MAX里DotNet 应用函数

struct ListViewOps
   m_dnColor = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color",
   function MXSColor_to_dotNetColor hColor =
      m_dnColor.fromARGB hColor.r hColor.g hColor.b

   function dotNetColor_to_MXSColor dnColor =
      local mxsCol = color (dnColor.r as integer) (dnColor.g as integer) (dnColor.b as integer)

   function InitImageList lv stringFileArray pSize:0 =
      --[brief] This method only adds icons and bitmaps, to an imagelist.
      --        An imagelist is a structure that manages images for a control.
      --[param] lv - The listview control. Must inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Control class.
      --[param] stringFileArray - A maxscript array containing filenames of the images to add.
      -- Must pass the string file names as a symbolic pathname:
      -- i.e. "$ui/icons/mybitmap.bmp"
      --[param] pSize - The size of the bitmap to add. For example 16 if the image is 16 x 16 pixels.
      --[return] A System.Windows.Forms.ImageList

      local hImgList  = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ImageList"
      local imgSize   = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 16 16
      if pSize == 0 then
         hImgList.imagesize = imgSize
      )else if (pSize > 2)

                   imgSize   = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" pSize pSize
                   hImgList.imagesize = imgSize
              local bColor  = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color"
              if pTransparentColor != undefined and (classof pTransparentColor == color) then
                    local col = pTransparentColor --temporary
                    hImgList.transparentColor = bColor.fromARGB col.r col.g col.b
                    hImgList.transparentColor = bColor.fromARGB 125 125 125 
             local img    = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Image"

            function IsIconFile stringFileName =
                   local type = GetFileNameType stringFileName
                   local result = false
                   if type == ".ico" do ( result = true )
           for file in stringFileArray do
                  fName = (symbolicPaths.expandFileName file)
                  if (IsIconFile fName ) then --Add icons
                         local icon  = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Icon" fName
                         hImgList.images.add icon
                   else --or Add bitmaps

          local dnBitmap = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" fName
          hImgList.images.add dnBitmap
  lv.SmallImageList = hImgList


   function AddLvItem lv                 \
                    pTextItems:#()        \
                    pChecked:  false      \
                    pHashKey:  ""         \
                    pTag:      undefined  \
                    pToolTip:  ""         \
                    pInsertAt: undefined  \
                    pImgIndex: 1          \
                    pIndent:   0 =
        --[brief] This function Creates and Adds a ListViewItem to a ListView control.
        --[param] pTextItems - A maxscript array that contains the strings to put in each cell
        --                     of the listview cells which are called ListViewSubItems
        --[param] pChecked   - If true displays a checkbox to the far left of the listview item
        --[param] pHashKey   - A string used for a hash table index
        --[param] pTag       - Any maxscript / custom value to be stored in the tag property
        --[param] pToolTip   - A string to be used for the tooltip for the ListViewItem
        --[param] pInsertAt  - A number used to insert a new listviewItem in the middle of a listview.
        --[param] pImgIndex  - Index of the image to use in the embedded imagelist.
        --[param] pIndent    - A number used to specify how far to indent the text of ListViewItems.
        --[return] Returns the newly created Listview Item.

        local item = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem" pTextItems[1]
        item.Checked   = (pChecked == 1 or pChecked == true)
        item.indentCount = pIndent
        if pHashKey == "" then
               ( item.Name = pTextItems[1] ) --Useful for fast lookup
        else ( item.Name = pHashKey )
        if pTag != undefined do
            (    item.tag  = pTag   )
        item.toolTipText = pToolTip
        item.imageIndex  = pImgIndex
        --Inserts the first item in the pTextItems array after ListViewItem specified by
        --the pInsertAt index.
        if (pInsertAt != undefined) and (pInsertAt > 0) then
               lv.items.Insert pInsertAt item
               item.indentCount = 1
               lv.items.add item
  --If the pTextItems array contains more than one entry, add additional cell
  -- entryies to the listviewITem in the form of ListViewSubItem class objects.
  --Note that an extra column will have to have been added to the listview to
  -- display these.

         local count = pTextItems.count
  -- Cache this method to improve performance
         local itemSubItemsAdd = item.SubItems.add

         for i = 2 to count do
                -- subItem is of class System.Windows.Forms.ListViewSubItem
                local subItem = itemSubItemsAdd pTextItems[i]
                if (pHashKey == "") then --Useful for fast lookup
                       ( = pTextItems[i] )
                else ( = phashKey )

                subitem.tag = pTag
          --return the listview item if the caller wants it

 function DeleteLvItem lv index =
         --[brief] Deletes the specified listview item.
         --[param] lv - A System.Windows.Forms.ListView control
         --[param] index - The integer index of the item to delete

         if (index != undefined) and (index >= 0) and (index < lv.Items.count) then
              lv.items.removeat index



 function AddLvColumnHeader lv                \
                          pCaption: ""        \
                          pWidth: undefined =
           --[brief] Adds a column header to the listview control
           --[param] lv - A System.Windows.Forms.ListView control
           --[param] pCaption - A string for the column caption
           --[param] pWidth - The horizontal size of the caption cell and column.

           if (pWidth == undefined) do
                 local sizeCaption = GetTextExtent pCaption
                 pWidth = sizeCaption.x
                 pWidth *= 2.0
           --Adds a Column to a listview control.
           local horizontalAlignment = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment"
           lv.Columns.Add pCaption pWidth horizontalAlignment.Left

 function RefreshListView lv =

 function SetFontStyle pControl pStyle =
        --[brief] Changes the font style. The font style is changed according to the list,
        --        but the The size and family are supposed to stay the same.
        --[param] pControl - Must inherit from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class
        --        This control must have a public font property
        --[param] pStyle - A maxscript enumeration or name indicating the style. See the
        --        case statement below for a list of possible values.

        local oldFont = pControl.font
        local oldSize = oldFont.size --as Integer
        local oldStyle=
        local fontStyle     = dotNetClass  "System.Drawing.FontStyle"
        local appliedFontStyle = undefined
        appliedFontStyle = case pStyle of
             #bold: (
                            if(oldStyle != fontStyle.bold) do (oldSize -= 3);
             #regular: (
             #Italic:  (
                            if (oldStyle != fontStyle.Italic) do (oldSize -= 3); 
                           if (oldStyle != fontStyle.underline) do (oldSize -= 3);
            default:   (

  local highLightFont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" oldFont.fontFamily oldSize appliedFontStyle
  pControl.font = highLightFont

 function SetForeColor pControl pColor =
  --[brief] Changes the text color
  --[param] pControl - A control object which must inherit from the class
  --[param] pColor   - A maxscript color value
  --[return] Returns the equivalent System.Drawing.Color
  pControl.foreColor = MXSColor_to_dotNetColor pColor

 function HighLightLvItem pControl pStyle pColor =
  --[brief] Highlights the font of a class object.
  --[param] pControl - A control object which must inherit from the class
  --[param] pStyle   - A maxscript name specifying the font style. See the SetFontStyle function for details.
  SetFontStyle pControl pStyle
  SetForeColor pControl pColor

 -- Mass Deletion Methods
 function ClearColumns lv =

 function ClearLvItems lv =

 -- Selection Methods
 function GetLvSelection lv =
         --[brief] Returns a maxscript array of selected ListViewItems.
         --    The SelectedItems property of a listview is of class
         --    System.Windows.Forms.SelectedListViewItemCollection
         --[param] lv - A ListView control
         --[return] A maxscript array of System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem objects

         local sel = lv.selectedItems
         local result = #()
         if sel.count != 0 then
               local nCount = sel.count - 1 --.NET arrays are zero based
               result = for i = 0 to nCount collect ( sel.item[i] )
               result = #()

 function GetLvSingleSelected lv =
         --[brief] Returns a single selected ListViewItem
         --        from the ListView Control
         --[return] An item of the System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem class

         local result = GetLvSelection lv
         if (result.count > 0) then

 function GetSelectedIndex lv =
          --[brief] Gets the index of the selected listview item. Only one
          --        item can be selected at one time.
          --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
          --[return] The integer index of the selected item in listview control

          local result = -1
          if (lv.SelectedIndices.count == 1) then
                 result = lv.SelectedIndices.item[0]

 function SelectLvItem lv index =
           --[brief] Selects an Item in the Listview by integer index
           --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
           --[param] index - An integer of the item to select. Note that
           --        .NET arrays are zero based.
           --[return] Returns the selected ListViewItem if the selection was
           --         valid, otherwise it returns undefined

          local result = undefined
          if (index != undefined) and (lv.items.count != 0) and (index != -1) then
                  if ( index >= lv.Items.count) do
                        index = lv.Items.count - 1 -- off the end, use last item
                  li = lv.Items.item[ index ]

                  if li != undefined do
                        li.selected = true
                        result = li
         else if (index == -1) do


 -- 表格成员操作
 function GetLvItemName lv nRow nColumn =
          --[brief] Gets the text from the listviewItem or subItem. The listview
          --        must be in report mode, which means displaying its data in a
          --        grid format. All .NET arrays are zero based.
          --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
          --[param] nRow - An integer for the row, or ListViewItem to query
          --[param] nColumn - An integer for the column (if any) to help locate the cell
          --        by an x y coordinate system.
          --[return] A string from the specified cell.

         local result = ""
         if nRow >= 0 and \
         nRow < lv.Items.count and \
         nColumn >= 0 and \
         nColumn < (lv.columns.count) then
              local li = lv.Items.item[ nRow ]
              local si = li.subItems.item[ncolumn]
              result = si.text
              result = ""

 function SetLvItemName lv nRow nColumn newName =
         --[brief] Sets the text from the listviewItem or subItem. The listview
         --        must be in report mode, which means displaying its data in a
         --        grid format. All .NET arrays are zero based.
         --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
         --[param] nRow - An integer for the row, or ListViewItem to query
         --[param] nColumn - An integer for the column (if any) to help locate the cell
         --        by an x y coordinate system.
         --[param] newName - A string to place into the specified cell.

         if nRow >= 0 and \
         nRow < lv.Items.count and \
        nColumn >= 0 and \
        nColumn < lv.columns.count then
   local li = lv.Items.item[ nRow ]
   local si = li.subItems.item[ncolumn]
   si.text = newName as string
 -- ListViewItem Operations
 function GetLvItemCheck lv index =
  --[brief] Queries whether a ListViewItem is checked or not. A listview Item
  --        must be first displaying checkboxes for this to take effect.
  --        Note: All .NET arrays are zero based.
  --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
  --[param] index - The index of the listview Item to query
  --[return] true if checked, false if not checked
  local result = false
  if index >= 0 and index < lv.Items.count then
   li = lv.Items.item[ index ]
   result = li.checked
 function SetLvItemCheck lv index newState =
  --[brief] Sets a ListViewItems checked state. A listview Item
  --        must be first displaying checkboxes for this to take effect.
  --        Note: All .NET arrays are zero based.
  --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
  --[param] index - The index of the listview Item to query
  --[param] newState - A boolean value that contains the state.
  if index >= 0 and index < lv.Items.count then
   li = lv.Items.item[ index ]
   li.checked = newState
 function SetLvItemRowColor lv index newColor =
  --[brief] Sets the row color for a listview control.
  --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
  --[param] index - The index of the listview Item to modify
  --[param] newColor - A maxscript color
  if index >= 0 and index < lv.Items.count then
   local li = lv.Items.item[ index ]
   li.ForeColor = MXSColor_to_dotNetColor newColor
   --cache these for fast lookup
   local si = li.SubItems.item
   local siCount = (li.SubItems.count - 1)
   local newNETColor = MXSColor_to_dotNetColor newColor
   for i = 0 to siCount do
    si[i].ForeColor = newNETColor
 function GetLvItemCount lv =
 function GetLvItems lv =
  --[brief] Returns a maxscript array of ALL ListViewItems in the listview control
  --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
  --[return] A maxscript array of System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem objects
  local result = #()
  local nCount = lv.items.count - 1 --.NET arrays are zero based
  local lvItems = lv.items
  for i = 0 to nCount do
   append result lvItems.item[i]
 function GetLvItemByName lv stringName =
  --[brief] Searchs the listview control for any listview Items that have
  --        a name matching the passed in string.
  --[param] lv - The System.Windows.Forms.ListView class control
  --[param] stringName - The string to search for
  --[return] An array of all items with the stringName, or undefined
  --         if no items were found
  local result = lv.Items.Find stringName true
  if result.count == 0 do (result = undefined)
 -- The Grand Initialization Method
 function InitListView lv pLabelEdit:    true \
      pAllowReorder: true \
      pCheckBoxes:   false\
      pFullRowSel:   true \
      pMultiSel:     true \
      pGridLines:    true \
      pHideHeaders:  false\
      pAllowDrop:    false\
      pInitColumns:  #()  \
      pInitColWidths:#()  =
  --Initialization Function to set general properties of a listview control
  -- user defined options
  -- Allow the user to edit item text.
  lv.LabelEdit = pLabelEdit;
  -- Allow the user to rearrange columns.
  lv.AllowColumnReorder = pAllowReorder;
  -- Display check boxes.
  lv.CheckBoxes = pCheckBoxes;
  -- Select the item and subitems when selection is made.
  lv.FullRowSelect = pFullRowSel;
  -- Enable multiple selections
  lv.multiselect = pMultiSel
  -- Display grid lines.
  lv.GridLines = pGridLines;
  -- Set Drag and Drop
  lv.allowDrop = pAllowDrop
  -- other options
  -- Set the view to show details.
  local view = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View"
  lv.View = view.Details;
  -- Sort the items in the list in ascending order.
  local sortOrder = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder"
  lv.Sorting = sortOrder.Ascending;
  -- Add columns (if supplied) and name them
  local index = 1
  local doSetWidth = if (pInitColWidths.count == pInitColumns.count) then true else false
  for caption in pInitColumns do
   local width = if (doSetWidth) then pInitColWidths[index] else undefined 
   local header = AddLvColumnHeader lv pCaption: caption pWidth: width
   index += 1
  -- Set Listview to System Colors
  local textColor   = MXSColor_to_dotNetColor (((colorman.getColor #text  )*255) as color)
  local windowColor = MXSColor_to_dotNetColor (((colorman.getColor #window)*255) as color)

  lv.backColor = windowColor
  lv.foreColor = textColor

global lvops = ListViewOps()

if (true) do --for testing
 lvstuff = ListViewOps()
 rollout stuff ~STUFF_ROLLOUT_CAPTION~ width: 250 height: 250
  local flip = true
  dotNetControl lv "Listview" pos: [5,5,0] width: 240 height: 240
  on stuff open do
   lvstuff.InitListView lv pInitColumns: #(~LVSTUFF_COL_TITLE_FIRST~,~LVSTUFF_COL_TITLE_MIDDLE~,~LVSTUFF_COL_TITLE_LAST~) pCheckBoxes: true
   lvstuff.InitImageList lv #("$Ui\\icons\\tvObj.ico", "$Ui\\icons\\tvCutObj.ico", "$Ui\\icons\\tvSet.ico") 
   lvstuff.AddLvItem lv pTextItems: #("Chris", "Paul", "Johnson")
   lvstuff.AddLvItem lv pTextItems: #("Kenneth", "Robert", "Benson","bang","gee","whiz")
   lvstuff.AddLvItem lv pTextItems: #("Jared","Lee","Hess") pInsertAt: 0
   local findA = lvstuff.GetLvItemByName lv "Hess"
   local findB = lvstuff.GetLvItemByName lv "Robert"
   lvstuff.HighLightLvItem lv.items.item[0] #bold (color 255 0 0)
   lvstuff.HighLightLvItem lv.items.item[1] #italic (color 0 185 0)
   lvstuff.HighLightLvItem lv.items.item[2] #underline (color 0 0 255)
   local theItem = lvstuff.AddLvItem lv pTextItems: #("Jared","Lee","Hess") pInsertAt: 0
   theItem.indentCount = 1

   --lvstuff.DeleteLvItem lv 2
   --lvstuff.DeleteLvItem lv 1
   --lvstuff.DeleteLvItem lv 0
  on lv click arg do
   if flip then
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 0 red
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 1 red
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 2 red
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 0 green
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 1 green
    lvstuff.SetLvItemRowColor lv 2 green
   flip = not flip
  on lv columnClick columnHeader do
   lv.ListViewItemSorter = dotnetobject "MXS_dotNet.ListViewItemComparer" columnHeader.column
   lv.ListViewItemSorter = undefined
 createdialog stuff

posted @ 2012-02-20 15:31  softimagewht  阅读(2042)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报