A Great Professional Basketball Player


When someone writes an article praising the talents of aplayer or a group of players, inevitably, they will be called a dummy. No matter how defined the list or article maybe, somewhere out there, someone will call you names because you left their player(s) off the list. Fact of the matter is, statistically, an argument can be made to justify a particular point . Often times nike air max blue, a player may not possess the appropriate data that would propel him/her to the highest tier of the sport. Nonetheless, if I identify a player as being a great one, you can say nothing to dispel my pick. Simply put, you have your player and I have mine.

Whenever I go to a sporting event, I am not there to cheer your favorite player on, but rather, to cheer my ownnike air max for women. If we happen to have or like the same team and player, so be it. From an owner's perspective, you can tell a great or potentially great player by the size of the contract. Owners are businessmen and will not invest huge sums of money if they do not anticipate large returns.

No matter how we view it, the bottom line in any sport is the money. Even if the average fan thinks a particular player has no talent, if for whatever reason, that person can fill every seat, he is a winner. The owners have enough PR people to know who sells and who doesn't. Many factors go into this processnike air maxes. It may be the number of jerseys sold in the player's name. It may be the number of commercials a player appears in.

Some teams are just winners. When certain teams come to town, it is an instant sellout. While other teams may appear and the place is half empty or half full. Whenever the star player touches the ball, the place lights up with excitement. This is why the fans came. They want their player to put on a show that will be forever etched in their memory. Whether the player makes a threepointer or an incredible dunk, the crowd erupts with joy.

Some fans will spend their very last dime just to be in the arena when a great game is being played. They will always relish that amazing dunk Nike Air Max 2013, or that long threepointer at the buzzer. They will forever have this moment to cherish and of course to pass on to their grand children.

posted on 2013-10-14 08:59  kiqi  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
