Windows Phone 7 开发技术视频教程概览
Windows Phone 7 开发技术视频教程概览
本篇文章将要向大家介绍一些有关Windows Phone 7的技术视频,我精心搜罗了一些系列视频教程,比起单一零散的教程,它们有更好的连续性和条理性,可以让大家有更好的学习体验。这些视频都出自牛人之手。同时,观看这些视频对我们的英语听说能力也有极大的提高。下面进入正题:
1. Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners
本套视频完全面向初学者,但是体系十分完整,从C#到XAML,从Silverlight到SDK应有尽有,有几十集之多,看完本套视频后绝对可以说是已经对Windows Phone 7入门了。由于集数过多,我就不一一列出了。点击这里或下面的图片都可以看到目录,按顺序学习即可,当然对于有基础的朋友你们也绝对可以从其中的某些部分中学到东西!
本套视频的内容颇具实战性,内容包括工具,控件,编程模型以及SDK。出自两位大牛Yochay Kiriaty和Jaime Rodriguez之手,此视频包括以下内容:
l 01 : Introducing the show (01: 26)
l 02 : The Beta Release and the Roadmap to RTM (10:45)
l 03 : Optimizing Windows Phone Silverlight Applications (41:06)
l 04 : Using Push Notification - Part 2 (42:01)
l 05 : Windows Phone Silverlight Toolkit (11:02)
l 06 : Panorama and Pivot are in the house! Woohoo!! (07:00)
l 07 : Meet Some of the People Behind Windows Phone (17: 42)
l 08 : Windows Phone Design Templates(08:38)
l 09 : Ad SDK-for Windows Phone (08:35)
l 10 : Taking a look inside Windows Phone Programming Model Architecture (24:22)
l 11 : Obfuscation And Analytics (41:38)
l 12 : Telerik controls (19:42)
3. Windows Phone 7 Jump Start
这应该是最早的Windows Phone 7系列视频教程。在Beta版SDK发布时就已出现,现在作者已对它们进行了更新,内容完全适应RTW版SDK,并增加了一些内容。作者是两位大名鼎鼎的英国移动开发领域MVP,Andy Wigley和Rob Miles。此视频包含以下内容:
l Session 2: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 1
l Session 3: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 2
l Session 4: The Application Bar
l Session 5: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 1
l Session 6: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 2
l Session 7: Isolation Storage
l Session 8: The Application Lifecycle
l Session 9: Launchers and Choosers
l Session 10: Push Notifications
l Session 11: Marketing your Windows Phone Applications
l Session 12: Working with Media
l Session 13: Panorama and Pivots
l Session 14: XNA Deep Dive, Part 1
l Session 15: XNA Deep Dive, Part 2
l Session 16: Location and Bing Maps
l Session 17: Optimizing for Performance
l Session 18: Designing Apps Using Expression Blend & Metro
l Session 19: Ask the Experts podcast
4. Silverlight官方网站提供的Windows Phone 7系列视频教程
l Creating a custom popup in Windows Phone 7
l Windows Phone 7 Lists and Details Pages
l An iPhone Developer’s First Windows Phone 7 Application
l Your First Windows Phone 7 Application
l Using the ApplicationBar for Windows Phone
l Windows Phone Application Splash Screen
l Get Started with Silverlight for Windows Phone
5. Windows Phone Design Day Recordings
l Ana and Miles, the Windows Phone personas (03:33)
l The Metro Design Language, the inspiration (29:48)
l Deconstructing a Windows Phone application part 1: Controls (17:40)
l Deconstructing a Windows Phone application part2: Animation (34:22)
l Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 3: Target Sizes (13:39)
l Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 4: Globalization (37:45)
l Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 6: Perceived performance (19:45)
l Designer insights into Panorama and Pivot (32:18)
l Making Audio Sing on Windows Phone (34:26)
l Windows Phone Voice (32:00)
l Designer Resources: Expression Blend Overview and Roadmap (41:20)
l Designer Resources: Windows Phone Documentation (11:18)
l Designer Resources: Windows Phone Design Templates (04:01)
6. Windows Phone 7 in 7 Minutes
这个系列视频的特点是短小精悍,每个都不超过7分钟,讲解了有关Windows Phone 7开发的方方面面,虽然是基于Beta版开发人员工具的,但仍颇具参考价值,共20讲,包括以下内容:
l Getting Started with Windows Phone 7
l The Windows Phone 7 Application Architecture
l Silverlight and Windows Phone 7
l Developing for the Windows Phone 7 Web Browser
l Globalization and Localization
l Building a Location-aware Application
l Security and Windows Phone 7
l Using Media in Windows Phone 7 Apps
l Using the Windows Phone 7 Cameras
7. Windows Phone 7 : How Do I
l How Do I : Make Windows Phone 7 Applications Support Orientation Changes ?
l How Do I : Use Page Turn Animation in a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Use Touch Manipulation in a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Implement Tilt Effects in a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Migrate an iPhone Application to a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Migrate an Android Application to a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Use XNA for Game State Management in a Windows Phone 7 application ?
l How Do I : Use XNA for Gestures and Collision Detection in a Windows Phone 7 Application ?
l How Do I : Implement Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7 Applications ?
l How Do I : Use MVVM in a Windows Phone 7 Application ?