Data Types

5.2 Data Types

We need to define data types for AVL trees like we did for BSTs. AVL tree nodes contain all the fields that a BST node does, plus a field recording its balance factor:

144. <AVL node structure 144> =
/* An AVL tree node. */
struct avl_node 
  { struct avl_node *avl_link[2]; /* Subtrees. */ void *avl_data; /* Pointer to data. */ signed char avl_balance; /* Balance factor. */ };

This code is included in 142.

We're using avl_ as the prefix for all AVL-related identifiers.

The other data structures for AVL trees are the same as for BSTs.

posted on 2010-10-04 13:32  sohu2000000  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
