using System;
namespace net30netfeature
public class ObjectInit
* 对象初使化器包括了一个用逗号分隔的值列表。用{ and }包起来。被初使化的每个成员是公共的属性或字段。
* 在使用对象初始化器时,默认的构造函数被调用,然后在其后对相应的公共成员进行赋值。对象初始化器这个特性
* 实质上是在语法上进行了简化。生成的最终的IL还是一个调用默认的构造函数,然后在其后对相应的公共成员进行赋值
* 的过程
public static void Test()
public static void Test1()
// Make a Point by setting each property manually.
Point firstPoint = new Point();
firstPoint.X = 10;
firstPoint.Y = 10;
// Make a Point via a custom constructor.
Point anotherPoint = new Point(20, 20);
// Make some Point types using the new object init syntax.
//Under C# 3.0, we could now make Points using any of the following approaches:
var yetAnotherPoint = new Point { X = 30, Y = 30 };//is implicitly typed
Point finalPoint = new Point { X = 30, Y = 30 };//隐示的调用默认的构造函数。
Point finalPoint1 = new Point() { X = 30, Y = 30 };//显示的调用默认的构造函数。
* 导致X value of 100 and a Y value of 100, regardless of the fact that our constructor arguments
* specified the values 10 and 16
Point pt = new Point(10, 16) { X = 100, Y = 100 };
public enum PointColor
{ LightBlue, BloodRed, Gold }
public struct Point
public int xPos, yPos;
private PointColor c;
public Point(PointColor color)
xPos = 0; yPos = 0;
c = color;
public Point(int x, int y)
xPos = x; yPos = y;
c = PointColor.Gold;
public int X
get { return xPos; }
set { xPos = value; }
public int Y
get { return yPos; }
set { yPos = value; }
//public override string ToString()
//{ return string.Format("[{0}, {1}]", xPos, yPos); }
public override string ToString()
{ return string.Format("[{0}, {1}, Color = {2}]", xPos, yPos, c); }
public class TestFalgEnum
public static void TestEnumFlag()
//int i = 1;
//int ii = 1;
//Console.WriteLine(i ^ ii);
test aa = new test();
test bb = new test();
aa = test.a;
bb = test.b;
test cc = aa | bb;
Console.WriteLine(Enum.Format(typeof(test), cc, "d"));
Console.WriteLine(cc == test.c);
enum test
a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 8
using System;
namespace net30netfeature
public class ObjectInit
* 对象初使化器包括了一个用逗号分隔的值列表。用{ and }包起来。被初使化的每个成员是公共的属性或字段。
* 在使用对象初始化器时,默认的构造函数被调用,然后在其后对相应的公共成员进行赋值。对象初始化器这个特性
* 实质上是在语法上进行了简化。生成的最终的IL还是一个调用默认的构造函数,然后在其后对相应的公共成员进行赋值
* 的过程
public static void Test()
public static void Test1()
// Make a Point by setting each property manually.
Point firstPoint = new Point();
firstPoint.X = 10;
firstPoint.Y = 10;
// Make a Point via a custom constructor.
Point anotherPoint = new Point(20, 20);
// Make some Point types using the new object init syntax.
//Under C# 3.0, we could now make Points using any of the following approaches:
var yetAnotherPoint = new Point { X = 30, Y = 30 };//is implicitly typed
Point finalPoint = new Point { X = 30, Y = 30 };//隐示的调用默认的构造函数。
Point finalPoint1 = new Point() { X = 30, Y = 30 };//显示的调用默认的构造函数。
* 导致X value of 100 and a Y value of 100, regardless of the fact that our constructor arguments
* specified the values 10 and 16
Point pt = new Point(10, 16) { X = 100, Y = 100 };
public enum PointColor
{ LightBlue, BloodRed, Gold }
public struct Point
public int xPos, yPos;
private PointColor c;
public Point(PointColor color)
xPos = 0; yPos = 0;
c = color;
public Point(int x, int y)
xPos = x; yPos = y;
c = PointColor.Gold;
public int X
get { return xPos; }
set { xPos = value; }
public int Y
get { return yPos; }
set { yPos = value; }
//public override string ToString()
//{ return string.Format("[{0}, {1}]", xPos, yPos); }
public override string ToString()
{ return string.Format("[{0}, {1}, Color = {2}]", xPos, yPos, c); }
public class TestFalgEnum
public static void TestEnumFlag()
//int i = 1;
//int ii = 1;
//Console.WriteLine(i ^ ii);
test aa = new test();
test bb = new test();
aa = test.a;
bb = test.b;
test cc = aa | bb;
Console.WriteLine(Enum.Format(typeof(test), cc, "d"));
Console.WriteLine(cc == test.c);
enum test
a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 8