

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        MediaType type = MediaType.parseMediaType("application/json; charset=UTF-8");
        headers.add("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString());
        JSONObject jsonObj = JSONObject.fromObject(params);
        HttpEntity<String> formEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(jsonObj.toString(), headers);

        String result = restTemplate.postForObject(url, formEntity, String.class);

如果直接使用在postForObject中把对象传入很容易出现no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for request type的错误,建议直接先转成字符串,见jsonObj.otString(),





        * This is going to setup the REST server configuration in the applicationContext
        * you can see that I am using the new Spring's Java Configuration style and not some OLD XML file
       ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(RESTConfiguration.class);

        * We now get a RESTServer bean from the ApplicationContext which has all the data we need to
        * log into the REST service with.
       RESTServer mRESTServer = context.getBean(RESTServer.class);

        * Setting up BASIC Authentication access

        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
       UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials =
               new UsernamePasswordCredentials(mRESTServer.getUser(), mRESTServer.getPassword());

               new AuthScope(mRESTServer.getHost(), 8080, AuthScope.ANY_REALM),

       CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory commons = new CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory(client);

        * Setting up data to be sent to REST service
       Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
       vars.put("id", "INID");

        * Doing the REST call and then displaying the data/user object


               This is code to post and return a user object


           RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate(commons); // Added the CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory

           rt.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
           rt.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

           String uri = new String("http://" + mRESTServer.getHost() + ":8080/springmvc-resttemplate-auth-test/api/{id}");

           User u = new User();
           u.setName("Johnathan M Smith");

           User returns = rt.postForObject(uri, u, User.class, vars);

           LOGGER.debug("User:  " + u.toString());


         * This is going to setup the REST server configuration in the applicationContext
         * you can see that I am using the new Spring's Java Configuration style and not some OLD XML file
        ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(RESTConfiguration.class);

         * We now get a RESTServer bean from the ApplicationContext which has all the data we need to
         * log into the REST service with.
        RESTServer mRESTServer = context.getBean(RESTServer.class);

         * Setting up data to be sent to REST service
        Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
        vars.put("id", "JS01");

         * Doing the REST call and then displaying the data/user object



                This is code to post and return a user object


            RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate();
            rt.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
            rt.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

            String uri = new String("http://" + mRESTServer.getHost() + ":8080/springmvc-resttemplate-test/api/{id}");

            User u = new User();
            u.setName("Johnathan M Smith");

            User returns = rt.postForObject(uri, u, User.class, vars);
            LOGGER.debug("User:  " + u.toString());



posted @ 2016-09-07 16:10  沧海一滴  阅读(65736)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报