YARN的重启动问题:RM Restart/RM HA/Timeline Server/NM Restart

ResourceManger Restart

ResourceManager负责资源管理和应用的调度,是YARN的核心组件,有可能存在单点失败的问题。ResourceManager Restart是使RM在重启动时能够使Yarn集群正常工作的feature,并且使RM的出现的失败不被用户知道。

ResourceManager Restart feature is divided into two phases:

  • ResourceManager Restart Phase 1 (Non-work-preserving RM restartsince hadoop2.4.0): Enhance RM to persist application/attempt state and other credentials information in a pluggable state-store. RM will reload this information from state-store upon restart and re-kick the previously running applications. Users are not required to re-submit the applications.
  • ResourceManager Restart Phase 2 (Work-preserving RM restart, since hadoop2.6.0): Focus on re-constructing the running state of ResourceManager by combining the container statuses from NodeManagers and container requests from ApplicationMasters upon restart. The key difference from phase 1 is that previously running applications will not be killed after RM restarts, and so applications won’t lose its work because of RM outage.

ResourceManager High Availability

Hadoop2.4.0之前,ResourceManager存在单点失败的问题。Yarn的HA(高可用)使用Actice/Standby结构。在任意一个时刻,只有一个Active RM,一个到多个Standby RM。其实就是将ResourceManager进行了备份,使得系统中存在Active RM和Standby RM。



Manual transitions and failover

输入yarn rmadmin

Automatic failover

当RM 失效或者不再响应时,基于Zookeeper的ActiveStandbyElector(已经内嵌到了RM中,不用启动单独的ZKFC daemon)选举出新的Active RM。

Client, ApplicationMaster and NodeManager on RM failover

如果有多个RM,那么所有节点上的yarn-site.xml文件都需要列出所有的RM。Clients、AMs、NMs以Round-Robin的方式连接RMs,直到遇到一个Active RM为止。如果Active RM失效,那么重新以Round-Robin的方式找到新的Active RM。

The YARN Timeline Server

YARN通过Timeline Server解决apps当前信息和历史信息的存储和检索。TimelineServer的两个职责:

Persisting Application Specific Information

信息的搜集和检索与特定的app或者框架有关。例如MapReduce框架的信息可以包括number of map tasks, reduce tasks, counters…etc。用户可以将app专门的信息通过Application Master包含的TimelineClient


Persisting Generic Information about Completed Applications

Generic information为app level的信息,例如queue-name,user info等。通用数据被Yarn的RM发布到timeline store中,用于web-UI的已经完成的apps的信息展示。


NodeManager Restart

NodeManager Restart机制能够使NodeManager所在节点的active Containers不丢失。NM在处理container 管理请求时,将必要的state存储到local state-store。当NMs restart时,首先为不同的子系统加载state,然后让子系统使用加载的state进行恢复。

enabling NM Restart:

(1)       将/conf/yarn-site.xml中的yarn.nodemanager.recovery.enabled设置为true。默认为false

(2)       Configure a path to the local file-system directory where the NodeManager can save its run state.

(3)       Configure a valid RPC address for the NodeManager.

(4)       Auxiliary services.






posted @ 2018-04-04 09:36  sodawoods  阅读(1237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报