



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="changedate.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function config()
 var strdate,stry,strm,strd;
 var dateobj = new Date();
 stry = dateobj.getYear();
 strm = dateobj.getMonth();
 strd = dateobj.getDay();
 strdate = stry + "-" + strm + "-" +strd;
 document.getElementById("date").value = strdate;
<body onload="config();">
<input id="date" size="10" onClick="popUpCalendar(this, this, 'yyyy-mm-dd')" readonly="readonly" />


 var fixedX = -1   // x position (-1 if to appear below control)
 var fixedY = -1   // y position (-1 if to appear below control)
 var startAt = 1   // 0 - sunday ; 1 - monday
 var showWeekNumber = 0 // 0 - don't show; 1 - show
 var showToday = 0  // 0 - don't show; 1 - show
 var imgDir = "images/"   // directory for images ... e.g. var imgDir="/img/"

 var gotoString = "Go To Current Month"
 var todayString = "Today is"
 var weekString = "Wk"
 var scrollLeftMessage = "选择上个月."
 var scrollRightMessage = "选择下个月."
 var selectMonthMessage = "点这里选择一个月份."
 var selectYearMessage = "点这里选择年."
 var selectDateMessage = "选择日期: [date] " // do not replace [date], it will be replaced by date.

 var crossobj, crossMonthObj, crossYearObj, monthSelected, yearSelected, dateSelected, omonthSelected, oyearSelected, odateSelected, monthConstructed, yearConstructed, intervalID1, intervalID2, timeoutID1, timeoutID2, ctlToPlaceValue, ctlNow, dateFormat, nStartingYear, nStartingMonth

 var bPageLoaded=false
 var ie = false;
 var dom=document.getElementById

 var ns4=document.layers
 var today = new Date()
 var dateNow  = today.getDate()
 var monthNow = today.getMonth()
 var yearNow  = today.getYear()
 var imgsrc = new Array("drop1.gif","drop2.gif","left1.gif","left2.gif","right1.gif","right2.gif")
 var img = new Array()

 var bShow = false;
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    * unhides <select> and <applet> objects (for IE only)
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          if( !obj || !obj.offsetParent )
 = "";

 function HolidayRec (d, m, y, desc)
  this.d = d
  this.m = m
  this.y = y
  this.desc = desc

 var HolidaysCounter = 0
 var Holidays = new Array()

 function addHoliday (d, m, y, desc)
  Holidays[HolidaysCounter++] = new HolidayRec ( d, m, y, desc )

 if (dom)
  for (i=0;i<imgsrc.length;i++)
   img[i] = new Image
   img[i].src = imgDir + imgsrc[i]
  document.write ("<div onclick='bShow=true' id='calendar' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'><table width="+((showWeekNumber==1)?250:220)+" style='font-family:arial;font-size:11px;border-width:1;border-style:solid;border-color:#a0a0a0;font-family:arial; font-size:11px}' bgcolor='#ffffff'><tr bgcolor='#0000aa'><td><table width='"+((showWeekNumber==1)?248:218)+"'><tr><td style='padding:2px;font-family:arial; font-size:11px;'><font color='#ffffff'><B><span id='caption'></span></B></font></td><td align=right><a href='javascript:hideCalendar()'><IMG SRC='"+imgDir+"close.gif' WIDTH='15' HEIGHT='13' BORDER='0' ALT='关闭'></a></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td style='padding:5px' bgcolor=#ffffff><span id='content'></span></td></tr>")
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   document.write ("<tr bgcolor=#f0f0f0><td style='padding:5px' align=center><span id='lblToday'></span></td></tr>")
  document.write ("</table></div><div id='selectMonth' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'></div><div id='selectYear' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'></div>");

 var monthName = new Array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12")
 var monthName2 = new Array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12")
 if (startAt==0)
  dayName = new Array ("日","一","二","三","四","五","六")
  dayName = new Array ("一","二","三","四","五","六","日")
 var styleAnchor="text-decoration:none;color:black;"
 var styleLightBorder="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#a0a0a0;"

 function swapImage(srcImg, destImg){
  if (ie) { document.getElementById(srcImg).setAttribute("src",imgDir + destImg) }

 function init() {
  if (!ns4)
   if (!ie) { yearNow += 1900 }

   crossobj=(dom)?document.getElementById("calendar").style : ie? document.all.calendar : document.calendar

   crossMonthObj=(dom)?document.getElementById("selectMonth").style : ie? document.all.selectMonth : document.selectMonth

   crossYearObj=(dom)?document.getElementById("selectYear").style : ie? document.all.selectYear : document.selectYear


   if (showToday==1)
    document.getElementById("lblToday").innerHTML = todayString + " <a onmousemove='window.status=\""+gotoString+"\"' onmouseout='window.status=\"\"' title='"+gotoString+"' style='"+styleAnchor+"' href='javascript:monthSelected=monthNow;yearSelected=yearNow;constructCalendar();'>"+dayName[(today.getDay()-startAt==-1)?6:(today.getDay()-startAt)]+", " + dateNow + " " + monthName[monthNow].substring(0,3) + " " + yearNow + "</a>"

   sHTML1="<span id='spanLeft' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"left2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+scrollLeftMessage+"\"' onclick='javascript:decMonth()' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"left1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onmousedown='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"StartDecMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);clearInterval(intervalID1)'>&nbsp<IMG id='changeLeft' SRC='"+imgDir+"left1.gif' width=10 height=11 BORDER=0>&nbsp</span>&nbsp;"
   sHTML1+="<span id='spanRight' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeRight\",\"right2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+scrollRightMessage+"\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeRight\",\"right1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='incMonth()' onmousedown='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"StartIncMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);clearInterval(intervalID1)'>&nbsp<IMG id='changeRight' SRC='"+imgDir+"right1.gif' width=10 height=11 BORDER=0>&nbsp</span>&nbsp"
   sHTML1+="<span id='spanMonth' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeMonth\",\"drop2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+selectMonthMessage+"\"' onmouseout='swapImage(\"changeMonth\",\"drop1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='popUpMonth()'></span>&nbsp;"
   sHTML1+="<span id='spanYear' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeYear\",\"drop2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+selectYearMessage+"\"' onmouseout='swapImage(\"changeYear\",\"drop1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='popUpYear()'></span>&nbsp;"
   document.getElementById("caption").innerHTML  = sHTML1


 function hideCalendar() {
  if (crossMonthObj != null){crossMonthObj.visibility="hidden"}
  if (crossYearObj != null){crossYearObj.visibility="hidden"}

     showElement( 'SELECT' );
  showElement( 'APPLET' );

 function padZero(num) {
  return (num < 10)? '0' + num : num ;

 function constructDate(d,m,y)
  sTmp = dateFormat
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("dd","<e>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("d","<d>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<e>",padZero(d))
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<d>",d)
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("mmmm","<p>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("mmm","<o>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("mm","<n>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("m","<m>")
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<m>",m+1)
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<n>",padZero(m+1))
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<o>",monthName[m])
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<p>",monthName2[m])
  sTmp = sTmp.replace ("yyyy",y)
  return sTmp.replace ("yy",padZero(y%100))

 function closeCalendar() {
  var sTmp

  ctlToPlaceValue.value = constructDate(dateSelected,monthSelected,yearSelected)

 /*** Month Pulldown ***/

 function StartDecMonth()

 function StartIncMonth()

 function incMonth () {
  if (monthSelected>11) {

 function decMonth () {
  if (monthSelected<0) {
 function upMonth() {
  if(nStartingMonth > 0)
   nStartingMonth --;
   for (i=0; i<6; i++)
    newMonth = (i + nStartingMonth);
    if (newMonth == monthSelected)
     txtMonth = "&nbsp;<B>" + monthName[newMonth] + "</B>&nbsp;";
     txtMonth = "&nbsp;" + monthName[newMonth] + "&nbsp;";
    document.getElementById("m"+i).innerHTML = txtMonth;

 function downMonth() {
  if(nStartingMonth < 6)
   nStartingMonth ++;
   for (i=0; i<6; i++)
    newMonth = (i + nStartingMonth);
    if (newMonth == monthSelected)
     txtMonth = "&nbsp;<B>" + monthName[newMonth] + "</B>&nbsp;";
     txtMonth = "&nbsp;" + monthName[newMonth] + "&nbsp;";
    document.getElementById("m"+i).innerHTML = txtMonth;

 function selectMonth(nMonth) {
 function constructMonth() {
  if (!monthConstructed) {

   sHTML = "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID1);intervalID1=setInterval(\"upMonth()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID1)'>-</td></tr>"

   if(i < 0)
   if(i > 6)
   nStartingMonth = i;
   for (ii=0; ii<6; ii++, i++, j++) {
    sName = monthName[i];
    if (i==monthSelected){
     sName = "<B>" + sName + "</B>"
    sHTML += "<tr><td id='m" + j + "' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='selectMonth(" + j + ");event.cancelBubble=true'>&nbsp;" + sName + "&nbsp;</td></tr>"

   sHTML += "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID2);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID2);intervalID2=setInterval(\"downMonth()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID2)'>+</td></tr>"

   document.getElementById("selectMonth").innerHTML = "<table width=32 style='font-family:arial; font-size:11px; border-width:1; border-style:solid; border-color:#a0a0a0;' bgcolor='#FFFFDD' cellspacing=0 onmouseover='clearTimeout(timeoutID1)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"popDownMonth()\",100);event.cancelBubble=true'>" + sHTML + "</table>"

 function popUpMonth() {
  crossMonthObj.visibility = (dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"
  crossMonthObj.left = parseInt(crossobj.left) + 50 = parseInt( + 26

  hideElement( 'SELECT', document.getElementById("selectMonth") );
  hideElement( 'APPLET', document.getElementById("selectMonth") );   

 function popDownMonth() {
  crossMonthObj.visibility= "hidden"

 /*** Year Pulldown ***/

 function incYear() {
  for (i=0; i<6; i++){
   newYear = (i+nStartingYear)+1
   if (newYear==yearSelected)
   { txtYear = "&nbsp;<B>" + newYear + "</B>&nbsp;" }
   { txtYear = "&nbsp;" + newYear + "&nbsp;" }
   document.getElementById("y"+i).innerHTML = txtYear
  nStartingYear ++;

 function decYear() {
  for (i=0; i<6; i++){
   newYear = (i+nStartingYear)-1
   if (newYear==yearSelected)
   { txtYear = "&nbsp;<B>" + newYear + "</B>&nbsp;" }
   { txtYear = "&nbsp;" + newYear + "&nbsp;" }
   document.getElementById("y"+i).innerHTML = txtYear
  nStartingYear --;

 function selectYear(nYear) {

 function constructYear() {
  sHTML = ""
  if (!yearConstructed) {

   sHTML = "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID1);intervalID1=setInterval(\"decYear()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID1)'>-</td></tr>"

   j = 0
   nStartingYear = yearSelected-3
   for (i=(yearSelected-3); i<(yearSelected+3); i++) {
    sName = i;
    if (i==yearSelected){
     sName = "<B>" + sName + "</B>"

    sHTML += "<tr><td id='y" + j + "' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='selectYear("+j+");event.cancelBubble=true'>&nbsp;" + sName + "&nbsp;</td></tr>"
    j ++;

   sHTML += "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID2);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID2);intervalID2=setInterval(\"incYear()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID2)'>+</td></tr>"

   document.getElementById("selectYear").innerHTML = "<table width=45 style='font-family:arial; font-size:11px; border-width:1; border-style:solid; border-color:#a0a0a0;' bgcolor='#FFFFDD' onmouseover='clearTimeout(timeoutID2)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(timeoutID2);timeoutID2=setTimeout(\"popDownYear()\",100)' cellspacing=0>" + sHTML + "</table>"

   yearConstructed = true

 function popDownYear() {
  crossYearObj.visibility= "hidden"

 function popUpYear() {
  var leftOffset

  crossYearObj.visibility = (dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"
  leftOffset = parseInt(crossobj.left) + document.getElementById("spanYear").offsetLeft
  if (ie)
   leftOffset += 6
  crossYearObj.left = leftOffset = parseInt( + 26

 /*** calendar ***/
   function WeekNbr(n) {
      // Algorithm used:
      // From Klaus Tondering's Calendar document (The Authority/Guru)
      // hhtp://
      // a = (14-month) / 12
      // y = year + 4800 - a
      // m = month + 12a - 3
      // J = day + (153m + 2) / 5 + 365y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 - 32045
      // d4 = (J + 31741 - (J mod 7)) mod 146097 mod 36524 mod 1461
      // L = d4 / 1460
      // d1 = ((d4 - L) mod 365) + L
      // WeekNumber = d1 / 7 + 1
      year = n.getFullYear();
      month = n.getMonth() + 1;
      if (startAt == 0) {
         day = n.getDate() + 1;
      else {
         day = n.getDate();
      a = Math.floor((14-month) / 12);
      y = year + 4800 - a;
      m = month + 12 * a - 3;
      b = Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) + Math.floor(y/400);
      J = day + Math.floor((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 365 * y + b - 32045;
      d4 = (((J + 31741 - (J % 7)) % 146097) % 36524) % 1461;
      L = Math.floor(d4 / 1460);
      d1 = ((d4 - L) % 365) + L;
      week = Math.floor(d1/7) + 1;
      return week;

 function constructCalendar () {
  var aNumDays = Array (31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)

  var dateMessage
  var startDate = new Date (yearSelected,monthSelected,1)
  var endDate

  if (monthSelected==1)
   endDate = new Date (yearSelected,monthSelected+1,1);
   endDate = new Date (endDate - (24*60*60*1000));
   numDaysInMonth = endDate.getDate()
   numDaysInMonth = aNumDays[monthSelected];

  datePointer = 0
  dayPointer = startDate.getDay() - startAt
  if (dayPointer<0)
   dayPointer = 6

  sHTML = "<table  border=0 style='font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;'><tr>"

  if (showWeekNumber==1)
   sHTML += "<td width=27><b>" + weekString + "</b></td><td width=1 rowspan=7 bgcolor='#d0d0d0' style='padding:0px'><img src='"+imgDir+"divider.gif' width=1></td>"

  for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
   sHTML += "<td width='27' align='right'><B>"+ dayName[i]+"</B></td>"
  sHTML +="</tr><tr>"
  if (showWeekNumber==1)
   sHTML += "<td align=right>" + WeekNbr(startDate) + "&nbsp;</td>"

  for ( var i=1; i<=dayPointer;i++ )
   sHTML += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
  for ( datePointer=1; datePointer<=numDaysInMonth; datePointer++ )
   sHTML += "<td align=right class="xyz">"
   if ((datePointer==odateSelected) && (monthSelected==omonthSelected) && (yearSelected==oyearSelected))
   { sStyle+=styleLightBorder }

   sHint = ""
   for (k=0;k<HolidaysCounter;k++)
    if ((parseInt(Holidays[k].d)==datePointer)&&(parseInt(Holidays[k].m)==(monthSelected+1)))
     if ((parseInt(Holidays[k].y)==0)||((parseInt(Holidays[k].y)==yearSelected)&&(parseInt(Holidays[k].y)!=0)))

   var regexp= /\"/g

   dateMessage = "onmousemove='window.status=\""+selectDateMessage.replace("[date]",constructDate(datePointer,monthSelected,yearSelected))+"\"' onmouseout='window.status=\"\"' "

   if ((datePointer==dateNow)&&(monthSelected==monthNow)&&(yearSelected==yearNow))
   { sHTML += "<a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer+";closeCalendar();'>&nbsp;<font color=#ff0000>" + datePointer + "</font>&nbsp;</a>"}
   else if (dayPointer % 7 == (startAt * -1)+1)
   { sHTML += "<a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer + ";closeCalendar();'>&nbsp;<font color=#909090>" + datePointer + "</font>&nbsp;</a>" }
   { sHTML += "<a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer + ";closeCalendar();'>&nbsp;" + datePointer + "&nbsp;</a>" }

   sHTML += ""
   if ((dayPointer+startAt) % 7 == startAt) { 
    sHTML += "</tr><tr>" 
    if ((showWeekNumber==1)&&(datePointer<numDaysInMonth))
     sHTML += "<td align=right>" + (WeekNbr(new Date(yearSelected,monthSelected,datePointer+1))) + "&nbsp;</td>"

  document.getElementById("content").innerHTML   = sHTML
  document.getElementById("spanMonth").innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + monthName[monthSelected] + "&nbsp;<IMG id='changeMonth' SRC='"+imgDir+"drop1.gif' WIDTH='12' HEIGHT='10' BORDER=0>"
  document.getElementById("spanYear").innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + yearSelected + "&nbsp;<IMG id='changeYear' SRC='"+imgDir+"drop1.gif' WIDTH='12' HEIGHT='10' BORDER=0>"

 function popUpCalendar(ctl, ctl2, format) {
  var leftpos=0
  var toppos=0

  if (bPageLoaded)
   if ( crossobj.visibility == "hidden" ) {
    ctlToPlaceValue = ctl2

    formatChar = " "
    aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
    if (aFormat.length<3)
     formatChar = "/"
     aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
     if (aFormat.length<3)
      formatChar = "."
      aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
      if (aFormat.length<3)
       formatChar = "-"
       aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
       if (aFormat.length<3)
        // invalid date format

    tokensChanged = 0
    if ( formatChar != "" )
     // use user's date
     aData = ctl2.value.split(formatChar)

     for (i=0;i<3;i++)
      if ((aFormat[i]=="d") || (aFormat[i]=="dd"))
       dateSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10)
       tokensChanged ++
      else if ((aFormat[i]=="m") || (aFormat[i]=="mm"))
       monthSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10) - 1
       tokensChanged ++
      else if (aFormat[i]=="yyyy")
       yearSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10)
       tokensChanged ++
      else if (aFormat[i]=="mmm")
       for (j=0; j<12; j++)
        if (aData[i]==monthName[j])
         tokensChanged ++
      else if (aFormat[i]=="mmmm")
       for (j=0; j<12; j++)
        if (aData[i]==monthName2[j])
         tokensChanged ++

    if ((tokensChanged!=3)||isNaN(dateSelected)||isNaN(monthSelected)||isNaN(yearSelected))
     dateSelected = dateNow
     monthSelected = monthNow
     yearSelected = yearNow


    aTag = ctl
    do {
     aTag = aTag.offsetParent;
     leftpos += aTag.offsetLeft;
     toppos += aTag.offsetTop;
    } while(aTag.tagName!="BODY");

    crossobj.left = fixedX==-1 ? ctl.offsetLeft + leftpos : fixedX = fixedY==-1 ? ctl.offsetTop + toppos + ctl.offsetHeight + 2 : fixedY
    constructCalendar (1, monthSelected, yearSelected);
    crossobj.visibility=(dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"

    hideElement( 'SELECT', document.getElementById("calendar") );
    hideElement( 'APPLET', document.getElementById("calendar") );   

    bShow = true;
    if (ctlNow!=ctl) {popUpCalendar(ctl, ctl2, format)}
   ctlNow = ctl

 document.onkeypress = function hidecal1 () { 
  if (event.keyCode==27) 
 document.onclick = function hidecal2 () {   
  if (!bShow)
  bShow = false


posted @ 2012-08-21 17:09  镇水古月  阅读(557)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报