Go to the Search programs and filesbar at the bottom of the start menu and type "regedit" and hit enter
Using the left pane navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python" & click on it (highlighting it in blue)
With the branch selected go to File --> Export
Save the file somewhere you can get to it easily
Open the file in your favorite text editor
Insert "\Wow6432Node" inbetween "SOFTWARE" and "\Python" on every line (an easy way to do this is to do a find and replace with "SOFTWARE" in the Find Field and "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node" in the Replace Field
Save the file
Navigate to where you saved said file and double click on it to initiate a Registry Modification
Open a command prompt (type "cmd" into the same Search programs and filespane as above) and navigate to your Python Scripts folder (something like "cd C:\Python27\Scripts")
type "easy_install C:\Downloads\zope.interface-3.8.0-py2.6-win-amd64.egg" (replacing C:\Downloads\ with wherever you downloaded Zope.Interface to) and hit enter
When it ask you to navigate to a Python 2.6 Directory, just point it to your Python 2.7 Directory (C:\Python27 by default)
Install w3lib
Open a command prompt (Start -> Search programs and files-> "cmd")
Navigate to your Python Scripts Folder (nominally "C:\Python27\Scripts")
Type "easy_install w3lib" and hit enter
Now we just need to add the Python Scripts folder to the System Path so we can use scrapy
Click the "Start Menu" button and Right Click on "Computer" and select "Properties"
Click "Advanced system settings" in the left bar
Click "Environment Variables..."
Find the "Path" variable in the (lower) System variables Pane and double click on it
Click in the "Variable value:" pane and hit the "End" button
Type, or paste, ";C:\Python27\Scripts\" (modify for wherever you installed Python) at the end of the line
Be sure not to disturb or change any of the existing information there
Hit OK, OK,OK, X
You MIGHT have to install PyWin32. I did so in an effort to fix another problem as it was recommended by the Scrapy Installation Guide. Although it didn't fix the problem I was targeting it may have prevent other problems from arising. Install PyWin32 if you are having problems
Download pywin32-216.win-amd64-py2.7.exe from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build 218/
Double click the downloaded file & install the software