(Making up the Mind试译1)Preface



   Inside my head there is an amazing labor-saving device. Better even than
a dishwasher or a calculator, my brain releases me from the dull, repetitive
task of recognizing the things in the world around me, and even saves me from needing to think about how to control my movements.
I can concentrate on the important things in life: making friends and
sharing ideas. But, of course, my brain doesn’t just save me from tedious
chores. My brain creates the “me” that is released into the social world.
Moreover, it is my brain that enables me to share my mental life with
my friends and thereby allows us to create something bigger than any of
us are capable of on our own. This book describes how the brain makes
this magic.



    My work on the mind and the brain has been possible through funding
from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. The MRC
enabled my work on the neuropsychology of schizophrenia through its
support of Tim Crow’s psychiatry unit in the Clinical Research Centre
at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, Middlesex. At that time we
could only make indirect inferences about relationships between the
mind and the brain, but this all changed in the 1980s with the development
of brain scanners. The Wellcome Trust enabled Richard Frackowiak
to create the Functional Imaging Laboratory and supported my investigations
there into the neural correlates of consciousness and social
interactions. The study of the mind and the brain cuts across traditional
disciplines, from anatomy and computational neurobiology to philosophy
and anthropology. I have been fortunate that I have always worked in
multidisciplinary – and multinational – groups.
    我研究心理学与大脑课题的基金来源于Medical  Research Council 和Welcom Trust.在Harrow的Northwick Park医院的Tim Crow的精神病学小组临床研究中心的支持下,我致力于神精心理学--精神分裂症方面的研究.在那时,我们只能间接推论思维与大脑之间
的关系,只到80年代随着脑部扫描仪的发展进步,这一切才得以改变.Wellcome Trust公司
授权Frackowiak建造Functional Imaging 实验室并支持我在神经与意识,社会关系的研究.
    I have benefited greatly from my interactions with my colleagues and
friends at University College London, in particular Ray Dolan, Dick
Passingham, Daniel Wolpert, Tim Shallice, Jon Driver, Paul Burgess, and
Patrick Haggard. At the early stages of this book I had many fruitful
discussions on the brain and the mind with my friends at Aarhus, Jakob
Hohwy and Andreas Roepstorff, and at Salzburg, Josef Perner and Heinz
Wimmer. Martin Frith and John Law have argued with me about many
of the topics covered in this book for as long as I can remember. Eve
Johnstone and Sean Spence generously gave me expert advice on psychiatric
phenomena and their significance for brain science.
    在伦敦大学和我的同事们朋友们的交流使我受益颇深,特别是Ray Dolan, Dick
Passingham, Daniel Wolpert, Tim Shallice, Jon Driver, Paul Burgess, 和
Patrick Haggard.在这本书的早期阶段有很多我和Jakob Hohwy , Andreas Roepstorff 在Aarhus 以及和 Josef Perner and Heinz Wimmer在Salzburg关于大脑和思维方面的讨论.只要我能忘得,我还能看到这本书里那些和Martin Frith,John辨论的话题. Eve Johnstone和Sean Spence慷慨地给了我许多关于精神病现象在脑科学意义方面许多建议.
    Perhaps the most important impetus for writing this book came
from my weekly discussions with the breakfast group, past and present.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Davina Bristow, Thierry Chaminade, Jenny Coull,
Andrew Duggins, Chloë Farrer, Helen Gallagher, Tony Jack, James Kilner,
Hakwan Lau, Emiliano Macaluso, Eleanor Maguire, Pierre Maquet, Jen
Marchant, Dean Mobbs, Mathias Pessiglione, Chiara Portas, Geraint Rees,
Johannes Schultz, Sukhi Shergill, and Tania Singer all have helped to
shape this book. I am deeply grateful to them.
Blakemore, Davina Bristow, Thierry Chaminade, Jenny Coull,
Andrew Duggins, Chloë Farrer, Helen Gallagher, Tony Jack, James Kilner,
Hakwan Lau, Emiliano Macaluso, Eleanor Maguire, Pierre Maquet, Jen
Marchant, Dean Mobbs, Mathias Pessiglione, Chiara Portas, Geraint Rees,
Johannes Schultz, Sukhi Shergill, 和 Tania Singer都塑造了此书,我很感激他们
    Karl Friston and Richard Gregory read sections of the book and have
given me much help and useful advice. I am grateful to Paul Fletcher for
his encouragement at an early stage to create the Professor of English
and the other characters who argue with the narrator.
    Philip Carpenter went well beyond the call of duty to provide incisive
    Karl Friston 和 Richard Gregory阅读了书中许多章节并给予我很多帮助和有用的建议.感激 Paul Fletcher在早期鼓励我创造了英语教授和其他和叙述者争论的人物.Philip Carpenter在工作之余提供了许多敏锐的评论.
    Most of all I am grateful to those who read all the chapters and
provided detailed comments. Shaun Gallagher and two anonymous readers
made many useful suggestions. Rosalind Ridley caused me to think
more carefully about my claims and to be more precise in my terminology.
Alex Frith helped me to eliminate jargon and failures of continuity.
    Uta Frith was closely involved in all stages of the development of the
project. Without her example and guidance this book would not exist. 
    我尤其感激那些读了所有章节并提供了详细评论的读者.Shaun Gallagher和其他两个匿名读者提供了很多有用的建议.Rosalind Ridley使我更仔细地思考我的措词和用辞的严谨.Alex Frith 帮助了剔除了专业术语和连贯性的错误Uta Frith密切参于了项目开发的各个阶段.没有她的实例和指导,为本书不会问世.





x   preface

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