论文笔记:Query Answering in Muti-Relational Databases Under Differential Privacy ios Kotsogiannis的博士论文




  • 今天再次读完作者的这篇文章后,产生了如下的问题
  • 1.为什么有并行和顺序组成的这两种方式? P12
  • 2.P37页的view decorrleration算法看不懂,不理解?
  • 3.truncation 操作不明白?论文中提到说跟FLEX中的elastic sensitivity操作类似?p43页

  •  其实这个操作的目的就是使最后的敏感度有上界,不至于无穷大无法计算,但具体的操作中的每一步的做法不理解,这个地方需要进一步去读flex中的elastic sensitivity论文的操作。

  • 4.learnThreshold 算法不懂  论文中的p46页
  •  5.p49的推理证明过程不理解? 这个问题不需要很深入地去钻研,但是会用这个结论即可。知道他与哪些参数有关,这些参数所表示的意义是什么?

  • 6.还有这两个图的区别不太明白,上面是针对简单政策的截断处理的过程,下图是针对复杂政策的截断处理过程,这个图需要进一步去消化理解,理解的时候结合作者的阐述来消化理解。 这两张图一个在p41,一个在p53。


  •  还需要读的论文有作者的参考文献

  • 1.HMM+16  
    Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Miklau, Yan Chen, and
    Dan Zhang. Principled evaluation of difffferentially private algorithms
    using dpbench. In ACM SIGMOD, 2016. 
  • 2.PING
    Frank D. McSherry. Privacy integrated queries: An extensible platform
    for privacy-preserving data analysis. In ACM SIGMOD, 2009.
  • 3.FLEX
    Noah Johnson, Joseph Near, and Dawn Song. Practical difffferential
    privacy for SQL queries using elastic sensitivity. PVLDB, 11(5), 2018. 
  • 4.KTM+19
    Ios Kotsogiannis, Yuchao Tao, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Mik
    lau, and Michael Hay. Architecting a difffferentially private sql engine.
    In Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2019.
  • 5.KTH+19
    Ios Kotsogiannis, Yuchao Tao, Xi He, Maryam Fanaeepour, Ashwin
    Machanavajjhala, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau. Privatesql: A dif
    ferentially private sql query engine. In PVLDB, volume 12, 2019. 
  • 6.KHM+17
    Ios Kotsogiannis, Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Mik
    lau, and Margaret Orr. Dias: Difffferentially private interactive algorithm
    selection using pythia. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International
    Conference on Management of Data, pages 1679–1682. ACM, 2017.
    Ios Kotsogiannis, Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Mik
    lau, and Margaret Orr. Dias: Difffferentially private interactive algorithm
    selection using pythia. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International
    Conference on Management of Data, pages 1679–1682. ACM, 2017.
  • 7.KMHM17(Pythia)
  • 8.DR14 
    Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth. The algorithmic foundations of diffffer
    ential privacy. Found. Trends Theor. Comput. Sci., 2014. 
  • 9.LHMW14(DAWA)
    Chao Li, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Yue Wang. A Data- and
    Workload-Aware Algorithm for Range Queries Under Difffferential Pri
    vacy. PVLDB, 7(5), 2014. 
posted @ 2020-12-10 16:21  someonezero  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报