

* 初始化
* @param serverIP 必选参数 服务器地址
* @param serverPort 必选参数 服务器端口
* @param softVersion 必选参数 REST版本号

* 设置主帐号
* @param AccountSid 主帐号
* @param AccountToken 主帐号Token
function setAccount($AccountSid,$AccountToken)

* 设置应用ID
* @param AppId 应用ID
function setAppId($AppId)

* 打印日志
* @param log 日志内容
function showlog($log)

* 发起HTTPS请求
* @param url 请求地址
* @param data 请求包体
* @param header 请求包头
* @param post 请求方式 默认为1 1:post,0:get
function curl_post($url,$data,$header,$post=1)

* 发送模板短信
* @param to 短信接收彿手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
* @param datas 内容数据 格式为数组 例如:array('Marry','Alon'),如不需替换请填 null
* @param $tempId 模板Id,测试应用和未上线应用使用测试模板请填写1,正式应用上线后填写已申请审核通过的模板ID
function sendTemplateSMS($to,$datas,$tempId)

  1 <?php
  2 /*
  3  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The CCP project authors. All Rights Reserved.
  4  *
  5  *  Use of this source code is governed by a Beijing Speedtong Information Technology Co.,Ltd license
  6  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the web site.
  7  *
  8  *   http://www.yuntongxun.com
  9  *
 10  *  An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 11  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 12  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
 13  */
 16 class REST {
 17     private $AccountSid;
 18     private $AccountToken;
 19     private $AppId;
 20     private $ServerIP;
 21     private $ServerPort;
 22     private $SoftVersion;
 23     private $Batch;  //时间戳
 24     private $BodyType = "xml";//包体格式,可填值:json 、xml
 25     private $enabeLog = true; //日志开关。可填值:true、
 26     private $Filename="./log.txt"; //日志文件
 27     private $Handle; 
 28     function __construct($ServerIP,$ServerPort,$SoftVersion)    
 29     {
 30         $this->Batch = date("YmdHis");
 31         $this->ServerIP = $ServerIP;
 32         $this->ServerPort = $ServerPort;
 33         $this->SoftVersion = $SoftVersion;
 34     $this->Handle = fopen($this->Filename, 'a');
 35     }
 37    /**
 38     * 设置主帐号
 39     * 
 40     * @param AccountSid 主帐号
 41     * @param AccountToken 主帐号Token
 42     */    
 43     function setAccount($AccountSid,$AccountToken){
 44       $this->AccountSid = $AccountSid;
 45       $this->AccountToken = $AccountToken;   
 46     }
 49    /**
 50     * 设置应用ID
 51     * 
 52     * @param AppId 应用ID
 53     */
 54     function setAppId($AppId){
 55        $this->AppId = $AppId; 
 56     }
 58    /**
 59     * 打印日志
 60     * 
 61     * @param log 日志内容
 62     */
 63     function showlog($log){
 64       if($this->enabeLog){
 65          fwrite($this->Handle,$log."\n");  
 66       }
 67     }
 69     /**
 70      * 发起HTTPS请求
 71      */
 72      function curl_post($url,$data,$header,$post=1)
 73      {
 74        //初始化curl
 75        $ch = curl_init();
 76        //参数设置  
 77        $res= curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);  
 78        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
 79        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
 80        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
 81        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $post);
 82        if($post)
 83           curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
 84        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 85        curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$header);
 86        $result = curl_exec ($ch);
 87        //连接失败
 88        if($result == FALSE){
 89           if($this->BodyType=='json'){
 90              $result = "{\"statusCode\":\"172001\",\"statusMsg\":\"网络错误\"}";
 91           } else {
 92              $result = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><Response><statusCode>172001</statusCode><statusMsg>网络错误</statusMsg></Response>"; 
 93           }    
 94        }
 96        curl_close($ch);
 97        return $result;
 98      } 
102    /**
103     * 发送模板短信
104     * @param to 短信接收彿手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
105     * @param datas 内容数据
106     * @param $tempId 模板Id
107     */       
108     function sendTemplateSMS($to,$datas,$tempId)
109     {
110         //主帐号鉴权信息验证,对必选参数进行判空。
111         $auth=$this->accAuth();
112         if($auth!=""){
113             return $auth;
114         }
115         // 拼接请求包体
116         if($this->BodyType=="json"){
117            $data="";
118            for($i=0;$i<count($datas);$i++){
119               $data = $data. "'".$datas[$i]."',"; 
120            }
121            $body= "{'to':'$to','templateId':'$tempId','appId':'$this->AppId','datas':[".$data."]}";
122         }else{
123            $data="";
124            for($i=0;$i<count($datas);$i++){
125               $data = $data. "<data>".$datas[$i]."</data>"; 
126            }
127            $body="<TemplateSMS>
128                     <to>$to</to> 
129                     <appId>$this->AppId</appId>
130                     <templateId>$tempId</templateId>
131                     <datas>".$data."</datas>
132                   </TemplateSMS>";
133         }
134         $this->showlog("request body = ".$body);
135         // 大写的sig参数 
136         $sig =  strtoupper(md5($this->AccountSid . $this->AccountToken . $this->Batch));
137         // 生成请求URL        
138         $url="https://$this->ServerIP:$this->ServerPort/$this->SoftVersion/Accounts/$this->AccountSid/SMS/TemplateSMS?sig=$sig";
139         $this->showlog("request url = ".$url);
140         // 生成授权:主帐户Id + 英文冒号 + 时间戳。
141         $authen = base64_encode($this->AccountSid . ":" . $this->Batch);
142         // 生成包头  
143         $header = array("Accept:application/$this->BodyType","Content-Type:application/$this->BodyType;charset=utf-8","Authorization:$authen");
144         // 发送请求
145         $result = $this->curl_post($url,$body,$header);
146         $this->showlog("response body = ".$result);
147         if($this->BodyType=="json"){//JSON格式
148            $datas=json_decode($result); 
149         }else{ //xml格式
150            $datas = simplexml_load_string(trim($result," \t\n\r"));
151         }
152       //  if($datas == FALSE){
153 //            $datas = new stdClass();
154 //            $datas->statusCode = '172003';
155 //            $datas->statusMsg = '返回包体错误'; 
156 //        }
157         //重新装填数据
158         if($datas->statusCode==0){
159          if($this->BodyType=="json"){
160             $datas->TemplateSMS =$datas->templateSMS;
161             unset($datas->templateSMS);   
162           }
163         }
165         return $datas; 
166     } 
168   /**
169     * 主帐号鉴权
170     */   
171    function accAuth()
172    {
173        if($this->ServerIP==""){
174             $data = new stdClass();
175             $data->statusCode = '172004';
176             $data->statusMsg = 'IP为空';
177           return $data;
178         }
179         if($this->ServerPort<=0){
180             $data = new stdClass();
181             $data->statusCode = '172005';
182             $data->statusMsg = '端口错误(小于等于0)';
183           return $data;
184         }
185         if($this->SoftVersion==""){
186             $data = new stdClass();
187             $data->statusCode = '172013';
188             $data->statusMsg = '版本号为空';
189           return $data;
190         } 
191         if($this->AccountSid==""){
192             $data = new stdClass();
193             $data->statusCode = '172006';
194             $data->statusMsg = '主帐号为空';
195           return $data;
196         }
197         if($this->AccountToken==""){
198             $data = new stdClass();
199             $data->statusCode = '172007';
200             $data->statusMsg = '主帐号令牌为空';
201           return $data;
202         }
203         if($this->AppId==""){
204             $data = new stdClass();
205             $data->statusCode = '172012';
206             $data->statusMsg = '应用ID为空';
207           return $data;
208         }   
209    }
210 }
211 ?>
 1 <?php
 2 /*
 3  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The CCP project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 4  *
 5  *  Use of this source code is governed by a Beijing Speedtong Information Technology Co.,Ltd license
 6  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the web site.
 7  *
 8  *   http://www.yuntongxun.com
 9  *
10  *  An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
11  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
12  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
13  */
15 include_once("./CCPRestSmsSDK.php");
17 //主帐号,对应开官网发者主账号下的 ACCOUNT SID
18 $accountSid= '';
20 //主帐号令牌,对应官网开发者主账号下的 AUTH TOKEN
21 $accountToken= '';
23 //应用Id,在官网应用列表中点击应用,对应应用详情中的APP ID
24 //在开发调试的时候,可以使用官网自动为您分配的测试Demo的APP ID
25 $appId='';
27 //请求地址
28 //沙盒环境(用于应用开发调试):sandboxapp.cloopen.com
29 //生产环境(用户应用上线使用):app.cloopen.com
30 $serverIP='app.cloopen.com';
33 //请求端口,生产环境和沙盒环境一致
34 $serverPort='8883';
36 //REST版本号,在官网文档REST介绍中获得。
37 $softVersion='2013-12-26';
40 /**
41   * 发送模板短信
42   * @param to 手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
43   * @param datas 内容数据 格式为数组 例如:array('Marry','Alon'),如不需替换请填 null
44   * @param $tempId 模板Id,测试应用和未上线应用使用测试模板请填写1,正式应用上线后填写已申请审核通过的模板ID
45   */       
46 function sendTemplateSMS($to,$datas,$tempId)
47 {
48      // 初始化REST SDK
49      global $accountSid,$accountToken,$appId,$serverIP,$serverPort,$softVersion;
50      $rest = new REST($serverIP,$serverPort,$softVersion);
51      $rest->setAccount($accountSid,$accountToken);
52      $rest->setAppId($appId);
54      // 发送模板短信
55      echo "Sending TemplateSMS to $to <br/>";
56      $result = $rest->sendTemplateSMS($to,$datas,$tempId);
57      if($result == NULL ) {
58          echo "result error!";
59          break;
60      }
61      if($result->statusCode!=0) {
62          echo "error code :" . $result->statusCode . "<br>";
63          echo "error msg :" . $result->statusMsg . "<br>";
64          //TODO 添加错误处理逻辑
65      }else{
66          echo "Sendind TemplateSMS success!<br/>";
67          // 获取返回信息
68          $smsmessage = $result->TemplateSMS;
69          echo "dateCreated:".$smsmessage->dateCreated."<br/>";
70          echo "smsMessageSid:".$smsmessage->smsMessageSid."<br/>";
71          //TODO 添加成功处理逻辑
72      }
73 }
75 //Demo调用 
76         //**************************************举例说明***********************************************************************
77         //*假设您用测试Demo的APP ID,则需使用默认模板ID 1,发送手机号是13800000000,传入参数为6532和5,则调用方式为           *
78         //*result = sendTemplateSMS("13800000000" ,array('6532','5'),"1");                                                                          *
79         //*则13800000000手机号收到的短信内容是:【云通讯】您使用的是云通讯短信模板,您的验证码是6532,请于5分钟内正确输入     *
80         //*********************************************************************************************************************
81 sendTemplateSMS("",array('',''),"");//手机号码,替换内容数组,模板ID
82 ?>


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