flash 切割游戏
在舞台上点击鼠标,会有一个小球以随机的速度从边上射出,看看它是怎么切割这块木桩的。我使用了“bullet time”来做这个东西,所以你可以看看它是怎么工作的,并且由于当这个小球以高速度飞行的时候,我有的时候会遇到一些问题,但是现在这里只是一个原型。
- package {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.*;
- import Box2D.Collision.*;
- import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*;
- import Box2D.Common.Math.*;
- public class Main extends Sprite {
- private var world:b2World=new b2World(new b2Vec2(0,10),true);
- // You can see the reason for creating the enterPointsVec in the coments in the intersection() method.
- private var enterPointsVec:Vector.<b2Vec2> = new Vector.<b2Vec2>();
- private var numEnterPoints:int=0;
- private var worldScale:Number=30;
- // custom contact listener
- private var customContact=new CustomContactListener();
- public function Main() {
- // defining the custom contact listener
- world.SetContactListener(customContact);
- // calling the debug draw. This is used to show you the bitmaps are correctly applied,
- // and because I did not want to draw the walls :)
- debugDraw();
- // this is the BitmapData representation of the wood
- // check the library to see both the raw image and the sprite
- var woodBitmap:BitmapData=new BitmapData(50,400);
- woodBitmap.draw(new WoodImage());
- // adding the four static, undestroyable walls;
- addWall(320,480,640,20);
- addWall(320,0,640,20);
- addWall(0,240,20,480);
- addWall(640,240,20,480);
- // createBody builds the final body and applies the bitmap.
- createBody(400,270,new <b2Vec2>[new b2Vec2(-25,-200),new b2Vec2(25,-200),new b2Vec2(25,200),new b2Vec2(-25,200)],woodBitmap);
- // You can see the reason for creating the enterPointsVec in the coments in the intersection() method.
- enterPointsVec=new Vector.<b2Vec2>(numEnterPoints);
- // listeners
- stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, shoot);
- addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
- }
- // my old friend debugDraw function
- private function debugDraw():void {
- var debugDraw:b2DebugDraw = new b2DebugDraw();
- var debugSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
- addChild(debugSprite);
- debugDraw.SetSprite(debugSprite);
- debugDraw.SetDrawScale(worldScale);
- debugDraw.SetFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit|b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
- debugDraw.SetFillAlpha(0.5);
- world.SetDebugDraw(debugDraw);
- }
- // function that will add the sphere and launch it
- // arguments are respectively x position, y position, radius, x velocity and y velocity
- private function addSphere(pX:Number,pY:Number,r:Number,vX:Number,vY:Number):void {
- var theSphere:b2Body;
- var sphereShape:b2CircleShape=new b2CircleShape(r/worldScale);
- var sphereFixture:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- sphereFixture.density=1;
- sphereFixture.friction=3;
- sphereFixture.restitution=0.1;
- sphereFixture.shape=sphereShape;
- var sphereBodyDef:b2BodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
- sphereBodyDef.type=b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
- sphereBodyDef.position.Set(pX/worldScale,pY/worldScale);
- sphereBodyDef.bullet=true;
- sphereBodyDef.userData={assetName:"sphere",collided:false};
- theSphere=world.CreateBody(sphereBodyDef);
- theSphere.CreateFixture(sphereFixture);
- theSphere.SetLinearVelocity(new b2Vec2(vX,vY));
- }
- // simple function to add a static wall
- private function addWall(pX:Number,pY:Number,w:Number,h:Number):void {
- var wallShape:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
- wallShape.SetAsBox(w/worldScale/2,h/worldScale/2);
- var wallFixture:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- wallFixture.density=0;
- wallFixture.friction=1;
- wallFixture.restitution=0.5;
- wallFixture.shape=wallShape;
- var wallBodyDef:b2BodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
- wallBodyDef.position.Set(pX/worldScale,pY/worldScale);
- wallBodyDef.userData={assetName:"wall"};
- var wall:b2Body=world.CreateBody(wallBodyDef);
- wall.CreateFixture(wallFixture);
- numEnterPoints++;
- }
- // function to create and texture a dynamic body
- private function createBody(xPos:Number, yPos:Number, verticesArr:Vector.<b2Vec2>, texture:BitmapData) {
- // I need this temp vector to convert pixels coordinates to Box2D meters coordinates
- var vec:Vector.<b2Vec2>=new Vector.<b2Vec2>();
- for (var i:Number=0; i<verticesArr.length; i++) {
- vec.push(new b2Vec2(verticesArr[i].x/worldScale,verticesArr[i].y/worldScale));
- }
- var bodyDef:b2BodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
- bodyDef.type=b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
- var boxDef:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
- boxDef.SetAsVector(vec);
- bodyDef.position.Set(xPos/worldScale, yPos/worldScale);
- // custom userData used to map the texture;
- bodyDef.userData={assetName:"wood",textureData:new userData(numEnterPoints,vec,texture)};
- addChild(bodyDef.userData.textureData);
- var fixtureDef:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- fixtureDef.density=1;
- fixtureDef.friction=0.2;
- fixtureDef.restitution=0.5;
- fixtureDef.shape=boxDef;
- var tempBox:b2Body=world.CreateBody(bodyDef);
- tempBox.CreateFixture(fixtureDef);
- numEnterPoints++;
- }
- // function to shoot the ball
- private function shoot(e:MouseEvent) {
- addSphere(20,240,15,50,Math.random()*40-20);
- stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,shoot);
- }
- // update function to simulate and render the world
- public function update(e:Event):void {
- world.Step(1/300, 10, 10);
- world.ClearForces();
- var spr:Sprite;
- for (var b:b2Body = world.GetBodyList(); b; b = b.GetNext()) {
- if (b.GetUserData()!=null) {
- // according to the collision listener, I am here when the sphere hits the wood
- if (b.GetUserData().assetName=="sphere"&&b.GetUserData().collided) {
- // retrieving sphere velocity
- var sphereVelocity:b2Vec2=b.GetLinearVelocity();
- // getting direction according to velocity
- var sphereDirection:Number=Math.atan2(sphereVelocity.y,sphereVelocity.x);
- // getting sphere position
- var colX:Number=b.GetPosition().x;
- var colY:Number=b.GetPosition().y;
- // clone the sphere
- addSphere(colX*worldScale,colY*worldScale,15,sphereVelocity.x,sphereVelocity.y);
- // perform the raycast
- world.RayCast(intersection, new b2Vec2(colX,colY), new b2Vec2(colX+5*Math.cos(sphereDirection),colY+5*Math.sin(sphereDirection)));
- world.RayCast(intersection, new b2Vec2(colX+5*Math.cos(sphereDirection),colY+5*Math.sin(sphereDirection)), new b2Vec2(colX,colY));
- // destroy the original sphere
- world.DestroyBody(b);
- }
- }
- }
- // update graphics on stage
- for (b = world.GetBodyList(); b; b = b.GetNext()) {
- if (b.GetUserData()!=null) {
- spr=b.GetUserData().textureData;
- if (spr) {
- spr.x=b.GetPosition().x*worldScale;
- spr.y=b.GetPosition().y*worldScale;
- spr.rotation=b.GetAngle()*180/Math.PI;
- }
- }
- }
- world.DrawDebugData();
- }
- private function intersection(fixture:b2Fixture, point:b2Vec2, normal:b2Vec2, fraction:Number):Number {
- if (fixture.GetBody().GetUserData()) {
- if (fixture.GetBody().GetUserData().textureData!=null) {
- var spr:Sprite=fixture.GetBody().GetUserData().textureData;
- // Throughout this whole code I use only one global vector, and that is enterPointsVec. Why do I need it you ask?
- // Well, the problem is that the world.RayCast() method calls this function only when it sees that a given line gets into the body - it doesnt see when the line gets out of it.
- // I must have 2 intersection points with a body so that it can be sliced, thats why I use world.RayCast() again, but this time from B to A - that way the point, at which BA enters the body is the point at which AB leaves it!
- // For that reason, I use a vector enterPointsVec, where I store the points, at which AB enters the body. And later on, if I see that BA enters a body, which has been entered already by AB, I fire the splitObj() function!
- // I need a unique ID for each body, in order to know where its corresponding enter point is - I store that id in the userData of each body.
- if (spr is userData) {
- var userD:userData=spr as userData;
- if (enterPointsVec[userD.id]) {
- // If this body has already had an intersection point, then it now has two intersection points, thus it must be split in two - thats where the splitObj() method comes in.
- splitObj(fixture.GetBody(), enterPointsVec[userD.id], point.Copy());
- }
- else {
- enterPointsVec[userD.id]=point;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // function to get the area of a shape. I will remove tiny shape to increase performance
- private function getArea(vs:Vector.<b2Vec2>, count:uint):Number {
- var area:Number=0.0;
- var p1X:Number=0.0;
- var p1Y:Number=0.0;
- var inv3:Number=1.0/3.0;
- for (var i:int = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- var p2:b2Vec2=vs[i];
- var p3:b2Vec2=i+1<count?vs[int(i+1)]:vs[0];
- var e1X:Number=p2.x-p1X;
- var e1Y:Number=p2.y-p1Y;
- var e2X:Number=p3.x-p1X;
- var e2Y:Number=p3.y-p1Y;
- var D:Number = (e1X * e2Y - e1Y * e2X);
- var triangleArea:Number=0.5*D;
- area+=triangleArea;
- }
- return area;
- }
- private function splitObj(sliceBody:b2Body, A:b2Vec2, B:b2Vec2):void {
- var origFixture:b2Fixture=sliceBody.GetFixtureList();
- var poly:b2PolygonShape=origFixture.GetShape() as b2PolygonShape;
- var verticesVec:Vector.<b2Vec2>=poly.GetVertices(),numVertices:int=poly.GetVertexCount();
- var shape1Vertices:Vector.<b2Vec2> = new Vector.<b2Vec2>(), shape2Vertices:Vector.<b2Vec2> = new Vector.<b2Vec2>();
- var origUserData:userData=sliceBody.GetUserData().textureData,origUserDataId:int=origUserData.id,d:Number;
- var polyShape:b2PolygonShape=new b2PolygonShape();
- var body:b2Body;
- // First, I destroy the original body and remove its Sprite representation from the childlist.
- world.DestroyBody(sliceBody);
- removeChild(origUserData);
- // The world.RayCast() method returns points in world coordinates, so I use the b2Body.GetLocalPoint() to convert them to local coordinates.;
- A=sliceBody.GetLocalPoint(A);
- B=sliceBody.GetLocalPoint(B);
- // I use shape1Vertices and shape2Vertices to store the vertices of the two new shapes that are about to be created.
- // Since both point A and B are vertices of the two new shapes, I add them to both vectors.
- shape1Vertices.push(A, B);
- shape2Vertices.push(A, B);
- // I iterate over all vertices of the original body. ;
- // I use the function det() ("det" stands for "determinant") to see on which side of AB each point is standing on. The parameters it needs are the coordinates of 3 points:
- // - if it returns a value >0, then the three points are in clockwise order (the point is under AB)
- // - if it returns a value =0, then the three points lie on the same line (the point is on AB)
- // - if it returns a value <0, then the three points are in counter-clockwise order (the point is above AB).
- for (var i:Number=0; i<numVertices; i++) {
- d=det(A.x,A.y,B.x,B.y,verticesVec[i].x,verticesVec[i].y);
- if (d>0) {
- shape1Vertices.push(verticesVec[i]);
- }
- else {
- shape2Vertices.push(verticesVec[i]);
- }
- }
- // In order to be able to create the two new shapes, I need to have the vertices arranged in clockwise order.
- // I call my custom method, arrangeClockwise(), which takes as a parameter a vector, representing the coordinates of the shape's vertices and returns a new vector, with the same points arranged clockwise.
- shape1Vertices=arrangeClockwise(shape1Vertices);
- shape2Vertices=arrangeClockwise(shape2Vertices);
- // setting the properties of the two newly created shapes
- var bodyDef:b2BodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
- bodyDef.type=b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
- bodyDef.position=sliceBody.GetPosition();
- var fixtureDef:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
- fixtureDef.density=origFixture.GetDensity();
- fixtureDef.friction=origFixture.GetFriction();
- fixtureDef.restitution=origFixture.GetRestitution();
- // creating the first shape, if big enough
- if (getArea(shape1Vertices,shape1Vertices.length)>=0.05) {
- polyShape.SetAsVector(shape1Vertices);
- fixtureDef.shape=polyShape;
- bodyDef.userData={assetName:"debris",textureData:new userData(origUserDataId,shape1Vertices,origUserData.texture)};
- addChild(bodyDef.userData.textureData);
- enterPointsVec[origUserDataId]=null;
- body=world.CreateBody(bodyDef);
- body.SetAngle(sliceBody.GetAngle());
- body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef);
- }
- // creating the second shape, if big enough;
- if (getArea(shape2Vertices,shape2Vertices.length)>=0.05) {
- polyShape.SetAsVector(shape2Vertices);
- fixtureDef.shape=polyShape;
- bodyDef.userData={assetName:"debris",textureData:new userData(origUserDataId,shape2Vertices,origUserData.texture)};
- addChild(bodyDef.userData.textureData);
- enterPointsVec.push(null);
- numEnterPoints++;
- body=world.CreateBody(bodyDef);
- body.SetAngle(sliceBody.GetAngle());
- body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef);
- }
- }
- private function arrangeClockwise(vec:Vector.<b2Vec2>):Vector.<b2Vec2> {
- // The algorithm is simple:
- // First, it arranges all given points in ascending order, according to their x-coordinate.
- // Secondly, it takes the leftmost and rightmost points (lets call them C and D), and creates tempVec, where the points arranged in clockwise order will be stored.
- // Then, it iterates over the vertices vector, and uses the det() method I talked about earlier. It starts putting the points above CD from the beginning of the vector, and the points below CD from the end of the vector.
- // That was it!
- var n:int=vec.length,d:Number,i1:int=1,i2:int=n-1;
- var tempVec:Vector.<b2Vec2>=new Vector.<b2Vec2>(n),C:b2Vec2,D:b2Vec2;
- vec.sort(comp1);
- tempVec[0]=vec[0];
- C=vec[0];
- D=vec[n-1];
- for (var i:Number=1; i<n-1; i++) {
- d=det(C.x,C.y,D.x,D.y,vec[i].x,vec[i].y);
- if (d<0) {
- tempVec[i1++]=vec[i];
- }
- else {
- tempVec[i2--]=vec[i];
- }
- }
- tempVec[i1]=vec[n-1];
- return tempVec;
- }
- private function comp1(a:b2Vec2, b:b2Vec2):Number {
- // This is a compare function, used in the arrangeClockwise() method - a fast way to arrange the points in ascending order, according to their x-coordinate.
- if (a.x>b.x) {
- return 1;
- }
- else if (a.x<b.x) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private function det(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, x3:Number, y3:Number):Number {
- // This is a function which finds the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
- // If you studied matrices, you'd know that it returns a positive number if three given points are in clockwise order, negative if they are in anti-clockwise order and zero if they lie on the same line.
- // Another useful thing about determinants is that their absolute value is two times the face of the triangle, formed by the three given points.
- return x1*y2+x2*y3+x3*y1-y1*x2-y2*x3-y3*x1;
- }
- }
- }
- package {
- import Box2D.Dynamics.*;
- import Box2D.Collision.*;
- import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*;
- import Box2D.Common.Math.*;
- class CustomContactListener extends b2ContactListener {
- override public function PreSolve(contact:b2Contact, oldManifold:b2Manifold):void {
- var nameA:String=contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData().assetName.toString();
- var nameB:String=contact.GetFixtureB().GetBody().GetUserData().assetName.toString();
- if ((nameA=="wood" && nameB=="sphere")||(nameA=="sphere" && nameB=="wood")) {
- if (nameA=="sphere") {
- contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData().collided=true
- }
- else {
- contact.GetFixtureB().GetBody().GetUserData().collided=true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
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