>>> myCat = {"size":"fat","color":"gray","disposition":"loud"} >>> myCat["size"] 'fat' >>> "my cat has " + myCat["color"] + " fur" 'my cat has gray fur'
>>> spam = {1234:"lanuage combination",42:"The answer"} >>> spam[1234] 'lanuage combination'
- 列表与字典
>>> spam = ["cat","dogs","moose"] >>> bacon = ["dogs","cat","moose"] >>> spam == bacon False >>> eggs = {"name":"zophie","species":"cat","age":8} >>> ham = {"species":"cat","age":8,"name":"zophie"} >>> eggs == ham True
- keys()、values()和items()方法
>>> birthday = {"Alice":"Apr 1","Bob":"Dec 12","Carol":"Mar 4"} >>> for k in birthday.keys(): ... print(k) ... Alice Bob Carol >>> for v in birthday.values(): ... print(v) ... Apr 1 Dec 12 Mar 4 >>> for item in birthday.items(): ... print(item) ... ('Alice', 'Apr 1') ('Bob', 'Dec 12') ('Carol', 'Mar 4')
- 检查字典中是否存在键或值
>>> birthday = {"Alice":"Apr 1","Bob":"Dec 12","Carol":"Mar 4"} >>> "Alice" in birthday.keys() True >>> "Apr 1" in birthday.values() True >>> "sss" not in birthday.keys() True >>> "sss" in birthday.keys() False
- get()方法
>>> picnicItems = {"apples":5,"cups":2} >>> "I am bringing " + str(picnicItems.get("cups",0)) + " cups" 'I am bringing 2 cups' >>> "I am bringing " + str(picnicItems.get("eggs",0)) + " eggs." 'I am bringing 0 eggs.'
- setdefault()方法
>>> spam = {"name":"Pooka","age":5} >>> spam.setdefault("color","black") 'black' >>> spam {'name': 'Pooka', 'age': 5, 'color': 'black'} >>> spam.setdefault("color","white") 'black'
import pprint message = "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were strking thirteen." count = {} for character in message: count.setdefault(character,0) count[character] = count[character] + 1 pprint.pprint(count) ---------------------------------------- {' ': 13, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'A': 1, 'I': 1, 'a': 4, 'b': 1, 'c': 3, 'd': 3, 'e': 5, 'g': 2, 'h': 3, 'i': 5, 'k': 2, 'l': 3, 'n': 4, 'o': 2, 'p': 1, 'r': 5, 's': 3, 't': 6, 'w': 2, 'y': 1}
- 嵌套的字典和列表
allGuests = { "Alice":{"apples":5,"pretzels":12}, "Bob":{"ham sandwiches":3,"apples":2}, "Carol":{"cups":3,"apple pies":1} } def totalBrought(guests,item): numBrought = 0 for k,v in guests.items(): numBrought = numBrought + v.get(item,0) return numBrought print("Number of things being brought:") print("- Apples " + str(totalBrought(allGuests,"apples"))) print("- Cups " + str(totalBrought(allGuests,"cups"))) print("- Cakes " + str(totalBrought(allGuests,"cakes"))) print("- Ham sandwiches " + str(totalBrought(allGuests,"ham sandwiches"))) print("- Apples Pies " + str(totalBrought(allGuests,"apple pies"))) ---------------------- Number of things being brought: - Apples 7 - Cups 3 - Cakes 0 - Ham sandwiches 3 - Apples Pies 1
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