Blacks and Law School Discrimination

This has to be the most ignorant article I've ever read. ANY person who gets into a Top 10 law school must have gotten a high LSAT score. It has nothing to do with race. This article is implicity stating that blacks are inferior in intelligence. "Most black students", what does that even mean? Stop categorizing individuals into a monolithic group. Presumably you are unaware of the power and influence of white privilege. You state that many black students have obtained admission into top law schools with subpar scores. Well many white males, because of their white privilege, have obtained access into schools, jobs, and senior positions just because of their skin color and presumed superiority. They've obtained these positions at the cost of minorities who are equal or even superior in intelligence, qualifications, and character air max 90 women's. As the saying goes "white is right" in Americaand even in the world at large. Please think through your argument again, because it is heavily influenced by preconceived notions that aren't true.

The fact that Black law students are admitted with lower LSAT scores than many other students is a testament of the damage from unequal, underfunded educational institutions Black students attend before matriculating into law schools across this nation.

The Biblical verses I paraphrase states that the "sins of the fathers shall be on the children for many generations." The inclusion of Black students into law schools is long overdue, particularly if the historical Black colleges and universities underfunded.

I have seen the type of questions on the LSAT, and I can not see how the test could be the barometer of whether a student gains entry into the ABA accredited law schools of this nation. Those test have no relevance to being a good law student or being a good lawyer. I truly believe that the test is used to screen and legally keep Black students from entering the law profession in larger numbers. Any aptitute test based on tricking the student into failure is somewhat a diabolical scheme to prevent certain students from gaining entry.

Raicsm has been institutionalized in this nation for many years after chattel slavery, yet the damage done to Black people who have lived under tyranny and oppression is never brought up as an issue why Black students test scores are low.

Most of the Caucasians students that score high on the LSAT come from home environments where the median household income was over $200,000. The median income for Black people across this nation about $6,000. So I would add that if one took poverty stricken Caucasian students say for instance, the Appalachian Mountain region and compare their scores to the higher incomed Caucasian students I am sure the scores of the impoverished Caucasian students would be much lower.

I've long opposed racial preferences not because of the harm they do to those who are discriminated against (a nonblack student who loses a place at Harvard to a lowerscoring black will get admitted to a slightly less selective school and will probably do just fine)

Disgusting. Remind me again why "probably doing just fine" justifies categorical discrimination based on nothing other than skin color. Everyone in the legal field knows the importance of one's alma mater, and being denied admission while others unfairly gain entrance (and disproportionate scholarship money) is WRONG

This article just reinforces the "pathology of the black student"that given the chance you run into a black student on any nonHBUC campus, he or she is undoubtedly unqualified to be at that institution. What a shame! Across this nation mens nike tn black and red, thousands of black students are in classes with white counterparts who actually scored lower than them on some (your pick) admissions test. And yet, everyone comfortably assumes that the truth is the other way around. At your most selective law schools, you have highly impressive applicantsof all races. At your less selective law schools, you have lessimpressive applicantsof all races. That's really all that is going on when you consider LSAT scores. The support and education a student receives in law school is the most honest (and thus hardest to measure) predictor of a student's future success.

LSAT score does not reveal much about the student. As a minority I worked so hard for the family and never had good time to study leading to poor LSAT score.

Failure by minority students to do well in LSAT is an indicator of hardship the students come from.

The talk that the minorities are ne'er do wells doesn't add up until many factors that undermine and subjugate them are considered. Many of us are products of poverty and deprivation 2011 nike air max royal blue white.

Well, I got the LSAT Prep books I took the classes and still didnt get a good score. Actually I did worse than what I did before. When I first took the test without any preparation, I did better. It seems like when I actually started to prepare for the LSAT, my scores got lower. I do not know what that is all about. I graduated from undergrad 3 yrs ago I keep tryng to pass this test, but no luck. The LSAT is somewhat pointless to me. It doesn't prove how good I can be in law school or if I will be a good lawyer for that fact. I didnt do good on the ACT but I graduated Cum laude from college. So, I just don't understand. I have even had a Supreme Court Justice tell me he doesnt understand why we are required to take the lSAT b/c he knows some good lawyers that did bad on the test he knows some bad lawyers that did good on the test. I just have to keep trying. It's just really frustrating. I'm glad I am not the only one that is going through this b/c for a long time I thought I was the only one.

Some people believe that granting admissions a nontraditional minority student with low test scores over a traditional nonminority student with high test scores is harmful to minority students because they tend to drop out, flunk out, or, even if they graduate, pass the bar examination at a lower rate than students with higher standardized test scores.

However, nontraditional minority students come from complex backgrounds and not given the same quality of education as their higher scoring peers, that tend to come from affluent backgrounds.

Furthermore, minority students will lose regardless as highly selective scores place a greater emphasis on high test scores than less selective and lower ranked institutions. Consequently, these highly selective schools like Harvard, Stanford, and Yale fail to account for the myriad educational inequalities predominantly within urban elementary and high schools. For this reason, some minority students remain in a loselose situation.

Standardized tests, and other artificial barriers in our society like racism, are social constraints designed to oppress African Americans and maintain white supremacy.

If the NBA was unable to look beyond test scores, would we have ever seen a Larry Bird or a Kevin McHale? Let's face it, as far as athletic exams, these two would have flunked. After all, their vertical leaps, bench press, 40 times, etc would not have measured up to those of a allstar Dominique Wilkins (zero titles) or Charles Barkley. aptitude exams (LSAT, GMAT, GRE, SAT, et. al.); they are different."

I gotcha covered.

How many top NFL QB's have flunked or all but flunked the NFL's "aptitude" exam? Would we have seen a Manning, a Rothlesburger or a Marino if the NFL gave as much weight to their scores as schools give to the LSAT?

Much to our good graces, the NFL doesn't do so. Because the scouts, coaches, GM's, Presidents, and owners understand that some people can just play. And no "standardized" exam is going to predict their performance in the field with any accuracy.

It works the same for lawyers. The people with the best test scores or grades do not always make the best lawyers.

Willie E. Gary is one of the top attorneys in the country air max 2011. His LSAT is allegedly 450( a 145 in todays scoring the formula is add a "1" to the front of the score and drop the "0" off of the back).

posted on 2013-10-22 11:46  kiqi  阅读(236)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
