原文url: http://infospace.ischool.syr.edu/2012/02/16/14-online-resources-to-learn-ios-development/


  • TeamTreehouse.com- Fee for month online video tutorials from some brilliant programmers
  • [免费的视频资源,一些杰出的程序员开讲教程]------非常棒,有的概念还是视频讲的容易接受
  • DesignThenCode.com- Download both the design and code boilerplates and follow along in the tutorial
  • Mobile.Tutsplus.com- A collection of various mobile development tutorials
  • StackOverflow.com- Crowd-sourced developer question and answer, chances are if you have a question it’s been or can be answered here
  • Apple- Learn Objective C- Apple knows the value of it’s products is in the app store, here they have released some pretty thorough Objective C documentation
  • PhoneGap.com- Know HTML? PhoneGap helps you turn html into a native app
  • Titanium- Similar to PhoneGap, Titanium helps turn html into a native app, but is heavier in needed javascript knowledge
  • Lynda.com- Wealth of knowledge. Fee for month service giving you way more then just iOS development and programming but complete adobe suite tutorials and more
  • Stanford iOS Development CS 193P- Learn with the students of Stanford, download homework, lectures and notes and participate in the class as the semester progresses
  • TechnoBuffalo- More of a variety page, offering reviews as well as tutorials but worth the look and good reference point
  • MIT intro to iOS Development- Similar to Stanfords iOS development course, but originating on the opposite coast
  • iPhone App Development: Where to Start??- Walk through of what can seem like a complicated and overwhelming amount of starting steps
  • Maniac Dev- List style tutorials
  • Mobile Orchard’s Hello World- We had to include at least one Hello World tutorial for sentimental reasons


posted on 2013-12-09 15:40  sokeyer  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报