sparksql报错 cannot resolve 'coalesce(d.`field`, map(NULL, NULL))' due to data type mismatch: input to function coalesce should all be the same type

hivesql可运行的sql 在spark上运行报错如下

Error in query: cannot resolve 'coalesce(d.`subarea_duration_l30`, map(NULL, NULL))' due to data type mismatch: input to function coalesce should all be the same type, but it's [map<string,string>, map<null,null>]; line 17 pos 2;


  NVL(subarea_num_l30, 0) subarea_num_l30,
  NVL(subarea_duration_l30, MAP(null, null)) subarea_duration_l30,
  NVL(anchor_num_l30, 0) achor_num_l30,
  NVL(day_num_l30, 0) day_num_l30,
  NVL(avg_hour_duration_l30, MAP(null, null)) avg_hour_duration_l30,
  NVL(watch_count_l90, 0) watch_count_l90,
  NVL(watch_duration_l90, 0) watch_duration_l90,
    NVL(watch_count_l90, 0) = 0,



posted @ 2019-12-26 17:30  songchaolin  阅读(1369)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报