Oracle 多行数据合并成一行
select username, id, wmsys.wm_concat(subject) as subject, wmsys.wm_concat(score) as score from STUDENTSCORES group by username, id
select username, id, LISTAGG(subject, '-') within group(order by subject) as subject, LISTAGG(score, ',') within group(order by score) as score from STUDENTSCORES group by username, id
select username, id, translate(ltrim(subject, '/'), '*/', '*,') as subject,translate(ltrim (score, '/'), '*/', '*,') as score from (select row_number() over (partition by username, id order by username, id, lvl desc) as rn, username, id, subject, score from (select username, id, level lvl, sys_connect_by_path (subject, '/') as subject, sys_connect_by_path (score, '/') as score from (select username, id, subject, score, row_number() over (partition by username,id order by username, id) as num from STUDENTSCORES order by username, id) connect by username = prior username and id = prior id and num - 1 = prior num)) where rn = 1;
- 方案一中默认分隔符为 ‘,’
- 方案二只适合11g之后的版本
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