xielv=(b.y-this.y)/(b.x-this.x); 29 return xielv; 30 } 31 void Output(Point b) 32 { 33 if(this.x==b.x) 34 { 35 System.out.print("Slope does not exist"); 36 return; 37 } 38 if(this.y==b.y) 39 { 40 System.out.print("0"); 41 return; 42 } 43 System.out.print(this.Xielv(b)); 44 return; 45 } 46 Double Czdistance(Point b,Point c) //求点到直线的垂直距离 47 { 48 Double L = Math.abs((b.y-c.y)*this.x+(c.x-b.x)*this.y+b.x*c.y-c.y*c.x)/Math.sqrt((b.y-c.y) *(b.y-c.y) +(b.x-c.x)*(b.x-c.x)); 49 return L; 50 } 51 boolean straight_line(Point b,Point c) //判断三个点是否在一条直线上 52 { 53 if(this.Xielv(b)==this.Xielv(c)) 54 return true; 55 else 56 return false; 57 } 58 59 } 60 61 62 class Line { //线类 63 Point p1,p2; 64 65 Line(Point a,Point b) 66 { 67 this.p1=a; 68 this.p2=b; 69 } 70 boolean parallel_x() //判断直线是否平行于x 71 { 72 if(this.p1.y==this.p2.y) 73 return true; 74 else 75 return false; 76 } 77 boolean parallel_y()//判断直线是否平行于y 78 { 79 if(this.p1.x==this.p2.x) 80 return true; 81 else 82 return false; 83 } 84 Double getXielv() //求直线斜率 85 { 86 if(this.parallel_y()) 87 return null; 88 else if(this.parallel_x()) 89 { 90 double xielv=0; 91 return xielv; 92 } 93 else 94 return (this.p1.y-this.p2.y)/(this.p1.x-this.p2.x); 95 96 } 97 boolean parallel(Line p) //判断两条直线是否平行 98 { 99 if(this.parallel_x()&&p.parallel_x()) 100 return true; 101 else if(this.parallel_y()&&p.parallel_y()) 102 return true; 103 else if(Objects.equals(p.getXielv(), this.getXielv())) 104 return true; 105 else 106 return false; 107 } 108 public Point getjiaodian(Line q)//获取交点 109 { 110 // y=kx+b 111 Point c=new Point(1.0, 1.0); 112 Double k1,b1,k2,b2; 113 if(this.parallel_x()&&q.parallel_y()) 114 { 115 b1=this.p1.y; 116 b2=q.p1.x; 117 c.x=b2; 118 c.y=b1; 119 return c; 120 } 121 else if(this.parallel_y()&&!q.parallel_x()) { 122 k2=q.getXielv(); 123 b2=q.p1.y-q.p1.x*k2; 124 c.x = this.p1.x; 125 c.y = c.x*k2+b2; 126 return c; 127 } 128 else if(q.parallel_y()&&!this.parallel_x()) { 129 k1 = this.getXielv(); 130 b1 = this.p1.y - this.p1.x * k1; 131 c.x = q.p1.x; 132 c.y = c.x*k1+b1; 133 return c; 134 } 135 else if(q.parallel_x()&&this.parallel_y()) 136 { 137 b2=q.p1.y; 138 b1=this.p1.x; 139 c.x=b1; 140 c.y=b2; 141 return c; 142 } 143 else if(this.parallel_x()&&!q.parallel_y()) 144 { 145 b1=this.p1.y; 146 k2=q.getXielv(); 147 b2=q.p1.y-q.p1.x*k2; 148 c.y=b1; 149 c.x=(b1-b2)/k2; 150 return c; 151 } 152 else if(q.parallel_x()&&!this.parallel_y()) 153 { 154 b2=this.p1.y; 155 k1=this.getXielv(); 156 b1=this.p1.y-this.p1.x*k1; 157 c.y=b2; 158 c.x=(b2-b1)/k1; 159 return c; 160 } 161 else{ 162 k1 = this.getXielv(); 163 b1 = this.p1.y - this.p1.x * k1; 164 k2 = q.getXielv(); 165 b2 = q.p1.y - q.p1.x * k2; 166 c.x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2); 167 c.y = k1 * c.x + b1; 168 return c; 169 } 170 171 } 172 boolean init(Double x,Double y,Line q)//判断交点是否在线段内 173 { 174 if((y<Math.max(this.p1.y,this.p2.y)||y<Math.max(q.p1.y,q.p2.y))&&((y>Math.min(this.p1.y,this.p2.y)||y>Math.min(q.p1.y,q.p2.y)))) 175 { 176 return true; 177 } 178 else 179 return false; 180 } 181 182 } 183 public class Main { 184 public static void judge(String[] option) 185 { 186 String shuju=option[1]; 187 String[] point = shuju.split(" "); 188 String[] num = null; 189 for(String i:point) { 190 num = i.split(","); 191 for(String j:num) { 192 //正则表达式 193 if(!j.matches("^[+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)$")) { 194 System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 195 System.exit(0); 196 } 197 } 198 } 199 } 200 public static Point getIntersectPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4){ //获取交点 201 202 double A1=p1.y-p2.y; 203 double B1=p2.x-p1.x; 204 double C1=A1*p1.x+B1*p1.y; 205 206 double A2=p3.y-p4.y; 207 double B2=p4.x-p3.x; 208 double C2=A2*p3.x+B2*p3.y; 209 210 double det_k=A1*B2-A2*B1; 211 212 if(Math.abs(det_k)<0.00001){ 213 return null; 214 } 215 216 double a=B2/det_k; 217 double b=-1*B1/det_k; 218 double c=-1*A2/det_k; 219 double d=A1/det_k; 220 221 double x=a*C1+b*C2; 222 double y=c*C1+d*C2; 223 224 return new Point(x,y); 225 } 226 public static void main(String[] args) { 227 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 228 String input = in.nextLine(); 229 if(!input.matches("^[1-5][:](([+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?))[,]([+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?))\\s?)+$")){ 230 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); 231 return; 232 } 233 String[] option =input.split(":"); 234 String shuju=option[1]; 235 String[] point = shuju.split(" "); 236 String[] num = null; 237 judge(option); 238 switch(option[0]) 239 { 240 case "1": 241 if(point.length!=2) { 242 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 243 System.exit(0); 244 } 245 num = point[0].split(","); 246 Point a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 247 num = point[1].split(","); 248 Point b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 249 if(a.Same(b)){ 250 System.out.print("points coincide"); 251 return; 252 } 253 a.Output(b); 254 break; 255 case "2": 256 if(point.length!=3) { 257 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 258 System.exit(0); 259 } 260 num = point[0].split(","); 261 a = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 262 num = point[1].split(","); 263 b = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 264 num = point[2].split(","); 265 Point c=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 266 if(b.Same(c)){ 267 System.out.print("points coincide"); 268 return; 269 } 270 System.out.print(a.Czdistance(b,c)); 271 break; 272 case "3": 273 if(point.length!=3) { 274 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 275 System.exit(0); 276 } 277 num = point[0].split(","); 278 a = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 279 num = point[1].split(","); 280 b = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 281 num = point[2].split(","); 282 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 283 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||b.Same(c)){ 284 System.out.print("points coincide"); 285 System.exit(0); 286 } 287 System.out.print(a.straight_line(b,c)); 288 break; 289 case "4": 290 if(point.length!=4) { 291 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 292 System.exit(0); 293 } 294 num = point[0].split(","); 295 a = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 296 num = point[1].split(","); 297 b = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 298 num = point[2].split(","); 299 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 300 num = point[3].split(","); 301 Point d=new Point(num[0], num[1]); 302 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||a.Same(d)||b.Same(c)||b.Same(d)||c.Same(d)){ 303 System.out.print("points coincide"); 304 System.exit(0); 305 } 306 Line p=new Line(a,b); 307 Line q=new Line(c,d); 308 System.out.print(p.parallel(q)); 309 break; 310 case "5": 311 if(point.length!=4) { 312 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 313 System.exit(0); 314 } 315 num = point[0].split(","); 316 a = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 317 num = point[1].split(","); 318 b = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 319 num = point[2].split(","); 320 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 321 num = point[3].split(","); 322 d=new Point(num[0], num[1]); 323 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||a.Same(d)||b.Same(c)||b.Same(d)||c.Same(d)){ 324 System.out.print("points coincide"); 325 System.exit(0); 326 } 327 p=new Line(a,b); 328 q=new Line(c,d); 329 if(p.parallel(q)) { 330 System.out.print("is parallel lines,have no intersection point"); 331 System.exit(0); 332 } 333 else 334 { 335 System.out.print(getIntersectPoint(a,b,c,d).x+","+getIntersectPoint(a,b,c,d).y+" "+p.init(getIntersectPoint(a,b,c,d).x,getIntersectPoint(a,b,c,d).y,q)); 336 } 337 break; 338 default:System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 339 break; 340 } 341 } 342 }
7-3 点线形系列3-三角形的计算 (48 分)
4:输入五个点坐标,输出前两个点所在的直线与三个点所构成的三角形相交的交点数量,如果交点有两个,则按面积大小依次输出三角形被直线分割成两部分的面积。若直线与三角形一条线重合,输出"The point is on the edge of the triangle"
5:输入四个点坐标,输出第一个是否在后三个点所构成的三角形的内部(输出in the triangle/outof triangle)。
必须使用射线法,原理:由第一个点往任一方向做一射线,射线与三角形的边的交点(不含点本身)数量如果为1,则在三角形内部。如果交点有两个或0个,则在三角形之外。若点在三角形的某条边上,输出"on the triangle"
基本格式:选项+":"+坐标x+","+坐标y+" "+坐标x+","+坐标y。点的x、y坐标之间以英文","分隔,点与点之间以一个英文空格分隔。
如果不符合基本格式,输出"Wrong Format"。
如果符合基本格式,但输入点的数量不符合要求,输出"wrong number of points"。
如果输入的三个点无法构成三角形,输出"data error"。
注意:输出的数据若小数点后超过6位,只保留小数点后6位,多余部分采用四舍五入规则进到最低位。小数点后若不足6位,按原始位数显示,不必补齐。例如:1/3的结果按格式输出为 0.333333,1.0按格式输出为1.0
选项4中所输入线的两个点坐标重合,输出"points coincide"。

1 import java.util.Objects; 2 import java.util.Scanner; 3 import java.math.BigDecimal; 4 import java.math.RoundingMode; 5 class Point { 6 double x,y,distance; 7 Point(String x,String y) 8 { 9 this.x=Double.valueOf(x); 10 this.y=Double.valueOf(y); 11 } 12 Point(Double x,Double y) 13 { 14 this.x=x; 15 this.y=y; 16 } 17 boolean Same(Point b) {//判断两点是否重合 18 if (this.x == b.x && this.y == b.y) 19 return true; 20 else 21 return false; 22 } 23 Double Distance(Point b)//计算两点间的距离 24 { 25 distance=Math.sqrt((this.x-b.x)*(this.x-b.x)+(this.y-b.y)*(this.y-b.y)); 26 return distance; 27 } 28 double Xielv(Point b)//计算两点所构成直线的斜率 29 { 30 double xielv=(b.y-this.y)/(b.x-this.x); 31 return xielv; 32 } 33 void Output(Point b) 34 { 35 if(this.Same(b)){ 36 System.out.print("points coincide"); 37 return; 38 } 39 else if(this.x==b.x) 40 { 41 System.out.print("Slope does not exist"); 42 return; 43 } 44 else 45 { 46 System.out.print(this.Xielv(b)); 47 return; 48 } 49 } 50 Double Czdistance(Point b,Point c)//计算点到直线的垂直距离 51 { 52 Double L = Math.abs((b.y-c.y)*this.x+(c.x-b.x)*this.y+b.x*c.y-c.y*c.x)/Math.sqrt((b.y-c.y) *(b.y-c.y) +(b.x-c.x)*(b.x-c.x)); 53 return L; 54 } 55 boolean straight_line(Point b,Point c)//判断三个点是否在一条直线上 56 { 57 if(this.Xielv(b)==this.Xielv(c)) 58 return true; 59 else 60 return false; 61 } 62 63 } 64 65 class Line { 66 // Double A,B,C; 67 Point p1,p2; 68 Double length; 69 70 Line(Point a,Point b) 71 { 72 this.p1=a; 73 this.p2=b; 74 this.length=a.Distance(b); 75 } 76 boolean parallel_x()//判断直线是否平行x轴 77 { 78 if(this.p1.y==this.p2.y) 79 return true; 80 else 81 return false; 82 } 83 boolean parallel_y()//判断直线是否平行y轴 84 { 85 if(this.p1.x==this.p2.x) 86 return true; 87 else 88 return false; 89 } 90 Double getXielv()//计算直线的斜率 91 { 92 if(this.parallel_y()) 93 return null; 94 else if(this.parallel_x()) 95 { 96 double xielv=0; 97 return xielv; 98 } 99 else 100 return (this.p1.y-this.p2.y)/(this.p1.x-this.p2.x); 101 102 } 103 boolean parallel(Line p)//判断两条直线是否平行 104 { 105 if(this.parallel_x()&&p.parallel_x()) 106 return true; 107 else if(this.parallel_y()&&p.parallel_y()) 108 return true; 109 else if(Objects.equals(p.getXielv(), this.getXielv())) 110 return true; 111 else 112 return false; 113 } 114 boolean isin_line(Point a) 115 { 116 if(Math.abs(a.Czdistance(this.p1,this.p2))<0.001) 117 return true; 118 else 119 return false; 120 } 121 Point getjiaodian(Line q) 122 { 123 // y=kx+b 124 Point c=new Point(1.0, 1.0); 125 Double k1,b1,k2,b2; 126 if(this.parallel_x()&&q.parallel_y()) 127 { 128 b1=this.p1.y; 129 b2=q.p1.x; 130 c.x=b2; 131 c.y=b1; 132 return c; 133 } 134 else if(this.parallel_y()&&!q.parallel_x()) { 135 k2=q.getXielv(); 136 b2=q.p1.y-q.p1.x*k2; 137 c.x = this.p1.x; 138 c.y = c.x*k2+b2; 139 return c; 140 } 141 else if(q.parallel_y()&&!this.parallel_x()) { 142 k1 = this.getXielv(); 143 b1 = this.p1.y - this.p1.x * k1; 144 c.x = q.p1.x; 145 c.y = c.x*k1+b1; 146 return c; 147 } 148 else if(q.parallel_x()&&this.parallel_y()) 149 { 150 b2=q.p1.y; 151 b1=this.p1.x; 152 c.x=b1; 153 c.y=b2; 154 return c; 155 } 156 else if(this.parallel_x()&&!q.parallel_y()) 157 { 158 b1=this.p1.y; 159 k2=q.getXielv(); 160 b2=q.p1.y-q.p1.x*k2; 161 c.y=b1; 162 c.x=(b1-b2)/k2; 163 return c; 164 } 165 else if(q.parallel_x()&&!this.parallel_y()) 166 { 167 b2=this.p1.y; 168 k1=this.getXielv(); 169 b1=this.p1.y-this.p1.x*k1; 170 c.y=b2; 171 c.x=(b2-b1)/k1; 172 return c; 173 } 174 else{ 175 k1 = this.getXielv(); 176 b1 = this.p1.y - this.p1.x * k1; 177 k2 = q.getXielv(); 178 b2 = q.p1.y - q.p1.x * k2; 179 c.x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2); 180 c.y = k1 * c.x + b1; 181 return c; 182 } 183 184 } 185 186 boolean init(Double x,Double y,Line q)//判断交点是否在两条线段内 187 { 188 if((y<=Math.max(this.p1.y,this.p2.y)||y<=Math.max(q.p1.y,q.p2.y))&&((y>=Math.min(this.p1.y,this.p2.y)||y>=Math.min(q.p1.y,q.p2.y)))) 189 { 190 return true; 191 } 192 else 193 return false; 194 } 195 196 } 197 class Triangle { 198 Line l1, l2, l3; 199 200 Triangle(Line l1, Line l2, Line l3) { 201 this.l1 = l1; 202 this.l2 = l2; 203 this.l3 = l3; 204 } 205 206 void whattriangle() { 207 boolean db = false; 208 boolean dy = false; 209 if (Objects.equals(this.l1.length, this.l2.length) && Objects.equals(this.l1.length, this.l3.length)) 210 db = true; 211 else if (Objects.equals(this.l1.length, this.l2.length) || Objects.equals(this.l1.length, this.l3.length) || Objects.equals(this.l2.length, this.l3.length)) { 212 dy = true; 213 } else { 214 db = false; 215 dy = false; 216 } 217 if (db) 218 System.out.print("true true"); 219 else if (dy) 220 System.out.print("true false"); 221 else 222 System.out.print("false false"); 223 } 224 225 Double get_zc() { 226 return (this.l1.length + this.l2.length + this.l3.length); 227 } 228 229 Double get_area() { 230 Double s = this.get_zc() / 2; 231 Double area=Math.sqrt((s * (s - this.l1.length) * (s - this.l2.length) * (s - this.l3.length))); 232 return area; 233 } 234 235 Double get_zx_x() { 236 Double x1 = this.l1.p1.x; 237 Double x2 = this.l1.p2.x; 238 Double x3 = this.l2.p2.x; 239 240 Double X1 = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3; 241 return X1; 242 } 243 Double get_zx_y() 244 { 245 Double y1 = this.l1.p1.y; 246 Double y2 = this.l1.p2.y; 247 Double y3 = this.l2.p2.y; 248 Double Y1 = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3; 249 return Y1; 250 } 251 void is_jiao() 252 { 253 if(Math.abs(Math.pow(this.l1.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l2.length,2)-Math.pow(this.l3.length,2))<0.0001|| 254 Math.abs(Math.pow(this.l1.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l3.length,2)-Math.pow(this.l2.length,2))<0.0001|| 255 Math.abs(Math.pow(this.l2.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l3.length,2)-Math.pow(this.l1.length,2))<0.0001) 256 System.out.print("false true false"); 257 else if(Math.pow(this.l1.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l2.length,2)<Math.pow(this.l3.length,2)|| 258 Math.pow(this.l1.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l3.length,2)<Math.pow(this.l2.length,2)|| 259 Math.pow(this.l2.length,2)+Math.pow(this.l3.length,2)<Math.pow(this.l1.length,2)) 260 System.out.print("true false false"); 261 else 262 System.out.print("false false true"); 263 } 264 265 void operate4(Line a) 266 { 267 // if(this.l1.parallel(a)&&a.p1.Czdistance(this.l1.p1,this.l1.p2)==0|| 268 // this.l2.parallel(a)&&a.p1.Czdistance(this.l2.p1,this.l1.p2)==0|| 269 // this.l3.parallel(a)&&a.p1.Czdistance(this.l3.p1,this.l1.p2)==0) 270 if((a.isin_line(this.l1.p1)&&a.isin_line(this.l1.p2))||(a.isin_line(this.l2.p1)&&a.isin_line(this.l2.p2))||(a.isin_line(this.l3.p1)&&a.isin_line(this.l3.p2))) 271 System.out.print("The point is on the edge of the triangle"); 272 // else if(!this.isinit(this.l1,a)&&!this.isinit(this.l2,a)&&!this.isinit(this.l3,a)) 273 // { 274 // System.out.print("0"); 275 // return; 276 // } 277 else { 278 if (this.isinit(a, this.l1) && this.isinit(a, this.l2)) { 279 Double area1 = getarea2(this.l1.p1, Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l1.p1, this.l1.p2), Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l2.p1, this.l2.p2)); 280 Double area2 = this.get_area() - area1; 281 System.out.print("2 " + Main.output(area1) + " " + Main.output(area2)); 282 return; 283 } else if (this.isinit(a, this.l1) && this.isinit(a, this.l3)) { 284 Double area1 = getarea2(this.l1.p2, Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l1.p1, this.l1.p2), Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l3.p1, this.l3.p2)); 285 Double area2 = this.get_area() - area1; 286 System.out.print("2 " + Main.output(area1) + " " + Main.output(area2)); 287 return; 288 } else if (this.isinit(a, this.l2) && this.isinit(a, this.l3)) { 289 Double area1 = getarea2(this.l2.p2, Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l2.p1, this.l2.p2), Main.getIntersectPoint(a.p1, a.p2, this.l3.p1, this.l3.p2)); 290 Double area2 = this.get_area() - area1; 291 System.out.print("2 " + Main.output(area1) + " " + Main.output(area2)); 292 return; 293 } else 294 System.out.print("1"); 295 } 296 297 } 298 boolean isinit(Line p,Line q) 299 { 300 if(p.init(Main.getIntersectPoint(p.p1,p.p2,q.p1,q.p2).x,Main.getIntersectPoint(p.p1,p.p2,q.p1,q.p2).y,q)) 301 return true; 302 else 303 return false; 304 } 305 Double getarea2(Point a,Point b,Point c) 306 { 307 Line p=new Line(a,b); 308 Line q=new Line(a,c); 309 Line r=new Line(b,c); 310 Triangle A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 311 return A.get_area(); 312 } 313 void operate5(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d) 314 { 315 if(Math.abs(getarea2(a,b,c)+getarea2(a,b,d)+getarea2(a,c,d)-getarea2(b,c,d))<0.0001) 316 System.out.print("in the triangle"); 317 else 318 System.out.print("out of the triangle"); 319 } 320 321 } 322 public class Main { 323 public static void judge(String[] option) 324 { 325 String shuju=option[1]; 326 String[] point = shuju.split(" "); 327 String[] num = null; 328 for(String i:point) { 329 num = i.split(","); 330 for(String j:num) { 331 //正则表达式 332 if(!j.matches("^[+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)?|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?)$")) { 333 System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 334 System.exit(0); 335 } 336 } 337 } 338 } 339 public static Point getIntersectPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4){ 340 341 double A1=p1.y-p2.y; 342 double B1=p2.x-p1.x; 343 double C1=A1*p1.x+B1*p1.y; 344 345 double A2=p3.y-p4.y; 346 double B2=p4.x-p3.x; 347 double C2=A2*p3.x+B2*p3.y; 348 349 double det_k=A1*B2-A2*B1; 350 351 // if(Math.abs(det_k)<0.00001){ 352 // return null; 353 // } 354 355 double a=B2/det_k; 356 double b=-1*B1/det_k; 357 double c=-1*A2/det_k; 358 double d=A1/det_k; 359 360 double x=a*C1+b*C2; 361 double y=c*C1+d*C2; 362 363 return new Point(x,y); 364 } 365 public static Double output(Double data) 366 { 367 double a = data; 368 369 BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(a); 370 double res = bigDecimal.setScale(6, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue(); 371 return res; 372 } 373 public static void main(String[] args) { 374 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 375 String input = in.nextLine(); 376 if(!input.matches("^[1-5][:](([+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?))[,]([+-]?(0|(0\\.\\d+)|[1-9][0-9]*(\\.\\d+)?))\\s?)+$")) 377 { 378 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); 379 return; 380 } 381 String[] option =input.split(":"); 382 String shuju=option[1]; 383 String[] point = shuju.split(" "); 384 String[] num = null; 385 switch(option[0]) 386 { 387 case "1": 388 if(point.length!=3) { 389 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 390 System.exit(0); 391 } 392 num = point[0].split(","); 393 Point a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 394 num = point[1].split(","); 395 Point b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 396 num = point[2].split(","); 397 Point c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 398 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||b.Same(c)) { 399 System.out.print("points coincide"); 400 return; 401 } 402 Line p=new Line(a,b); 403 Line q=new Line(a,c); 404 Line r=new Line(b,c); 405 if(p.parallel(q)){ 406 System.out.print("data error"); 407 return; 408 } 409 Triangle A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 410 A.whattriangle(); 411 break; 412 case "2": 413 if(point.length!=3) { 414 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 415 System.exit(0); 416 } 417 num = point[0].split(","); 418 a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 419 num = point[1].split(","); 420 b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 421 num = point[2].split(","); 422 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 423 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||b.Same(c)) { 424 System.out.print("points coincide"); 425 return; 426 } 427 p=new Line(a,b); 428 q=new Line(a,c); 429 r=new Line(b,c); 430 if(p.parallel(q)){ 431 System.out.print("data error"); 432 return; 433 } 434 A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 435 System.out.print(output(A.get_zc())+" "+output(A.get_area())+" "+output(A.get_zx_x())+","+output(A.get_zx_y())); 436 break; 437 case "3": 438 if(point.length!=3) { 439 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 440 System.exit(0); 441 } 442 num = point[0].split(","); 443 a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 444 num = point[1].split(","); 445 b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 446 num = point[2].split(","); 447 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 448 if(a.Same(b)||a.Same(c)||b.Same(c)) { 449 System.out.print("points coincide"); 450 return; 451 } 452 p=new Line(a,b); 453 q=new Line(a,c); 454 r=new Line(b,c); 455 if(p.parallel(q)){ 456 System.out.print("data error"); 457 return; 458 } 459 A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 460 A.is_jiao(); 461 break; 462 case "4": 463 if(point.length!=5) { 464 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 465 System.exit(0); 466 } 467 num = point[0].split(","); 468 a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 469 num = point[1].split(","); 470 b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 471 num = point[2].split(","); 472 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 473 num = point[3].split(","); 474 Point d = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 475 num = point[4].split(","); 476 Point e = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 477 if(a.Same(b)) { 478 System.out.print("points coincide"); 479 return; 480 } 481 Line s=new Line(a,b); 482 p=new Line(c,d); 483 q=new Line(c,e); 484 r=new Line(d,e); 485 if(p.parallel(q)||p.parallel(r)||q.parallel(r)){ 486 System.out.print("data error"); 487 return; 488 } 489 A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 490 A.operate4(s); 491 492 break; 493 case "5": 494 if(point.length!=4) { 495 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 496 System.exit(0); 497 } 498 num = point[0].split(","); 499 a=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 500 num = point[1].split(","); 501 b=new Point(num[0],num[1]); 502 num = point[2].split(","); 503 c = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 504 num = point[3].split(","); 505 d = new Point(num[0], num[1]); 506 if(a.Same(b)) { 507 System.out.print("points coincide"); 508 return; 509 } 510 p=new Line(b,c); 511 q=new Line(b,d); 512 r=new Line(c,d); 513 if(a.straight_line(b,c)||a.straight_line(b,d)||a.straight_line(c,d)) 514 { 515 System.out.print("on the triangle"); 516 return; 517 } 518 A=new Triangle(p,q,r); 519 A.operate5(a,b,c,d); 520 break; 521 default:System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 522 break; 523 } 524 525 } 526 }
<3>有时计算机计算会出现一小点误差,我们避免用'=='而用Math.abs(nextGuess - lastGuess)< 0.00001或
Objects.equals(this.l1.length, this.l2.length)或许会得到想要的答案。
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