The Famous know how to sell a product for sure


Advertising is something that dominates our daily life. Companies go global with their marketing to sell products, and big names such as Coca Cola, Marlboro, and the likes are well known worldwide cheap jordans for sale. But the most successful in my mind is the advertising done by people. I am referring to athletes, actors and actresses, musicians, and people known to the general population. As discussed in my peer blog, it is scary to think that things can sell so easily with the aid of The one product that comes to mind is basketball shoes, promoted by basketball players themselves. These are proven to be huge successes, and people will buy the product based solely on the name.

So imagine if superstars were the promoters of cigarettes. Yes, we see rappers selling products such as sprite (rapper Drake is the one that comes to mind), but imagine if Lebron James were to be the main promoter for Camel Lights. Take all of those people who buy his shoes based solely on the name behind it. Yes, some are buying for the quality of the product, but Lebron himself is a strong selling point. Think of those kids and even adults who might buy the product, Camel Lights in this case, based solely because Lebron is promoting it. Obviously, this may not hold true since cigarettes may be a radical point, but the point I am trying to make is that people are so successful at selling a product.

So why do you think these people are getting hired! Well duh, look at the amount of revenue they are providing for companies. I be honest; I bought the Gillette razor because Roger Federer was in the advertisement.

Justin, I think this is a really interesting way to evaluate advertising. I could not agree more that often times influences by celebrities can be overwhelming. I have bought very few things just because i saw a famous person wearing them, but the concept behind this method i think is very successful. You gave a fictitious example juxtaposing the advertising relationships of famous people and the cigarette industry and although i know few famous people would endorse cigarettes anymore, it was definitely true in the past. Although I could not find the perfect clip to share with you, I remember seeing an ad from The Truth campaign about the infamous Marlboro cowboy who advertised for them for years. In the video they show him 20 to 30 years later, first dying of throat and lung cancer and eventually his coffin. I think the irony of their ads is that everyone remembers their ads, which rarely show famous endorsements, and yet are very successful. Additionally, I think thetruth campaigns newest ads (shards'oglass) are the most thought provoking yet. Otherwise, the bosses won be willing to pay such a huge amount of advertising fee for their products. But, I am questioning do the famous know the product well enough to brag out for it. It brings me back to an advertisement on a shampoo which was advertised by Jacky Chen, a worldwide famous actor. The product came to great success because of the famous people effect, but later it was found that the shampoo had ingredients that cause cancer. As soon as the news came out, people got panicked and astonished. Why would someone advertise a poisonous product? The thing is Jacky Chen might not even know the fact. As long as he got well-paid, he worked for the product. Such situation is prevalent in China nowadays. Famous people don care about the quality of the product that they are advertising for. All they do is merely business. So, do the famous really know to sell a product?


I think your example with a famous person selling cigarettes is extremely clever, and it really got me thinking. I had never thought of this before, but now that you brought it to my attention, I completely agree with you. People go for the product if they feel that, well, if its good enough for (whatever famous person), then its good enough for me. People really do buy products according to who is endorsing them, so who is to say that they wouldn't buy something harmful like cigarettes, just because their favorite actor or whoever was selling them in an ad. I know that I personally have fallen into the trap of purchasing products because celebrities have endorsed them (although I'd like to think that I'd be smart enough not to buy something detrimental to my health just because I saw a celebrity supporting it) but there are definitely people out there who might. Your blog raises a very interesting point about the power of advertising!

I think you make a good point here, famous people boost sales like crazy when it comes to this stuff. But, I feel like in Lebron's case, at least with his shoes, its a little different. Lebron's shoes are his products, just as Jordans are products of Michael Jordan. Customers buy Lebron's shoes not solely on the fact that he is in the commercial but because there is an assumption that Lebron has had an influence in creating the basketball sneaker that bears his name. As a customer and basketball player who else would you want influencing the design of your basketball shoe besides the best player in the sport. But, your still right about how many times stars are just figureheads and have nothing to do with the product besides smiling and telling everyone to buy it. Oh and I also use Gillette but its not because of Federer, its cause of Tiger.

Justin I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. Athletes dominate in advertising in regards to their ability to sell products with just the image of their face. They bring a lot of success in helping to advertise products that usually aren associated with sports, but when they advertise equipment related to the sport in which they participate then the ability they have to bring exposure to that certain product skyrockets. I have seen this happen first hand from my experience working retail at the sporting goods store Finish Line. When customers came in, especially the assumed target audience of this form of advertising which was generally males anywhere from around 8-25 years of age, they went directly to the name brand shoes, such as Jordans or LeBron shoe. I heard many comments such as are the ones from the commercial mommy or have to get Jordans, I can wear any other type of shoe and many more along those lines, illustrating the dominance asserted by athletes when their success in their respective sports is exploited through means of advertising.

This is a really good point about the potential for celebrity endorsement. This is especially important in the tobacco industry cheap air jordans. It's really funny to think that just 50 years ago celebrities openly and consistently endorsed tobacco. It's weird to think that Derek Jeter or Lebron James even smoking a cigarette in public - much less endorsing them - is unthinkable, but was a common practice not too long ago.

posted on 2013-04-26 10:38  kiqi  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
