Setting a Default Value in the Description Field
(在 6.3.6 版本上验证通过)
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This page describes how to set a Default Value for the Description field in JIRA. There's a feature request for this at JRA-4812. Please watch and vote on the issue if this is important to you.
There are workarounds to add this functionality. The modification does not persist if you upgrade JIRA so you'll have to re-apply these steps again in the future. Here are directions to set a default value for your Description field in JIRA:
1、Locate and backup the file: WEB-INF/classes/templates/jira/issue/field/description-edit.vm
2、Open that file:
#controlHeader ($action $field.id $i18n.getText($field.nameKey) $fieldLayoutItem.required $displayParameters.get('noHeader')) ## setup some additional parameters $!rendererParams.put("rows", "12") $!rendererParams.put("wrap", "virtual") ## let the renderer display the edit component $rendererDescriptor.getEditVM($!description, $!issue.key, $!fieldLayoutItem.rendererType, $!field.id, $!field.name, $rendererParams, false) #controlFooter ($action $fieldLayoutItem.getFieldDescription() $displayParameters.get('noHeader'))
3、Add a section like this:
#if($description == '') #set ($description = 'Put stuff here:') #end
So, ultimately it should look something like:
#controlHeader ($action $field.id $i18n.getText($field.nameKey) $fieldLayoutItem.required $displayParameters.get('noHeader')) ## setup some additional parameters $!rendererParams.put("rows", "12") $!rendererParams.put("wrap", "virtual") #if($description == '') #set ($description = 'Put stuff here:') #end ## let the renderer display the edit component $rendererDescriptor.getEditVM($!description, $!issue.key, $!fieldLayoutItem.rendererType, $!field.id, $!field.name, $rendererParams, false) #controlFooter ($action $fieldLayoutItem.getFieldDescription() $displayParameters.get('noHeader'))
4、Restart your JIRA instance.
- Adding multi-line values
If you wish to display in the description a default value of:
1Step 1
3Step 2
5Step 3
you'll need to tweak the above instructions a bit:
#set ($description = "Step 1\ \ Step 2\ \ Step 3") #set ($description = $description.replace('\',' '))
- 实践证明
如将”Step 1…” 替换成输入中文,生效后,界面将会直接显示乱码或者报错,这个。。。该怎么解决这个问题?待研究。如哪位童鞋知道有解决方法,请告之一下,谢谢。
- 替换方案
#if($description == '') #set ($description = "[Prerequisite]\ 1.\ [Step]\ 1.\ 2.\ 3.\ [Actual Result]\ 1.\ 2.\ 3.\ [Expected Result]\ 1.\ 2.\ 3.") #set ($description = $description.replace('\',' ')) #end
- 参考资料
修改脚本方法参考自官方 https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/setting-a-default-value-in-the-description-field-166003857.html