oracle jdbc jar 的一些说明

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 JDBC Drivers

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Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers
 JavaDoc (4,383,404 bytes)


JDBC Thin for All Platforms

classes12.jar (1,621,582 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3

classes12_g.jar (2,070,298 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.

classes12dms.jar (1,629,454 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.

classes12dms_g.jar (2,078,718 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.

ojdbc14.jar (1,569,316 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5

ojdbc14_g.jar (1,965,422 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.

ojdbc14dms.jar (1,576,882 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service.

ojdbc14dms_g.jar (1,973,634 bytes) - same as ojdbc14dms.jar, except that classes were compiled with "javac -g" and contain some tracing information.

demo.tar (604,160 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.

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